Gable roof

What kind of roof is suitable for rain? Where can we find a suitable roof for rain?

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The above questions are probably related to people who live in areas with a lot of rain and are looking for a suitable roof for their houses; In this content, we will talk about the roof suitable for rain, we will introduce the types of roofs suitable for rain, and finally we will introduce the good and reliable supplier of these types of roofs so that you know where to get these roofs. .

انواع سقف مناسب برای باران

The importance of choosing the right roof for rain

One of the challenges that may affect the building is the infiltration of rainwater into the building and dampening its roof, which is why having a roof suitable for rain is very essential for any building. Choosing a suitable roof against rain in areas with high rainfall such as the northern regions of Iran is necessary and unavoidable because it rains a lot in these areas and choosing an inappropriate roof for a building in these areas causes many problems such as dampness of the roof of the house and infiltration. Water will enter the building .


What are the characteristics of a suitable roof for rain?

As we said, choosing the right roof for rain in rainy areas like the north of our beloved country, Iran, is inevitable, but the question that arises for many people is what are the characteristics of a roof suitable for rain?

Among the most important features of a roof suitable for rain, the following can be mentioned :

  • No penetration of rainwater into the building
  • Preventing dampness of the roof of the building
  • Having a proper system to drain rainwater to the right place
  • Moisture resistance
  • Resistance to temperature changes
  • Reasonable maintenance cost
  • Compatibility with other building structures
  • The beauty of the design to increase the isolation of the exterior of the building

Types of roof suitable for rain

Today, with the development of the construction industry and architecture, it is possible to use various designs for the roof of buildings in rainy areas, each of which has its own characteristics. In the following, we will introduce to you some of the most practical types of roofs that are suitable for rainy areas .

Sloping roof

One of the simplest and yet most practical ways to drain rainwater is to create a gentle slope for the roof in a suitable direction so that the rainwater is directed to the desired path. Sloped roofs are divided into several categories based on the type of design they have, among which the following are among the most practical sloped roofs .

One-sided sloping roof

In one-sided sloping roof, the slope installed for the roof is in one direction and the rainwater is directed in one direction to the desired path .

Two-sided sloping roof

In double-sloped or so-called double-sloped roofs, the roof is triangular in shape and includes slopes in two directions, and the rainwater is directed along the sloped path .

Four-sided sloping roof

In this type of roofs, the slope is created in four different directions, which is called four-bay roof. Various materials are used to build a sloping roof, and the most commonly used materials are stone, wood, and PVC. And the sheet is galvanized .

Arched roof

These types of roofs are arched and semi-circular, which prevents rainwater from collecting on the roof, the material used in these types of roofs is usually galvanized sheet, and the price of these types of roofs is The price of galvanized sheet is dependent

flat roof

For rainy areas, flat and non-sloping roofs can be used in buildings, but it must be covered with isogam material or other insulators to prevent water from entering the houses .

These types of roofs have a high maintenance cost and are usually less used in high rainfall areas .

سقف شیروانی گالوانیزه

Tips for choosing the right roof for rain

To choose the right roof for rain, you must consider the following factors :

 Rainfall intensity in the region

The amount of precipitation in the desired area and its intensity throughout the year should be considered and a roof should be selected that can not be affected by the amount of precipitation in that area .

Material and thickness of the roof

The material and thickness of the roof should be chosen according to the intensity of rainfall, a roof with the right thickness and the right material can prevent water penetration and prevent damages caused by water leakage .

roof slope

The slope of the roof plays an effective role in the exit of rainwater and preventing water from accumulating in the roof, therefore, a roof with a suitable slope should be selected so that the rainwater is effectively removed .

Resistance to water penetration

The roof should be chosen with maximum resistance to water penetration. The building materials used in the construction of the roof must be able to reflect water as much as possible and prevent water penetration .

Cost and budget

In choosing the type of roof for the building, the cost of its construction and other variables such as installation and maintenance should also be considered .

Suitable system and mechanism for directing rain water

To choose the right roof for rain, one of the important things that you should pay attention to is creating the right mechanism to transfer rainwater to the right place so that water does not accumulate on the roof .


Use of galvanized gable roof for rainy areas

The gable roof is one of the methods of covering the roofs of buildings, which is very useful in rainy areas. These types of roofs are made of galvanized sheets, which have anti-rust properties and are resistant to different weather conditions .

The use of galvanized gable roof has been welcomed by many people due to the price of galvanized sheet which is not too high. To inquire about the price of galvanized sheet, visit Pivan website .

Among other advantages of using a galvanized gable roof for high rainfall areas, the following can be mentioned :

  • Moisture is the most important factor in rainy areas such as northern Iran, and galvanized gable roofs are highly resistant to moisture and corrosion due to the material used in their construction .
  • The cost of construction, repair and maintenance of galvanized gable roof is much lower than flat roofs .


The roof is one of the most important components of any building, the proper selection of which is very important according to the weather conditions of the region. Choosing the right roof for rain is very important for rainy areas, and in this content we talked about the features of a suitable roof for rainy areas and their types . In the end, we introduced the galvanized gable roof to you as one of the best types of roofs for rainy areas .

The material used in the gable roof is galvanized sheet. To know the current price of galvanized sheet and order it online, you can refer to Pivan website. Pivan is one of the most reliable online order collections of steel products in Iran, where you can find the price of all kinds of steel sheets, including Buy the price of black sheet , all kinds of galvanized sheets suitable for gable roof, oil sheet, etc. from this site at the right price and quality .


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Modern architecture and different types of sloping roofs

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