Executive plan in interior architecture


Interior Architecture


Every interior space, whether it is a place of work, recreation or residence, has the ability to be beautiful; You just need to use the principles and factors of correct organization plus a little taste to create the right and desired conditions. Starting work in space making and decoration should be free of mental aspects and unrealistic imagination. It is necessary to deal with the problem first by considering the objectives and possibilities. Building a house in a dream is easy, but it is difficult in practice !

The purpose of this introduction is not to negate the importance and role of imagination, but rather to present a way that imagination, like other factors, falls under a logical order and takes the form of a constructive element. Due to the many factors that are involved in the formation of a temporary plan, the implementation of the work requires a detailed and regular plan. Step-by-step and calculated progress reduces the loss of accuracy and cost and as a result makes the result of the work fruitful, so it is necessary to consider several factors in the implementation plan .



The first element that should be considered at the beginning is the function and how to use the interior space. A four-wall can be used as a bedroom, living room, children’s room, kitchen, gym, store or office of a certain person for a specific activity It is necessary to divide it by using factors such as lighting and arranging furniture so that the function of each one can be determined precisely .



The needs of a large family are not the same as the needs of a single person. The presence of young children dictates a certain type of decoration, the mental characteristics of the family members and the time they spend together or apart at home is also considered an important aspect in decorating the house, so it is necessary to have the taste of all family members .

Considering the comfort of the residents of the house is more important than beauty in decoration. The beautiful but unusable room gradually turns into a place of ghosts! The place of work, life or rest, if it does not provide suitable and comfortable conditions, it will have a heavy and boring atmosphere, it will make people shy away from themselves. The main role of architecture and interior decoration is in creating a suitable environment for living and human activities .

The view of the room, the amount of natural light and the architectural characteristics of the building are other factors that must be considered before starting the decoration. These factors form fixed components that cannot be changed after the work of others is finished, so the composition should be done in such a way. It allowed the positive aspects of these features to be used to the maximum .



Whether doing work in a new building or changing the decor of an old building, it should be done by considering the shape of the space and implementing its plan. Drawing a map is one of the most necessary actions. Moving the furniture or changing the color on the map is a simple and hassle-free thing, but making any mistake after finishing the work will cost you extra money and rework. He also specified the required furniture .

the light


While drawing a map of the areas from where natural light shines in and the dark areas, as well as the number of ceiling lights and lampshades by determining their exact location, it is necessary to determine the calculation of the public swimming surface and the points that need more light for study or work. is
special Levels

The main surfaces of the room include the ceiling, floor and walls; Curtains cover sofas and chairs, the surface of doors and windows also form smaller surfaces. Color, pattern, texture are effective in making the room look bigger or smaller. Mixed patterns and sharp colors on the mentioned surfaces will attract more attention and will make the space crowded and small.

_________________________________________________________________________انتخاب رنگ در دکوراسیون ، چگونه بهترین ترکیب رنگ را داشته باشیم؟ - آرک داتام

Playing with light


Playing with light in different ways can have an impact on the appearance of the space. Various next tricks that are possible only by making changes in the lighting of a space can make its dimensions appear smaller or larger than it is. Here we mention some of these visual tricks :
To make the height of a room appear taller, use floor lamps or wall lamps that shine light on the ceiling. Lighting up the ceiling makes it look taller than it is .
To make the height of the room look shorter and make it more intimate, keep the light away from the ceiling and use wall lights that shine down and lampshades with closed caps to illuminate the space. Also, drawing the viewer’s attention to the panels and decorative elements that are installed at a low height on the walls can have a significant effect in making the height of the room look shorter. Placing sets of decorative items on the lower surfaces or on the floor and illuminating them with concentrated light from above has the same effect .
In order to show a narrow and long space more widely, place the focus of attention on the end wall of the space. For this purpose, for example, make the window on this wall eye-catching or draw the eye to it by placing a work of art on it and illuminating it with a focused point light. On the other hand, illuminate the other walls of the room with less and uniform light .
If you want to make the space look bigger, illuminate the two walls facing each other completely by shining light, in this way, their distance seems more. Also, if possible, use a mirror in the space of the room so that the combination of the reflection of the space in the mirror and the way of lighting the rotation of the light in the space is improved and as a result the room looks bigger. Use lights that are mounted on adjustable arms and shine them on the mirror .
To control light in very bright and sunny rooms, use matte surfaces to absorb light and prevent its unwanted reflection. Keep in mind that polished surfaces such as glass, metal, tiles and oil paints reflect the light and as a result increase the intensity of light in the space and make the height appear taller. On the other hand, matte and textured surfaces absorb more light. Also, the darker the surfaces, the more light they absorb .
To make a space look warm and intimate, use many table lamps. Pay attention to use caps with warm colors for these lights to illuminate the space with a warm and attractive light, for example, use ivory or vegetable caps instead of white caps .
The curtain that you install on the window of a room will have a great impact on the view and the dominant state of it. Because curtains can control the amount of natural light that enters a room, and transparent curtains pass the light effect of their color as a filter. Therefore, the selection of curtains should be done with attention and precision in these features .
If you use multiple light sources in a room, but you are not satisfied with the overall light of the room, change the power of some of them, or by changing the bulbs of the lights that are too transparent or dull or not in the color you like, as well as lampshade caps, color and Make the overall light level of the room pleasant for you .
To color a space with light, you can give it different modes. Light up one of the white walls with light passing through —— a color of your choice. Before choosing , study the effect and psychology of colors. The light that passes through a yellow —– creates a feeling of cheerfulness and cheerfulness. Blue light has a calming effect that calms the nerves and makes you want to sleep. Red light is stimulating and energetic and encourages activity and movement. Green gives freshness and freshness to the space and reminds us of nature and earth. But purple light can be both relaxing and exciting, depending on whether it is more red or blue .

Light intensity :

For each specific lighting supply area, the amount of light intensity sources should be created .
The lighting intensity should be reasonably uniform throughout the area to be illuminated. This means that the entire room should be adequately lit. This is in order to avoid the creation of large dark areas that may affect eye alignment in the case where a person has to look around from the relevant lighting supply area. The intensity of the lighting should be selected according to the relevant standards .

Adjacent levels :

A large difference in the brightness of adjacent surfaces should be avoided. The difference between the brightness of adjacent surfaces should not exceed a ratio of ten to one. Therefore, the brightness around the lighting supply area should be lower than the brightness of the lighting supply area itself; Otherwise, the visibility in this area will be disturbed .
It may also cause eye strain, as it has to double adapt to new conditions. (Like every time the eye turns around from the TV screen and returns to the screen again). If this work continues, the eyes will get tired and it will lead to discomforts such as headache, individual fatigue, etc.

Maintain brightness :

In order to ensure that the desired intensity of illumination is always provided, measures must be taken to maintain the intensity of illumination, maintenance and cleaning of lights .
The light intensity should never fall below 80 % of the recommended value. In good lighting designs, to compensate for the reduction of exposure due to the aging of the lamp and the accumulation of pollution on the lights, the intensity of the initial lighting is considered higher than the necessary value .

Eye glare control :

In order to prevent uncomfortable glare caused by light sources, their brightness should be limited in normal viewing angles .
Unshielded lamps cause uncomfortable glare because their brightness is usually too high. This is also true for uncoated fluorescent lamps in the case where continuous work under the light of these lamps is required .
Lights such as tall fluorescent lamps with narrow bases are used without the use of eye control devices such as prismatic or grid diffusers. However, as long as the duration of exposure to the light of uncovered fluorescent lamps is short, for example in the corridors of the rest room, etc., their use is acceptable .

Unwanted reflections :

Some reflections may interfere with the efficiency or comfort of persons; For example, the reflection of light from shiny surfaces on which content is written. This is usually out of the lighting designer’s control; Because it depends on the position of the lighting supply area relative to the light source. Light distribution of the main internal surfaces: In addition to controlling the brightness of light sources, the brightness of the main internal surfaces such as walls, ceilings, etc. is achieved in the following ways: 1. Considering the appropriate reflective coefficients for the surfaces. 2. Providing suitable lighting for the target
surfaces of
these measures
. , avoiding too bright differences of wide surfaces that are in the field of view. Too many differences in the brightness of similar surfaces and excessive brightness of light sources cause excessive eye fatigue. On the other hand, if the light is too uniform, its effect is to create a boring or depressing environment .
Although the distribution of general lighting is the main factor, the intensity of shadows also affects the environment. The intensity of shadows is determined by the type of light distribution. For example, exposure with a closed angle creates shadows with high intensity; while fluorescent lamps create soft shadows .
Shades of high intensity are usually not suitable; Except for cases where the goal is to create special effects .

Direct selection of lighting :

Lighting systems should be selected in such a way as to create the required light distribution. This means that in the case of pendants or lights that are installed on surfaces, in offices and places, at least 30 % of the emitted light should be towards the body. In this case, it is possible to ensure the sufficient light of the roof .

Indirect lighting :

The operation of this type of lighting is built-in. In this method, all the lights are directed towards the ceiling and other surfaces in the room are illuminated by mutual reflection. The result of this is boring; Because the light distribution is too uniform .
Also, this type of lighting does not work well and should be used only in special cases .

Placement of lights :

The arrangement of the lights in order to achieve the desired light distribution should be such that enough light reaches the upper parts of the walls and ceiling .
This generally requires a plan of placement of lights at uniform intervals so as to achieve the required intensity of illumination on the screen corresponding to the lighting supply area. While the order of placement is such that the distance between the lights does not exceed the maximum value relative to the distance to the installation height and the distance from the walls is half of this distance .

Regarding distribution with a closed angle :

In order to ensure that the light of the wall is sufficient, it is necessary to place the lights even closer to the walls. In the case of lights with upward exposure, it is necessary to place them at a distance of at least 150 cm from the middle and even more; so that the light is well distributed upwards on the ceiling.
If you want to increase the amount of light in a dark room, use this method: use panels that are thin, so that the light passes through them, and also their size. Set it so that the bottom of the window is slightly empty. Then place glass vases next to the window. Colored panels add to the details of the design and in combination with curtains, they give a mixture of colors .

_________________________________________________________________________رنگ ، عنصر اصلی دکوراسیون

The role of color in interior design


We all know that different people prefer certain colors. Using this tendency of people as a means of identifying their personality is a controversial issue, because people are different from each other. Each of us has our own personal characteristics and we express our feelings in our own style . In the world, you cannot find two people who follow the same way in expressing their feelings. On the other hand, people’s feelings can be weakened and stimulated in different ways, and for example, by changing the environment in which they live, due to psychological patterns, better results were achieved in creating freshness, intimacy, and peace of family members. The features of the street and alley where our house is located, volume composition, lighting, division of interior spaces, interior furniture, color scheme and even the scale used all act as important factors to define a suitable housing. Cultural characteristics, the type of family relationships and social privacy, etc. are among the factors that define the mental and physical needs of the residents, and it is the duty of an interior designer to establish a strong interaction between the mentioned items and the functional aspects of the space .


Color is an important factor in space design :

Colors can leave fundamental effects in life in different ways, one of the most important of which is their effect on emotions. The world in which humans live consists of thousands of different colors and tonalities that make creatures and objects more attractive to us and even deeper in a spiritual way. Due to their chemical and psychological characteristics, each of them is considered an important source of energy in order to increase the health and vitality of the soul and spirit in humans. Compare a monochromatic world with limited tonalities to the nature around you, or consider yourself a black and white city dweller, without any contrast or excitement. The meaning of life has changed and coldness and death rule everywhere. A soulless space devoid of any vibrancy that is thirsty for a sip of color. The issue of color is considered important in the category of cities and architectural spaces due to its important psychological effects; To the extent that it has been proposed as a specialty under the title of color classification and colorology of urban spaces among artists. Harmony in color is like harmony in musical notes and is of special importance in creating a suitable and eye-catching harmony like a piece of music. In order to achieve goals such as proper functionality, visual beauty, spatial harmony, and effective and positive environmental and psychological impact in interior design, it requires the coordinated, consistent, meaningful and beautiful use of design elements. In a good design, all elements and components are closely related to each other in relation to the qualitative and meaningful effects they apply to the space. Based on this, the success of any design depends entirely on how the elements and three- dimensional patterns of the space are combined. Years of experience working with color has proven that colors are related to each other in different ways, like people, and have common tastes and attributes, or they are dissimilar and opposite to each other. You might think that orange and red are opposites, while they are placed together in the color circle and have harmony. It’s worth buying a color wheel, which shows how colors and their arrangement are related to complementary colors, available at most art supply stores, before buying grapefruit yellow and olive green to paint a bedroom. Let’s take a look at it .
The coloring of the rooms and the use of materials that can satisfy our desired color and texture characteristics are very important, and at the same time, it also has the power to influence the physical changes of the space; The works that are done to adjust and divide the colored walls can also serve as an idea to determine the physical body of the space and combine the practical aspects of the design with the aesthetic criteria. For example, the issue of lighting and the use of natural light is very important in the design of a room, but the way to control the light, the choice of colors and materials that transmit light depends on the designer’s creativity and power in creating harmony between the functionality of the room’s lighting and its usefulness. It depends on the space .
Using the color wheel is a sure way to find the right colors for your desired color. The color wheel consists of twelve colors, three of which are red, yellow and blue, in which the primary colors and the colors between them are known as secondary colors. Each color in this cycle can create a beautiful and balanced result by being well combined with the colors next to it, which are the colors of its family, as well as the opposite color, which is its complementary color. The use of colors of the same family, which are placed next to each other in the color wheel and are so-called neighbors, creates a gentle and harmonious combination that easily guides the viewer’s gaze from one to the other. Using a color with a small amount of its complementary color, if it is done correctly and in the right sizes, creates a bright and impressive result and adds to the attractiveness of the present color collection and prevents a color from completely dominating the space of the room .
Such factors create different approaches in design in choosing colors for buildings, interior decoration and space furniture. Color is one of the determining factors of style and style through which we communicate with our environment and more than any other independent factor it can transform the boring and monotonous surrounding into a soulful place. Changing the color of the walls can bring more dramatic results than changing the furniture or even the structure of a room. Until now, many houses have been painted in beige and cream color and its tones, and the usual standard color for new houses is magnolia, but one should imagine how these colors should be used in different social and especially climatic conditions. or walls with soft and inconspicuous colors like bone, are very suitable for living; But creating a contrast in them by choosing special colors in home accessories and coverings and rugs will give life to the space .
In order to establish a proper connection between our nature and the interior decoration of the house, we must learn to overcome the fear of being different from others; A problem that we deal with a lot today and that overshadows many architectural and interior designs. In a black and white society, it is impossible to think in color and imagine a better tomorrow. We often put ourselves in a fence of “reasonable” and “soulless” and careless colors imposed by custom and society, colors that prevent us from expressing our feelings and revealing our true selves. In order to help create a space desirable and pleasant in our living environment and using colors as best as possible, it is necessary to obtain more extensive information about our personal relationships with colors and to understand the things that reveal interest or dislike for certain colors about us Makes. By paying more attention to the power of colors in our homes, we may be surprised by what appears through this work, in a pleasant or unpleasant way. Achieving the right color combination in the room, clothes or any other item, not only attracts attention, but also induces a state of confidence and peace .
Effective work with color requires more than anything to stimulate the sense of creativity. Obtaining a suitable color combination that matches one’s purpose and goal is considered a kind of “creation” .

To get a suitable arrangement of colors in interior spaces, the following initial steps are necessary :

1- Prepare in your mind what you want to say to the viewer with the language of color .
2- Find a main color that is a powerful speaker to express that content .
3- The
other colors that you arrange around it must be in perfect harmony . 4- Then enter as a project leader and this time involve your artistic taste in arranging these technical tools .
Using color in spaces or simple furniture usually does not require a lot of skill and is not expensive. A good architectural designer can meet many psychologically stimulating needs by using the aforementioned materials and a little creativity for the well-being of consumers; Especially as a means of diversity and avoiding monochromaticity .

_________________________________________________________________________انواع آکواریوم خانگی | لوازم و تجهیزات آکواریوم|بسپار ® | رسانه صنعت ساختمان


Color, the main element of decoration


Effects of colors :


It is always necessary to obtain a favorable result from doing any kind of practical work, the existence of necessary information and theoretical knowledge in that field. In this article, we have tried to provide information with the same subject and purpose. Colors are present in the environment in two main ways :
1 . The main coverings of the spaces include walls, floors, ceilings and doors,
decorative items including furniture, curtains, carpets, etc. 2
In terms of comparing these two forms together, in terms of their decorative role in the environment, space coverings are more important because they are more stable than decorative appliances and in a way they perform the role of the background for those appliances. .
Among these coverings, walls have a special place due to their presence in the space, and their impact on other decorative items is much more impressive. Apart from the effect on other environment accessories, the walls and their chosen color are also very effective in changing the size and light of the space .


White color


White is a symbol of purity, innocence, purity, tranquility and peace .
White color induces peace, purity and comfort. White, along with its purity, is one of the most useful colors in the decorative design of a space because it can be combined with all colors. (The meaning of composition in these topics is the juxtaposition of colors in a color composition (composition) in the space.) Using
white color in the space, especially for the main coverings, makes that place appear brighter and bigger. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for small and dimly lit spaces. Pure white creates a warm color when illuminated by natural light, but appears cold under artificial lights. As a result, by adding yellow, red and brown lights in addition to artificial light such as fluorescent or adding accessories to one or more of the mentioned colors, the environment changes. These colors do not reduce the quality of white, but make it warmer. White color is ideal for spaces with old architectural elements or to create harmony between completely separate architectural styles. To maintain the peace of space with white surfaces, you can use accessories with neutral colors and natural textures such as wood, and to create subtle and beautiful contrasts, add some dramatic colors to this combination .


Neutral colors


Neutral colors are colors that have a lot of white, but are not inclined to any of the primary and secondary colors. With this definition, light colors such as pale pink or sky blue are not considered neutral colors, but cream color is considered one of the neutral colors. The same issue applies to the light ash that originates from black. Neutral colors are found in many natural materials such as stones, soil, earth, wood, mats, sand, etc. or in some artificial ones such as metal, glass, cement, etc. Neutral colors are very important and practical in the world of decoration. Their neutrality means that you can easily create a suitable combination in the space next to any other color without the possibility of losing the beauty of each one, especially the colors. Considering that these colors are also soothing and mild. By covering the wall, one of them can provide a good background for installing signs, printed and paper strips, curtains, and wall hangings in general. If the space is so full of decorative items that disturb the feeling of peace, one of the ways to create balance in the environment by keeping the same items, is to paint the main surfaces or replace secondary coverings such as curtains, curtains, etc. with one of the colors. is neutral When you intend to make a part of the space such as a wall, door, window or even small details such as handles, curtain rods and in general any device in the environment, as soon as the viewer enters, not to attract his attention. Paint them in one of the neutral colors or consider the neutral color in their selection .
You can get a lot of benefit from this feature of neutral colors to fix architectural defects and fractures and depressions. For example, by painting a part of the space that has a structural problem and you don’t want to be immediately noticed by the viewer, you can easily cover it with one of the neutral colors. The use of neutral colors in the environment is also done with various decorative purposes .
Installing a painting in yellow color, with a warm feature, in a space where most of its coverings and decorative accessories are chosen from neutral colors, can have two purposes :
1 . Drawing the viewer’s attention to the artistic work of the painting, which has increased this emphasis here with lighting .
2 . Changing the monotonous space with an element with warmer and more energetic coloring. Neutral colors exist in different curtains, from light to dark, and in terms of style, they are one of the color combinations used in the classic style .
For example, if the interior designer emphasized on the need to show the recess next to the window and stairs, he would definitely use one or a combination of several warm colors next to the soft and neutral colors, so that the opinion of every viewer Passing through it attracts the environment. But now, by choosing most of the surrounding coverings in neutral colors, there is a purpose in the image, and it is possible that when a person comes up from the bottom or goes down the stairs to the lower floor, he may even ignore this space .
Colors that sit together .
Putting various color spectrums next to each other and creating attractive decorations will give you many ideas. In this section, “Menzel” decor designers will help you to get acquainted with different colors and their combinations .

The combination of dark blue and light gray

The color of the sky on a summer sunset inspired this beautiful color combination. This color combination can turn your soulless apartment into a heavenly and relaxing environment .

Duck tail green, aquarium blue, turquoise blue and magenta

Paint the entryway of the house in dark ducktail green as this will make the space appear larger. Paint the living room in aquarium blue and use turquoise blue to paint the hall .
Magenta color for the kitchenIt is suitable. This lively and happy color combination will create a fantasy and energetic house for you .

Pink and orange

Both of the mentioned color ranges are from the family of warm and strong colors. Use dark orange colorIn the vaulted passageways of this house, it directs the views to the bedrooms .

Peach red and lettuce green

This color combination is very suitable and eye-catching for the bedroom. Paint the wall behind the bed with green lettuce color and use peach red bedspread and cushions on the bed.
Choosing the color of the walls. Choosing the right color for the apartment space, especially small apartments, is very important. There are different types of colors in terms of brightness and transparency, and the best choice is to choose bright colors with high brightness and transparency. Basically, bright colors make the space look bigger and the more transparent and bright it is, the more lively the space looks due to the reflection of light. One of the suitable colors for the apartment is light bone color, which, in addition to being transparent and bright, goes well with most of the colors of the home furnishings and creates a suitable composition. do it


Secrets of wall painting

How can we solve decoration problems by painting the walls correctly and show the dimensions of a room more than it is? In the first step, naturally you will choose a color that matches what you have in mind. It is important that even if the color you want is white, you should paint all the rooms with white color so that the result is a uniform color. These ten recommendations can be useful in the next stages of painting and arranging :
1- To create charm in a room, do not use items that are the same color as the wall . To choose the color of the wall, consider your home appliances and choose the right color according to the colors in it. Remember that diverse combinations create a dynamic and energizing atmosphere .
2- If you have a separate color in mind for each room, make the spaces between the rooms such as the corridor, entrance and staircase a light gray color with an undertone of the wall color so that the colors become more beautiful .
3- Consider a color for your home and use it in different volumes in the rooms . You can use this color in a dominant color room, in a room with multiple colors, and in the third room only as a garnish in the corners. Such a method will establish harmony in the whole house .
4- Bright colors are soulful and tend to expand and thus make the room look bigger and brighter than it is . Dark colors are warm and charming, and very large rooms give a friendly and intimate atmosphere .
5- If you plan to paint the walls in a dark or very bright color, apply putty and lining of the same color .
6- Fix the architectural defects by using neutral colors in the wall, ceiling and floor of the room so that they take on a unified state .
7- To make the walls appear taller, continue the color of Aha to the ceiling uniformly and do not interrupt the color near the ceiling with decorative strips and the like . If the ceiling has a decorative border or a prominent edge, you can also make this border the color of the wall. Light color makes the ceiling look taller .
8- To briefly show very high ceilings or intensify the informality of a room, cut off the color of the wall from 20 to 30 cm before the ceiling and paint the rest in the color of the ceiling or cover it with decorative strips. Darkening the ceiling can also create such a situation
9- By painting the shorter (less wide) walls in a darker color than the taller walls, you can make a stretched and narrow room appear wider .
10- If you have considered white color for the ceiling of a room, add a little of the color of the wall to the white color to coordinate the color of the room with the ceiling .

Choosing flooring

the floor of the apartment (including ceramics, wooden parquets, carpets, etc. ) Using dark colors on the floor makes the space more compact. Usually, the use of very bright colors such as white also have disadvantages, one of the disadvantages is the uniformity of the space, which can be solved by using a rug under the sofa table. Or he used designs with different colors among the ceramics. If you use parquet, you should follow the mentioned points and choose bright colors of the wood design .

Choosing furniture and placement

Choosing the color of the sofa is optional, but the use of colors such as light cream or even white helps to make the space more alive and the space seems larger. When it comes to choosing a sofa design, it is better to choose sofas with solid geometric shapes or without curves as much as possible. Regarding its arrangement, it is better to place the sofas almost “sticking” to the walls, the reason for choosing a shape without curves is that the sofas will create a more suitable combination next to the flat wall. As much as possible, try to place household items close to the walls to avoid wasting even the smallest spaces. If you use cloth curtains in front of the windows, it is better to choose their color in a light color .

Use of nature

In buildings with courtyards, the lack of nature is compensated by creating a garden on the sides of the courtyard. But to compensate for it in the apartment, you can use small pots that are placed in the corners of the space. Try to place the vases next to the windows or as far as possible in the corners of the walls, because usually the corners of the walls remain unused .
As a result, try to use bright colors as much as possible in the interior design of the apartment. Maybe you have this question, doesn’t using all these bright colors make the space monotonous and cold? In response, I must say that it is your art to make the space more attractive by using frames and small decorative items with various colors .
_________________________________________________________________________نکات و مراحل نصب قاب عکس در منزل

The place of aquarium in interior architecture


The existence of chaos in today’s urban and industrial life doubles the necessity of creating peace, there are many methods in front of us to achieve this, and only by opening a third eye can we master this category. One of the ways to achieve peace is access to the natural environment. Unfortunately, today, with the spread of apartment living, the relationship between man and nature has been cut off to a significant extent, and man is always trying to fill this great void by bringing parts of nature to the place of residence. fill yourself In developed countries, aquariums are part of the interior decoration of homes, stores and commercial places. Psychologists believe that watching an aquarium for 15 minutes can keep a person fresh for 48 hours and increase people’s concentration for learning. Apart from that, the aquarium can greatly contribute to the beauty of the building’s internal architecture, of course, it is very important to follow the correct principles in using the aquarium .
Many architects and interior designers are only satisfied with predicting the location of the aquarium and are unaware of the limitations of using the aquarium in certain environments. The unprincipled use of the aquarium not only does not help the beauty of the space, but also creates a disgusting landscape with the growth of algae .
Therefore, in order to design and install an aquarium in your plan, the following factors should be taken into consideration :


Selection of aquarium biological species

Aquariums can be designed in four types: tropical, coral (saltwater), river and lagoon, the choice of a specific type depends on the climatic conditions of the place where the aquarium is located. For example, choosing a tropical design requires adequate natural light and moderate temperature .
Here we examine different species separately .


Tropical aquarium design

As it was said before, the structure of the tropical aquarium is such that it requires a lot of light and the right temperature, of course, too much light also causes the uneven growth of algae and damages the appearance of the aquarium .
In tropical aquarium design, use aquatic plants intensively and try to cover all parts of the aquarium as much as possible. Among the tropical plants, we can mention valise neria, krypton and apple leaf .
The ideal temperature for this species is 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. The next step is to choose the type of fish, guppy, angel, black widow, neon and all kinds of tetras make up tropical aquarium fish .


Coral aquarium design

As its name suggests, the coral aquarium is an environment covered with corals and seashells .
This type of water is salty and you should use saltwater (sea) fish. Clown fish, angel with antenna, bat, sea cock can be selected as fish of this species .


Designing a river aquarium

We all know that rivers are covered with rubble and rocks, so try to design the aquarium in the shape of the river bottom, using a number of small rocks will bring the aquarium closer to the natural environment .
It is better to use carnivorous fish in a river aquarium, suitable fish for this environment are Oscar, dragon, knife fish, and all kinds of cichlids .
It is not recommended to use plants in this aquarium because they are usually destroyed and eradicated by fish. The ideal temperature for this species is 22 to 28 degrees Celsius with soft light .

Marsh aquarium design

Suitable fish for this species are fighter, coat fish, rabbit nose and gouramis. Wheat plant is also the most suitable plant for this aquarium .
Contrary to what our people think, setting up and maintaining an aquarium is very simple and does not require special expertise. Fortunately, in Iran, the culture of keeping an aquarium has grown to a considerable extent, and many people have turned to breeding and keeping these lovely creatures .


Use of flowers

If you have used shutter curtains instead of normal curtains, you can decorate its interior with all kinds of beautiful decorative flowers and at the same time keep the simplicity of the room design. Remember that flowers are in harmony with the simplicity of the environment; They say that they add to its beauty. In the meantime, it seems more appropriate to use vases and glass containers. Also, in each season, you can choose the type of flower suitable for the season you are in .


Window decorations

Many elements can be found to decorate and decorate curtains, blinds and panels, which all add to the effect of the window. If the window of your house has an edge and a ledge, you can get many benefits from it. As you can put some items with flowers on it. These kinds of devices are among the arrays and decorations of the window and it gives a brilliant effect to the window view in the sunlight .



By using ribbons and other details with dark colors, such as pink or bright red, you can create transient and temporary or even seasonal changes in a room covered in white. The ribbon that you see in the picture is hung next to a bright colored curtain and has given it a better effect .


Bright strands

The use of hangings and colored strings has made the effect of this window pleasant; Although the intimacy and warmth of the space has not been preserved. The order of hanging these strings is such that they evoke the number 8 . Remember that it is better to use this model for windows with tempered glass .


Crystal ovals

Hanging beautiful crystal branches that reflect light. Choose a crystal branch that has branches and hang it in front of the window. You can hang these branches with silver threads or nylon thread in a suitable place .



The edges of the curtain are always visible, even if the curtain is pulled back. Therefore, it may be appropriate to consider simple but effective designs to decorate them. In this picture, the curtain has been embroidered with beautiful seashells, which has a pleasant effect from this passer-by .

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Group installation of panels and picture frames


Stairway walls are one of the most suitable places for group installation of signs due to their large space. Memorable pictures, beautiful paintings and even beautiful pictures that we see in magazines can be the best decorations for the walls of the home, office or any other place .
Unfortunately, in some cases, we see the installation of a board, poster or family picture frame in the most inappropriate place, and the reason for choosing this place is nothing but to hide a problem such as cracking, stretching or Dirt on the wall !
Don’t forget that observing very simple aesthetic points in the arrangement of paintings on the wall will make a plain and colorless room turn into a happy and heartwarming place .
Here we discuss a way to install panels that can entertain any guest for a long time and bring vitality and vitality to an empty house: group arrangement or installing several panels together .
Don’t worry! With the right frames and the right arrangement, it doesn’t turn into something messy and can be a good fun for the weekend.
A few general recommendations.
If you’re into browsing second-hand and second-hand markets, you can find interesting frames in shapes and sizes. Find a wide variety. These awkward frames match each other with a hand of the same color. Try to include two or three round frames in your collection .
You can place small pictures in a larger frame using a cardboard, fabric or leather border. This work not only makes the image clearer, but it is also a good protection for the edge of the image. Preparing such borders requires a bit of precision and patience and may take a whole day, but the result is so brilliant that it is worth it .
The wall behind a sofa can also be a good place to install a group of panels .


1- Prepare the images and pictures you want and categorize them in order of interest . For the border of the images, use a material and color that complements it, not overpowering it. The color of this border should match the color of your wall and furniture. The best way is to use several different degrees of a single color – from low to medium – so that the images are finally more compatible .
2- Paint all the frames with a single color . When the paint is dry, clean the glass and put the picture with its border inside and fasten the back of the frame .
3- Before installing the panels, practice and test a little. According to the size of the wall you want, first arrange all the panels on the floor or a large table and move them until you get a beautiful composition .
4- Do this with logic and order, for example, adjust the top of one panel with the bottom edge of another and the smaller frame with the middle of another side, and use circular frames to create harmony and movement .
5- The black and white pictures that fill the wall from the ceiling to the floor in regular rows make the wall the center of attention . But if you want to fill a wall like this, to avoid confusion, choose the same frames and one color, for example, the white border will be very beautiful in the black metal frame .
6- Placing several pictures in one or two of the frames, placing larger paintings in the lower rows will make the collection not seem heavy and falling down and will be balanced .
7- When you are satisfied with your arrangement on the floor, copy each frame on pattern paper or waste newspaper and stick the papers on the wall with small pieces of adhesive tape to be sure of your arrangement again, on the papers the name of the painting write and get ready to install .
8- According to the size and weight of the boards, use the appropriate tool to install them, for the cleanest possible, mark the place of the nail on the paper, hit the nail and then remove the paper .
9- Now install the panels and enjoy the new atmosphere of your room


Be the interior designer of your apartment

Today, with the increasing psychological stress caused by being immersed in social and industrial environments, the need for a calm and pleasant atmosphere is felt more than ever, for this reason, it is very important to pay attention to the beauty of the place where we live. Unfortunately, in our country, less attention is paid to the interior design of buildings and interior design is limited to restaurants and commercial centers. Perhaps one of the important reasons is the high cost of designing by an expert. Here, I will mention some simple tips about the interior design of the whole apartment so that you can design your apartment space to some extent without using individual expertise .

The entrance space The entrance of the building is one of the spaces that is less attention in its design and it is usually used as a shoe rack, if the first space that sends the message of invitation to the audience is the entrance. And this message should be strengthened by using appropriate visual elements. In order to realize this goal, you can use wardrobes with buffets. Note that the width of the closet should not be too large, because it makes the space small and inferior. Using a head-to-toe mirror also makes this space more complete .

Living room and dining room After the entrance, we reach the living room and dining room. The elements that are placed in the way of entering the living room or reception should be arranged in such a way that they guide and accompany the person to the place of furniture. And as much as possible, do not make the guests go around or turn around. Predicting the fireplace in the living room makes it easier to arrange the sofas, in this case it is possible to place the sofas symmetrically on both sides of the fireplace. It is better to place the reception furniture in a round or rectangular shape, and if you place a lampshade in the corner between the sofas, you can add to the grandeur of the space. Be careful to choose a lampshade with a long base. (You can use Benjamin plants instead of lampshades.)

Dining area The dining area is usually located next to the reception area and needs a dining table, a cupboard or a shelf to store dishes and proper lighting. Be careful to choose the table according to the dimensions of the space, usually, up to twice the number of family members is enough


Suitable colors for a bedroom


Since the bedroom is the most private space in every house, the owner’s taste and personal needs should be taken into account when decorating and choosing its color. Each one of the families leaves a color on our soul and soul, it was neglected .
While considering the taste of the owner of the bedroom, the use of a bedroom should also be considered. A bedroom should always be a relaxing and comfortable space that provides a suitable place for sleep and rest .
When designing the color of a bedroom, it is better to avoid choosing bright colors. Because these colors may seem annoying when resting; But if you like bright colors more, different shades of brick color along with rich creams and blacks can be a suitable choice .
If you are looking for a bedroom with a traditional warm atmosphere and a bit of luxury, using the colors used in oriental handicrafts is a suitable solution to achieve such an atmosphere .
Warm colors such as gold, oranges, rich reds and bricks used in traditional oriental designs are an important factor in creating a magnificent and warm appearance in a decoration. In addition to the use of these colors in the room, the use of patterned silk and linen fabrics, oriental ornamental paintings and sculptures, needlework fabrics and Ghana calligraphy doubles the charm of this decoration. In order to achieve success in combining different patterned surfaces in such a decoration, it is necessary to consider simple and bright surfaces in order to rest the eyes in the room, and simple and bright colors on the walls of the room can play this role well .
Also, fabric hangers on the top and back of the bed give a romantic and special atmosphere to the room and can make the bed the center of attention in the room. In contrast to traditional decorations, monochromatic decorations are placed, which create a peaceful and uniform space by using different tonalities of one color. Bright colors present a sunny and cheerful and at the same time simple and relaxing view to the viewer .

The combination of yellow and green colors, since green is one of the colors derived from yellow, will be very successful and appropriate in the bedroom. But we must remember that the predominance of green over yellow in a living room adds to the charm and life in it, but in a private bedroom, most of the space is yellow, which gives it the simplicity and calmness that a bedroom needs. forgive However, the predominance of green color in the bedroom gives the space more enthusiasm and energy than necessary .
Choosing the color in your children’s room has separate rules. It is better to decorate the baby’s bedroom with soft and pastel colors. We can also decorate the bedroom of young children and teenagers with more cheerful and energetic colors .
Using the combination of harmonious colors that are placed next to each other in the color wheel can also be very successful in decorating a bedroom. For example, using different shades of purple and green next to a contrasting bright color like cream creates a beautiful space. What we should always keep in mind in the color design of the decoration of a bedroom is that not only the selection of sets of colors, but also the extent of their use and the surfaces they occupy in comparison with each other are of great importance .
Also, creating a relationship between different colored surfaces by using details such as a photo frame, borders of wallpaper mounted on the wall, repeating a special design on the bed sheet and pillowcases, or even placing a pair of lampshades or vases on the bedside tables or tables. Makeup can give more coherence and harmony to the decoration of a room .


Tips on the bedroom

White and light cream colors in the bedroom bring peace. Also, bone color for the walls and wooden frames of cream, bed and photos of beautiful landscapes will give you peace. If you wallpaper your room, try not to use busy wallpaper, the calmer the color, the more peaceful you will be during sleep .
At night, cover the mirrors of your bedroom with a light cloth, because there should be a peaceful atmosphere during sleep.
Choose the location of your bed carefully, so that you have a good view of the door and behind you instead of the open space or the window. The wall is strong .


Children’s room decoration

Designing, decorating and beautifying a child’s room by parents requires knowledge and understanding and that parents are familiar with the mental world of children. How can parents decorate a child’s room without showing interest and attention to his mysterious world?
Of course, this point is not completely valid for babies, unless we want to convey our personal interests to the child as well. This thinking is also valuable in its place, because our child gets to know family values from birth. For example, parents who are interested in books and reading consider a library in their baby’s room .
Of course, many examples can be given in this case, even you yourself may have dealt with such an issue; But it should be remembered that giving a line of thought to children cannot continue for long .
At the age of four, five or more, your child may no longer show interest in what you have prepared for him. Therefore, since the personality of your children is formed, you should also take the initiative and align with their mental world .
At this stage, without wanting to violate the general principles and values you want, consult with your young child and while guiding him, try to reach a common result; So that your child can enjoy living and spending time in the space you prepare for him .
To decorate the child’s room, pay special attention to the color and be sure to ask his opinion. If you paint your child’s door and wall or closet and bed with his favorite colors, you will create a happy and fun atmosphere for him, and you will also prove to the child that you value his opinion and whatever he likes, you too. You approve .
In the picture of this article, you can see the creativity and innovative plans of some parents, how they have provided a pleasant environment for their beloved children with their capable hands. May you give your child happiness and the spirit of life to the extent of your ability and budget .

Your office

So far, we have written about all the parts of a house in the last two years, except the home office, because the home office has become somewhat out of fashion in recent years because of small houses, but there are also large houses. have a work room in it, the following points are mentioned that can be very useful for your homes .
The work room should always be clean, remove the garbage from there daily .
Try to put a plant and a pot next to every electrical device for air purification. Because it gives a special freshness to your room .
Try to make the table and chairs in your room circular and oval and not sharp .
Always keep your room tidy because a messy environment disturbs your thinking .
Where your writing desk is in the room, as well as arranging the items on it, is an important point .
Choose the arrangement of the furniture in such a way that freshness can be seen in your room. Try to sit behind the wall and face the window .

Island of tranquility in the kitchen

Generally, it is a habit to cover all around the kitchen with cabinets and place gas stove, sink, and all the necessary appliances in different parts of the cabinet. But the kitchen can be arranged in another way, which is much more beautiful and comfortable .
This idea can be especially great for kitchens that have large and open windows or have a way to the terrace because it makes the access space to the windows or the door free. At the same time, all the necessary items are collected in a small area and the rest of the kitchen space will be free. In this way, this section will become the heart of the kitchen .
1 The place where you put the gas stove needs ventilation. You must agree that a small air conditioner cannot be installed for this purpose. Therefore, it can be said that a funnel-shaped hood that hangs from the ceiling should be installed on the gas stove. You may also want to have a sink in your comfort island .
It is better for this sink to occupy the space next to the gas stove so that the dishes that are dirty on the stove due to cooking can be easily moved into it. Also, make sure that the sink you choose is big enough that you can wash large pots in them, and its height is high enough so that you can place a trash can under it .
2- Each of the ends of this island must be covered with chipboard or steel with a width of at least 35 cm .
3 Keep in mind to use electrical outlets in the walls around this island and not on its surface. This prevents electric shocks in wet places .
4 You can design the walls of this island so that it has small shelves for placing cookbooks or daily newspapers. You can also consider a place to put small pots that are used repeatedly, plates or washers .
You can even dedicate a part of this space to a microwave oven. so that children can easily access it to heat up instant and ready meals .
5 If you want to place chairs around the island you have built and sit around it to eat, then it is better to either expand its surface area to the outside or move the cabinets of the other part of the kitchen back a little .
6 – If you have such an intention, then try to consider a distance of at least 50 cm between the stove and the sink and the edges of the surface where people will sit .
7 Round the corners to prevent people from bumping into them. Sharp corners are especially dangerous for children .
8 If you cover your comfort island with chipboard or steel or any other material, you don’t need to try to create harmony between it and other parts of the kitchen. It is enough that the design of this section matches the overall design of the house .
For example, you can make its walls from granite and for the part that is supposed to be placed around the gas stove, for example, you can use special chipboard, while it may seem appropriate to use steel for the sink .
9- Use individual lights that are installed on the ceiling to illuminate the area of this island .

Marine decorations in the bathroom

Using new combinations in design will bring a much better result than imitation. Decorating the environment with natural objects and textures instead of hiding them makes you feel close to nature, for example, you can use all kinds of stones, seashells and natural decorations such as pine and oak fruit, flowers and dried branches and elements like this. Use in the harsh and unnatural environment of the city to get a feeling of peace .
When you walk by the sea and enjoy the sound of sea waves and the beauty of nature, pay attention to your feet and collect beautiful scallops and snails to use them to decorate your home .
Also, the wood you find on the beach will be used and will appear as a natural ornament on the bathroom platform. If you find a large seashell or oyster, you can use it as a soap dispenser in the bathroom or simply leave it for decoration in the bathroom. You may even make shutters or a decorative volume for small windows from the sticks and mats found on the beach .
Many of us may simply throw away such objects and consider them unnecessary in our living space, but the presence of natural objects in the environment gives a sense of closeness to nature to the residents of the house .

Six basic rules in decoration

Robert Frost, an American poet, believes that “home is the place to which, when we are going to return, all its parts pull one towards itself.” If we leave the spiritual strains aside, one of the components that draws a person to his home is the taste used in the arrangement of the components of the house. Take these few steps to achieve a desirable and at the same time personal decoration .
1 ) Avoid installing small signs on large walls. With this, the value of the work of art is reduced and the wall of the house looks small. Art panels should cover two-thirds of the width of the wall to be considered a decorative element .
2 ) If you want the walls of your room to appear high, use several vertical boards together. If you like the walls of your room to look wide and long, put several horizontal panels together .
3 ) Before doing the final coloring, make sure you like the desired color. It might not be bad to try it in a small place and when you are sure of the intensity of brightness, darkness or brightness of the color, use it for the whole walls. It is better to test the color under the same light that you spend the most time with .
4 ) Lights can affect colors. For example, yellow lights add some warmth and yellowness to the color. On the contrary, white lights add a little blue color to other colors .
5 ) The use of paintings helps the harmony and beauty of the house a lot, but when installing these paintings, you should keep in mind that they should not be placed at a height higher or lower than the defined limit. The defined limit for installing signs is actually the average height of the adults in the family, that is, at a distance between 158 and 170 cm from the floor .
If you plan to display a series of paintings on the wall, you can extend this range to 130-185 cm .
6 ) If you want the rooms to look bigger than they really are, use bright and shiny colors. For example, if you have a large space and want it to look smaller, use dark colors .

روزنامه هفت‌صبح - معمار فرودگاه امام خمینی درگذشت - صاحب‌خبر



  Acquaintance with the architectural style of Iraj Kalantari

Society of Architect Engineers honored Iraj Kalantari

The fourth annual conference of the Society of Architectural Engineers ended on Thursday, October 14, with the honoring of engineer Iraj Kalantari Taleghani, the chosen architect of 2014. This event, which was held on the occasion of World Architecture Day and World Human Settlement Day, honored the valuable efforts of this experienced architect . Tehran- 16 Mehr 1384

Kalantari, selected architect

The fourth annual conference of the Society of Architectural Engineers ended on Thursday, October 14, with the honoring of engineer Iraj Kalantari Taleghani, the chosen architect of 2014. This ceremony, which was held on the occasion of World Architecture Day and World Human Settlement Day, honored the valuable efforts of this veteran architect . He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Tehran in 1342 and is the founder and chairman of the board of directors of “Bavand Consulting Engineers” and has an experience of nearly 32 years in the architectural profession .

He believes that “architecture always results from the dialogue between the existing conditions and the ideals and examples that the architect interacts with. The benefit of the architect for the society is rooted in the fact that he, as an expert in the design of the living environment Humans react to different conditions with their mental and value system. From this point of view, architecture is an art with social applications and the result is a mixture of intrinsic and external factors. The dialectic of this process is in the intellectual position of the architect and his action. It lies with the status quo .”

Architectural researches of the police station

Iraj Kalantari has so far conducted many researches in the field of architecture and urban planning. Among them are plans to investigate the causes of marginalization in seventeen cities with a population of more than one hundred thousand people, to organize an amendment to the Urban Renovation and Development Law, to prepare and compile a bylaw for the implementation of the right to quality, and housing typology in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf .

Activities of the police station

Among the important activities of Taleghani Police Station, the design and management of Imam Khomeini International Airport, Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin, Iranian Embassy in Georgia, Iranian Ambassador’s Residence in Yerevan, Chaiknar Complex in Tabriz, residential units in Waliasr Kangan, He mentioned Ahvaz Steel residential town, Sefidkanar Hotel near Bandar Anzali and Mashhad urban light rail stations .

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