Decorating the house with houseplants

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The plant in the decoration of the house is a symbol of the flow of life in that house. Placing flowers and plants in the home, which are growing due to the gift of their life-giving force, is an emphasis on the spirit of growth, vitality and prosperity. If you are interested in using flowers and plants in your home decoration. We suggest not to miss this article .

You must have noticed that there is a different feeling in the houses where decorative plants are used in their decoration. Feeling alive, hopeful and close to nature. Having a plant in the decoration of the house not only makes the house beautiful, but also makes the space and atmosphere of the house healthy, both materially and spiritually. From the material point of view, which is clear; Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen back. Therefore, fresh and joyful air will always flow in the house .

On the other hand, having several pots in the house and maintaining them will increase the sense of responsibility among the people of that house. Because the members of the house are taking care of beautiful yet helpless creatures, and the survival of these lovely creatures, i.e. plants, will be in your hands. And there are few people who would allow the life of a living being to be wasted because of their own irresponsibility. Also, in psychology, in order to make children responsible, it is recommended to give each of the children two or three vases and put the responsibility of maintaining them on the shoulders of the child so that he can experience the feeling of responsibility from the very childhood. .

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that depending on the type of space in the house and the use of that space, you can choose how to place the vase in that space. Design and engineer. For this purpose, we review the different forms of including a plant pot in the home decoration :

1 . Put the pot on  the floor room


The most basic way to place a pot in the house is to place it  Roy the floor room is _ Of course Sure Attention had Be That flower pot You Sure Must a dish At Under himself had be until the when To Flower Water you give Water From the floor flower pot On Roy the earth Current do not Or Foundation particle for direct object wet do n’t More flower pots this dish the floor flower pot particle for direct object To the face Fabric Roy self have _ But if the pot you have prepared does not have this container, make sure to prepare one yourself .

2 . Placing the pot on the stand


Using a base for a vase makes the vases look better together and also makes it easier to clean the space under the vase. Consider three vases placed side by side with their leaves interspersed; Now suppose that by using bases of different sizes, you will change the height of the plants in relation to the ground and all three plants will be beautifully and separately in front of your eyes Is Image Didn’t your mind become more beautiful and impressive?

You can get beautiful wooden or metal stands from the market to raise your vases, or if you are a technical person yourself, get to work and make some beautiful stands for your vases .

3 . Place the pot on different surfaces

Also, instead of the floor, the vase can be placed on surfaces such as the desk, dining table, honey table, cabinet, on the top of the closet, on the shelf, inside the library, etc. appointment gave _ At this Items, Use From dish the floor flower pot over From before Importance find does _ Because nobody his heart does not want Furniture And Supplies wooden his home Water to eat And Wind slow down dish the floor flower pot particle for direct object never forget Don’t do it !


4 . Installing a vase on the wall 

Today, you can install vases on the wall in very artistic and beautiful ways. the flowers an apartment With the flowers tiny Both They can be very suitable for this work. These brass frames that hold the vases are very beautiful and stylish and match the overall decoration of any home .

5 . Using a vase as a decoration

Because nowadays flower pots a decoration To shapes Very cute And Innovative Designing have became And every Man With taste particle for direct object To to have self the temptation they do, worthy we saw That this flower pots particle for direct object At Under One Title Let’s introduce separately .

6 . Combining the vase with other decoration components

In addition to using the vase as one of the components of the home decoration, you can also design some of the components of the home decoration, such as the ceiling lamp or the mobile phone holder base, in such a way that they are also a vase. In fact, by doing this, you have decorated your equipment with flowers and plants. You can use ivy flowers and decorate the balcony railings and stairs of your house with it. Isn’t it a dream?

7 . The use of pots in the facade of the house

In addition to placing the flower pot inside and on the terrace or on the edge of the windows, you can create a green and dreamy frame around the windows of your house by guiding the branches of the plants around the window, or decorate the exterior door and wall of your house with designs. Bring vegetables beautifully .

You can also place pots on the windowsill and let them grow downwards and hang over the windowsill. Anyone who passes by your window will pause for a few moments as a sign of admiration and respect and will be engrossed in watching this dreamy window! If you use creative pendants that you have made for this purpose, the pleasure of looking at them will be many times .

8 . Using a vase as a tableau

One of the ways to install a vase on the wall is to install it as a panel. You can also turn plant branches that you put in water for rooting into a wall painting. Of course, this type of plant use in home decoration can be a bit troublesome and it is a bit difficult to keep it clean. But what is certain is that the beauty of this type of vase is worth its difficulties. Not true?

9 . Hanging a vase on the ceiling


In the past decades, it was common to use crochet hangers to hang vases on the ceiling, but if you don’t like these hangers or plastic hangers that are available in vase shops , you can use metal, wooden or leather hangers and Use do it

10 . Hanging a vase on the wall

 By using a metal that is fixed to the wall, the pot can be hung without touching the wall; Just like lamps or wall lights. Of course, pay attention to fasten the connections of this hanger to the wall so that it can bear the weight of the vase .

The material of this hanging base is better to be made of metal so that it has high resistance and durability .


There are creative and different ideas for arranging houseplants in home decoration that have a decorative aspect and make your home beautiful .

Some ideas to decorate the house with a beautiful arrangement of houseplants

Flowers and plants create freshness and newness in our lives and keeping them at home can bring freshness and vitality into the home environment and a little of Stress reduce the daily

You can arrange houseplants in different ways in the corners of the house and design your house with them, today in moist Creative and beautiful ideas for Arrangement of houseplants At Decoration We have them to make your home more beautiful .

چیدمان گیاهان آپارتمانی

Hanging a vase on the ceiling

Use hanging houseplants to decorate the empty walls and ceiling of your apartment and give your apartment a special beauty. For this :

On a metal plate, make holes with a drill and screw a pendant to each of the holes. Paint the metal plate according to the decoration of your home and hang each of the hanging plants with a rope .

Use a wire, a metal ring, a wooden or metal branch, a clay bowl, spray paint, etc. and spend the least amount of time and money to make a hanging vase with a new design for yourself and hang it from the ceiling. Make a handmade hanging vase with multi-layered wood or chipboard and a little creativity .

Cut the middle of the boards into a circle with a woodworking tool so that your pot fits inside the board, then drill holes on the four sides of the square board and tie a rope to it. Put the pot in the board and hang it from the ceiling. If you don’t have the ability to make such things yourself, ask a carpenter for help .

You can weave jagaldani, jagaldani hai Crocheting It is very nostalgic for us and makes us feel good. Put the flowers in the woven basket and hang them next to the entrance doors. You can weave a pot holder for hanging houseplants and put a glass jar in it and put a beautiful bouquet of flowers in it .

Using hemp, glue and containers that you no longer use, you can easily make a flower pot and hang it from the ceiling with hemp .

From copper dishes Small and beautiful, use as a vase and plant your favorite plants in it. You can use hemp or floor to install it on the ceiling .

قفسه برای گیاهان آپارتمانی

Wall shelving

To decorate your apartment with houseplants, put shelves on one wall and place flower pots with creeping flowers in different parts of it according to your taste. To have a green wall, direct the path of the flowers correctly .

You can also easily make a decorative shelf and arrange your green plants on it. Do not leave the middle floor of this shelf empty and design it with a series of decorative items .

This shelf is not bulky at all and those who have small houses and like to keep houseplants in their house can get ideas from this shelf, you can also use the middle floor. cactus Pick small ones .

Making vertical gardens

Install a flower box wall on one of your walls and make vertical gardens for arranging flowers at home or use the model of multi-story hanging pots .

گلدان روی پایه

Use stunning vases

To make your home decoration more beautiful with flowers for your plants, use shiny and attractive vases and modern vases with a base and elongated flowers, and don’t underestimate creativity in the vase .

Placing the pot on the stand

For a better view of the vases and easier cleaning of the space under the vase, use the base for the vase. You can use bases of different sizes and put a pot on each base. There are beautiful wooden or metal bases in the market, you can also get started and make some beautiful bases for your vases .

Hanging a vase on the wall

Place the pot on the wall without touching it, using a metal stud that is attached to the wall. Fasten the connections of this hanger to the wall so that it can support the weight of the pot .

There are some pots with brass frames in which you can plant indoor flowers with small flowers and install them on the wall .

One of the ways to install a flower pot on the wall is to install it like a panel, but this method is a bit troublesome because it is a bit difficult to keep it clean .


Arrangement of different plant species in different pots

To enhance your maximum decoration at home, plant different types of plants in different pots. Pay attention, even at the peak of diversity, the existence of harmony among the elements is very important .

Using a terrarium

One of the most popular ways to arrange flowers at home is using a terrarium or a glass garden. To make a glass garden, buy one of the ready-made terrarium models from a flower shop and decorate your table with it, or plant beautiful plants in a glass yourself at home .

Using a wicker pot

To decorate natural flower vases and flower arrangements at home, use wicker baskets as vases. The use of wicker baskets is very popular nowadays and can make your apartment beautiful .

Use of mesh shelves

A great solution for arranging flowers at home is to use mesh shelves. You can install a wire stand on the wall and connect your pots to this stand in various ways. This excellent solution acts as an eye-catching focal point in the space .

Flower arrangement on the shelf

An effective method of injecting color into the home and its decoration and helping to create a feeling of family relaxation is arranging flowers on the shelf, which can inspire you .

Clever use of flower reflection in the mirror

Use the reflection of flowers in the mirror to decorate the house with houseplants. Place your plants in front of the mirror to create a unique effect in the space and make the room look bigger .

Using a ladder pot holder

To decorate your apartment for those plants that need more light, make a ladder pot and place it next to the window, then arrange plants with small pots inside, you can place larger plants on the floor next to them .

Use of wooden fruit boxes

One of the best ideas for indoor plants is to use wooden fruit boxes and put them together to make a beautiful place for plants. Put the wooden boxes together and place the small and large houseplants inside them .

جا گلدانی نردبانی

Placing plants on the kitchen counter

To make your kitchen more attractive, place pots of evergreen, shade-loving and moisture-loving flowers on the counter and corners of the kitchen .

Using a conical tray

Place different types of plants in a conical tray and hang the tray from the ceiling to create beauty and a good feeling in the space .


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