Sloping roof

Modern architecture and its effect on the sloping roof villa 

معماری مدرن و تاثیر آن بر سقف شیبدار | ویلا | تخت جمشید - پوشش بام تخت جمشید

Modern architecture and its effect on the sloping roof: From the past until now, there are various architectural methods, each of which has many fans. Among these architectures, we can mention modern architecture, which has its own fans in many countries. Among them, we can mention the newly developed countries. The emergence of new materials in the building industry has created a lot of variety in the sloping roof, in the facade of the building, and in the interior design of the building. Shingle, Andovilla, Acrotile and other new materials have multiplied this diversity .

معماری مدرن و تاثیر آن بر سقف شیبدار | ویلا | تخت جمشید - پوشش بام تخت جمشید

Modern architecture

Modern architecture or modern architecture is said to be a style of architecture in which traditional methods have been discarded and historical references have been removed from it. Examples of this type of architecture can be Art Deco, Chamanzar architecture, He mentioned organic and international style .

The first step and the first important international announcement in new and modern architecture by Weisenhof in Stuttgart, Germany with the title “Residence” was a turning point in the construction works at that time, and at once, as a turning point, it transformed the traditional hierarchy of construction work . . Since then, government institutions were more focused on development, and churches and palaces lost their past importance. Therefore, a new democratic attitude emerged based on a new structure .

The emergence of modern architecture

After the World War, people decided to start a new way of architecture. Due to the hardships they faced, they tried to forget everything about their past and start innovation and development and a new style of architecture. A movement in architecture was born, which was called the era of architectural transformation and modern architecture. Architects They tried to introduce architecture as science and technology in the world. In fact, modern architecture played a very vital role in the reconstruction of Europe .

This style of architecture was a movement against extravagance, extravagance and expensive facades in European buildings. The first modern buildings were also skyscrapers. Ludovic Mies Vander Vohe has pointed out that this style of architecture is actually a simplistic type. This style is in line with functionalism and modernization. In fact, forms have a direct relationship with function and it is through function that forms are created .

The modern movement transformed the traditional hierarchy of construction work by considering the settlement as the turning point. The church and the palace, as the most important works of the past, lost their importance, and from then on the public institutions of the state focused on the “development” of the house. Because of this, a new democratic attitude emerged based on the structure of the new world .

Pitched roof architecture

In modern architecture, the design of sloping roofs and villa roofs is very important. In fact, it should be said that the design of sloping roofs with modern materials has become very popular in architecture. In modern architecture, the old and obsolete methods have disappeared and the combination of color and design has replaced the uniform designs of the past. Therefore, there have been fundamental changes in the design of the sloping roof, modern coverings such as shingle and Andovilla are used. in architecture and design Modern pitched roof One of the most important issues to be observed is the slope. In modern architecture, due to the high slope of the sloping roof, different materials are used to make the building look as good as possible .

The covering of sloping roofs has made great progress from the past to today. From wooden and galvanized sheets and bamboo reeds to a little earlier when it came to clay for covering the sloped roof and the recent technology that includes Andovilla and shingle .

In modern architecture, the space is designed in such a way that it may seem a little difficult to understand the environment, but with a little reflection and the use of aesthetic methods, the meaning and concept of the designer, the combination of color and design can be understood abstractly. Shingle and Andovilla and the use of natural wood such as OSB board are very efficient in the design of the roof of the villa .

Modern architecture is always associated with creativity and innovation and takes a different form and appearance. With the increase in the speed of changes and its implementation, it is felt that we have faced deconstruction. Creativity and technology are included in modern architecture. The effort of all architects around the world is to improve the used techniques and present a new vision of the present era. Architecture is as old as civilization and professional history, and today’s structures are beyond ordinary buildings and a lot of creativity has been used in them .

معماری مدرن و تاثیر آن بر سقف شیبدار | ویلا | تخت جمشید - پوشش بام تخت جمشید

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Cases of structures and construction stages from the permit to the end of the work

One-sided gable roof

Sloped gable roofs can be divided into different types according to your needs .

Based on this, you will be able to choose the shape and type of your roof correctly. The fact should also be accepted that not all gabled roofs are necessarily projected.

Rather, some can only have a slope on one side. One-sided gable roofs are suitable for areas where the intensity of the wind is not reported there .

This is because single-sided gable roofs are generally not recommended for areas where the wind continues strongly. It is very easy to install this product on site and they use not so many materials in their production. In the production of single-sided gable roofs, if the slope is high, it is natural that much less rain and snow will fall on it, and this is considered as another advantage of using single-sided gable roofs .

Application of one-sided gable roof

If beauty is something that you cannot simply ignore, we recommend you to use one-sided gable roofs, because these roofs are designed in such a way that they give a unique effect to the environment .

If you are fascinated by older architecture, these ceilings can bring you the feeling of the past .

It is better to understand this issue that you can use one-sided gable roofs in different parts of your house .

For example, the garage part of the house can have its required roof. For the installation and implementation of the gable roof, at first, the size assessment and clear markings can seem effective .

Both flat and pitched roofs are frequently used in modern structures. But it is better to know the advantages and disadvantages of both roofs before choosing between a flat or sloping roof. In this article, we are going to examine the advantages and benefits of each of these two types .

Advantages of flat roofs over pitched roofs

The process of building and implementing flat roofs is simple, therefore, flat roofs are more practical for playgrounds, gardens or recreational spaces. Although the initial cost of flat roofs is higher than that of pitched roofs, flat roofs are easier to build and also last longer than pitched roofs against fire and wind .
Regarding the materials needed for the construction of the roof and also for the insulation, the flat roof needs less materials .

Disadvantages of using a flat roof compared to a sloped roof

Flat roofs are not always superior to sloped roofs, we will also explain some of their disadvantages :

The use of flat roofs in larger areas, without the use of columns, may lead to cracks due to temperature fluctuations. On the other hand, flat roofs are incompatible during heavy rain and snow. It is difficult to find and repair the leaky part in these types of roofs. Also, the initial costs of flat roofs are higher than those of sloping roofs .
On the other hand, the dead load is significantly higher in flat roofs than in sloped roofs .
In areas where we see heavy rain and snow, pitched roofs are more useful. This type of roof causes snow and rain to fall on the ground through gutters or roof edges, and there is no need for snow removal. On the other hand, sloped roofs require less maintenance than flat roofs, and their installation and implementation steps are more cost-effective .

Polyroof Varna trapezoidal UPVC sheets, due to their features such as high durability and longevity, self-extinguishing ability, sound and thermal insulation, etc., for sloped roof applications, and Polyroof Varna smooth UPVC sheets for Flat roof applications are very suitable .

  • Lightweight and durable gable roof covering for villas and all sloping roofs
  • Having a roof with a beautiful design and view
  • Safe and solid roof covering
  • Gable roof with classic and modern materials

According to the financial ability of the employers in the field of building and covering the roof of the villa, the choice of the type of material to cover and implement the sloped roof of the villa is also variable. Covering materials for covering the gable roof of the villa, from ordinary and classic sheets, can be used to cover the roof .

The difference in the use of different types of sheets

In order to cover the roof of the factories, where only the strength, insulation and watertightness of the sloping roof are more important, the usual cut longitudinal sheets such as sinusoidal, trapezoidal and shadowline are used. Covering halls and sheds is also done in the same way, but in villa roofs, in addition to paying attention to the strength, insulation and sealing of the sloped gable roof; The client pays special attention to the beauty and specialness of the villa’s facade, as well as the long life of the executive materials .

Detection of high-quality roofing material by Villanma

Fortunately, recently in Iran as well as in other countries, employers like to choose a material for covering the villa and the implementation of the gable roof, which has a special effect in terms of design, quality and beauty in addition to the warranty and longevity. Those direction cover Gable roof They act in this way, they will definitely spend once and for all .

طراحی سقف کلاسیک شیروانی به صورت طرح ژاپنی

Acquaintance with quality material to cover the attic roof

Quality materials for covering the roof of the attic

Among the materials that can have an excellent cover with a unique beauty in the implementation of a sloping roof, there are imported pebble sheets as well as domestic classic pebble design sheets, which have a more beautiful shape and a longer lifespan due to their tile production, and in terms of water Bandi is also approved by experts. Considering the knowledge that Villanma company’s employees have in relation to imported and domestic first-class materials, as well as the work experience and resume of Vilanma company and the use of trained teams in the execution of work, you can participate with a correct choice of free consultation and design. Villanma in the field of gable roofs and all types of sloping roofs , benefit from a 5- year executive warranty by Vilanma company .

Vilanma company’s services are applied throughout the country and in the fastest possible time for the implementation and delivery of the project .

All executive services of Villanma company in all parts of Iran, including Lavasanat Tehran, North Tehran region, Damavand, Absard, Gilavand, North Iran regions including Noor, Royan, Amol, Babol, Chamestan, Chalus, Namak Abroud, Kalardasht, Kalarabad. , Nowshahr, as well as the provinces of Kerman, Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Kashan and all the villa areas as well as all the provinces of Iran, with complete transportation and installation at the daily price of Tehran. In cities outside of Tehran, accommodation must be provided by the employer for the establishment of the company’s executive team .

Vilanma company, having all kinds of executive resumes in most of the villa areas of the country, is ready to provide covering material production services. Shirvani’s pitched roof undertakes the implementation of your project with a 5- year warranty from truss construction to complete installation .


What is the difference between a sloping roof made of pebbles and a clay design?

In this article, we are going to introduce you to two types of pitched roofs, Dekra pebbles and clay design sheets, and finally we will compare these two types so that we can conclude which of these pitched roofs is better. can have a longer life .

Introduction of sloping roof made of pebbles

New Zealand is a country that is always working towards the latest technology in the production of roofing materials. Dekra gravel pitched roof has been designed and produced by New Zealand, and this type of pitched roof is used to cover the roofs of buildings, villas, pavilions, etc. Dekra sheet has unique features and advantages and consists of 8 combined layers (galvalium, aluzinc, copper alloy, acrylic primer, two-micron resin and natural pebbles). In the areas of Gilan, Mazandaran, Nowshahr, Kalardasht and other humid areas, Dekra sheet is an excellent, beautiful and classic material for covering and performing sloping roofs .

The example of the tiles you see in the photo below is a brief color scheme of Dekra pebble sheets and it is as follows from top to bottom :

  • Black
  • brick
  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Ocher
  • تفاوت سقف شیبدار دکرا سنگریزه ای و طرح سفال در چیست؟

Some examples of Dekra pebble sheet color combinations

Advantages of Dekra _ Vilanma pebble sheets

The advantages of using Dekra sheets for the roof of the attic are the lack of moisture insulation, high strength against changes in weather conditions such as rain and snow, no color change against direct sunlight, quick and easy installation, and resistant. Against very strong winds and storms, can be used for slopes of 12 to 90 degrees, no rot, no wear, locking the Dekra sheets together in an integrated manner, high resistance to fire and high resistance to grain impacts. There are hailstones .

As we mentioned, the color of Dekra sheets will not be lost in any way due to hailstones hitting the roof or direct sunlight. But maybe you also have a question, what is the reason for this color stability and its non-disappearance? It is interesting to know that natural pebbles are used in the design and manufacture of Dekra sheets, which have natural color and are available in 3 models and seven colors, so their color will not be lost in any way .

The photo you see below is related to the structure of consolidated layers of pebble sheets .

مزایای ورقهای سنگریزه ای دکرا

The structure of consolidated layers of gravel sheets

The method of designing and making pebbled dekra sheets

The production of pebble dekra sheets is done in a 7- step process under pressure and forming with aluzinc sheets. Since the adhesive acrylic resin layer is used in the design and construction of Dekra pebble sheets, this type of sloped roofs have a unique overlap. But the sloping roofs of the clay design or the clay design tiles are more suitable for covering the sloping roofs of the pavilions, the execution of the parking garages and entrances .

It should be mentioned that recently, domestic gravel material has reached the production stage, which is known as Canadian Kingston sheet. The raw materials of this material are imported from Canada and assembled in Iran. Fortunately, this product is made of 8 combined layers, like the Dekra sheet, and it can compete with the Dekra sheet, or rather, it is located next to the Dekra sheet, because their pair consists of 8 equal layers. Kingston sheet has many colors and color combinations. Recently, due to the embargo in our country, it has been difficult to import foreign products. This is where you can safely use Kingston’s product instead of Dekra with a 50- year warranty .

The example of the photo below is related to the design of the roof of the villa with pebble material, with an area of 160 square meters .

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Villa roof design with gravel material and 160 square meters

Score classic cards

It is interesting to know that all the problems and disadvantages that existed in the design and construction of clay sloping roofs have been solved in this type of sloping roofs. As it is clear from the name of this type of sloped roofs, this type of sloped roofs are only designs of clay sheets and not the clay itself, so they do not have the heavy weight that clay sheets had. Clay sheets would rot, but this type of sheet does not rot in any way .

In addition, there is a possibility of breakage in the clay sheets, but the clay design sheets do not break in any way. You may think that these types of clay design sheets cannot have the beauty of clay sheets in any way, but it is interesting to know that clay design sheets look like clay sheets from afar and add more beauty to the facade of the building, villa and Or they will give you a gazebo .

An important point about the pottery design sheet

Another point that you need to know in the field of clay design sheets is that the use of these types of sheets is not limited to covering gable roofs, sloping roofs of gazebos, villas and verandahs, but these types of sheets It is also used in the design and construction of facades of buildings and villas .

Pottery design sheets are painted in two steps, which include painting the top layer of these sheets and their bottom layer. In such a way that the top layer of the pottery design sheets is applied in a kiln with a thickness equal to 20-25 microns of electrostatic paint , or rather powder paint, and to the back of these sheets, in a kiln and with a thickness equal to 7-15 micron powder paint or electrostatic paint is applied . There are different types of clay design sheets such as clay tile, Palermo clay design and Geneva clay design .

The example of the photos below is related to Palermo pottery design sheets .

تفاوت سقف شیبدار دکرا سنگریزه ای و طرح سفال در چیست؟

These types of sheets are also used in the design and construction of facades of buildings and villas .

All executive services Slope roofs with pebbles and clay pattern sheets and other materials by Vilanma company in all parts of dear Iran, including Lavasanat Tehran, North Tehran region, Damavand, Absard, Gilavand, North Iran regions including Noor, Royan, Amol, Babol, Chamestan, Chalus, Namak Abroud, Kalardasht, Kalarabad, Nowshahr, as well as the provinces of Kerman, Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Kashan, and all the villa areas, as well as all the provinces of Iran , are implemented with complete transportation and installation at the daily price of Tehran. Only for cities outside of Tehran, accommodation is provided by the employer for the establishment of the company’s executive team .



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