Everything about construction

These days, the construction industry is considered one of the most successful and money-making industries. The construction industry is very much subject to its own principles and rules, as well as its own terminology. Have you ever thought about the construction steps of a building and how an empty land becomes a furnished building?

In this article, we will get to know the principles, rules and steps of building a building, so stay with us as the article continues.

We all know that to start the construction of a building, we must first provide land and then prepare the land according to the preliminary plan. After providing the land and construction plan, necessary permits such as construction permit should be obtained for the implementation of the designed structure.

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The requirement for permits to start the building construction process is to have ownership documents and land documents, identity information, and to appoint a supervising engineer. After obtaining the permit, construction can begin.



7 common violations in construction
Construction stages

Building foundations are often weak to support structural loads. Many techniques, such as soil reinforcement and the use of light sections in the framework of the structure, are useful for increasing strength and reducing the weight of buildings. In this regard, the most efficient and at the same time the most expensive option is Kobi candles. In the pouring process, column-like structures are used to transfer building loads to deeper layers below the foundation.

Concrete slabs are structural elements that are used to create flat horizontal surfaces such as floors and ceilings. They transfer the incoming loads from the columns to the walls. There are different terms and conditions for choosing a suitable and affordable concrete slab, considering the type of building, architectural arrangement, aesthetic features and span length.

In the construction industry, increasing the strength of buildings is always the most important concern. All Engineers When a building is constructed, there are many things that reduce the durability of the building. One of these cases is the creation of columns in building construction and it causes the destruction of the entire building.

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Construction stages

Excavation is one of the most important stages of building a building. Determining the depth of excavation is very important and calculating the depth required for excavation is an engineering work and should be done by an expert. Excavation is determined according to the number of floors and the amount of load that enters the foundation of the building.

This work must be done with extreme precision by a structural engineer; Because any mistake in excavation calculations will create many risks for the building and its residents. One of these risks is building settlement after construction.


In the next step, i.e. concreting step, a layer of 10-15 cm should be filled inside the pit with concrete. The reason for the importance of this stage in the construction of a building is that concrete can withstand the amount of load entered from the side of the structure and does not allow the building to settle and prevents the building from settling.

After concreting, the foundation of the building is reinforced with mesh bars. At this stage, the foundation of the building is executed.

osule sakhteman sazi

The implementation of the staircase
Building skeleton

The skeleton of buildings can be of two types, concrete skeleton and metal skeleton. If the strength of the structure and the strength of the building as much as possible is very important to you and is a priority, we suggest you use a metal frame.

A truss is a metal structure that is made up of interconnected triangles and is used in the construction of various structures. The task of the truss is to control the tension and evenly distribute the weight of the building. There are different types of trusses and they have different advantages and uses.

Metal materials used in architecture


It should be mentioned that from the economic point of view, the use of concrete skeleton is much more economical than metal scat, and the price of iron is very influential in building structures. For more information about the resistance of the building skeleton, you can refer to the article on the resistance of the building skeleton against fire.

putting up a wall

The next step is to build the wall. At this stage, they start building the wall using prefabricated bricks. It should be noted that prefabricated walls are very affordable from an economic point of view, and they are also sound and thermal insulation.

Joinery Building

After completing the walls of the building, the next step is the joinery of the building. At this stage, plastering, ceramics and painting are done inside the building. Plastering is done by flattening the plaster on the walls. In this part of the work, the floor of the building is covered with a layer of mortar.

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After drying, the floor of the building is covered with mosaic or tiles and sealed to make sure of its strength. Wall tiling is done with plumb. After tiling is done and completely dry, they should be bound with white cement.

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Finishing the roof

To complete the roof of the building, you can use a false ceiling and finish the ceiling from the inside by plastering. Plastering was usually done in the past and is an old method. After the completion of the roof, the facade of the building is executed as the last stage of construction, and after cleaning the site, the building is ready to be handed over to the owner.

Principles of construction

We all know that mistakes in construction cannot be avoided; But using principles and standards helps to reduce errors. In fact, during the construction of any structure, identifying problems and taking appropriate measures will prevent mistakes to a large extent. Also b

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