Office decoration

دکوراسیون ادارات

In today’s business world, the appropriate and principled design of office spaces and companies is very important for both the employees of a company and for the customers or clients who may visit there daily, in fact, the decoration can ultimately lead to failure or success. become a business. Continue with Arle with tips that show why office interior design is very important and some steps you can take to improve your office space …

Disorganization causes chaos
An office and office space with cluttered and disorganized interior decoration and design not only reduces productivity and creates stress for employees, but can also have a negative impact when employers come to visit. . One of the first and easiest steps you can take to help improve your office space is to start de-cluttering. Throw away or recycle anything that is old or you no longer use or need. From unnecessary papers to old printers, computers and worn out office furniture …
create a storage place for every file and item that you might need sometimes, but don’t use often .

طراحی دکوراسیون داخلی اداره

usually represents what a business does or the type of industry in which it operates. For example, the office space of a law firm is usually more traditional and has an old-fashioned atmosphere, or a startup company may be designed with bold colors and more modern furniture. When choosing a style for your office space, the purpose of the office space and the message There are important factors to consider when you want to post about your business .
Helps to increase employee retention and productivity
According to a study conducted by the American Society of Designers (ASID) , workplace design is one of the top three factors that help determine employee performance and job satisfaction. The study found that 31 percent of job-satisfied employees had an attractive workplace, while 50 percent of job-seeking employees said they would prefer to work in a company with a favorable physical environment .
Fewer vacation days
Did you know that if your office space does not have the right lighting and color combination, it can actually make your employees sick? One of the most common reasons employees use their “off days” is for headaches. These headaches are usually caused by poor lighting, either because the room is too bright or too dark. Poor lighting can also cause eyestrain, reduced ability to focus, and even depression. Using the appropriate lighting levels and color palette in the office space can help to solve these health problems and improve the attendance of employees .

Optimizing the use of office space
The color palette, furniture, and lighting of an office space is undoubtedly an important part of interior design, but at the core of any interior design project, it’s really about planning the space. Efficient interior design allows employees to optimize the available office space and use it in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and more importantly helps the productivity of the space and people. Spatial planning considers your specific needs and helps you meet those needs .
The importance of interior design of office spaces
You are not alone in office design !
As you can see, the interior design of your office space plays an important role in many different aspects of your business. It improves morale, increases productivity, enhances the brand and earns customer trust. If the interior design of your office space needs updating, remodeling the space is a worthwhile investment that can have a long-term impact on the future success of your company .
Most business owners find redesigning their office space a daunting task. This is where the office interior design consultants of Arle Architecture Company can help you. to bring your individual needs, personal taste and style into the space .

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14 مورد از مهم ترین اصول دکوراسیون اداری

compliance Principles of office decoration It can be important from several aspects. Many users are of the opinion that observing the principles of office decoration is important only from the aesthetic aspect and has no other effect. But in this article, by examining all the principles related to the internal design of the office, we will explain the importance of observing these principles in the interest of the employees, as well as increasing the quality and efficiency of their work .


The effect of observing the principles of office decoration on employee productivity

One of the main ideas for office decoration is to increase the quality and productivity of employees .

A place where people can finish their daily activities with higher concentration by being influenced by different environmental conditions, including colors, light and calmness of the combinations placed in the office decoration .

It is for this reason that many experts have a strong recommendation in this regard to be sure to pay close attention to its principles when preparing decorative elements for office centers .

In some offices, the attractiveness in colors and designs is so high that looking at them makes :

  • People are less tired .
  • Have high concentration .
  • Be interested in being present in the office environment .
  • have a sense of comfort and peace of mind .
  • Do not cause additional stress for them .

These effects show the high importance of observing the principles of office decoration for office centers. It is interesting that the results of a large survey in American offices show that 13 % of people prefer to be in a better environment in terms of office decoration as their main priority.

. What is more interesting is that this number is even higher than the 9 % who want to have more salary as their main priority. In the following, by introducing these principles, we will also point out their effect on the productivity of employees .

Important points and principles of office decoration

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1 . A dark color inducing a professional work environment

The use of dark colors, of course, does not mean darkening the office decoration, it can be a sign of professional relationships in the work environment and strengthen this issue .

Also, dark colors in various elements make the office environment look more professional and specialized. Use dark colors as one of the most important Principles of office decoration Consider yourself and do not forget it .

2 . Bright colors create more intimate environments .

The use of bright colors in office decoration increases intimacy in the environment and people have good relationships with each other .

Bright colors are a message of happiness and inspire this happiness in the spirit of the employees. You should not forget to use these colors in the decoration of your office .

Whether dark or light colors are chosen as the main color of your work environment depends on various things, including the type of snake and your mood. This choice is a completely personal choice .

But our recommendation is that for very formal environments that are mostly used for professional meetings, use dark primary colors with smooth and clean lines, and use bright colors for more intimate areas .

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3 . The commuting route must be completely quiet .

One of the principles of office decoration is to make the employee’s commuting route quiet. You do not need to place decorative products in such parts of the office and you should not transfer many elements to these parts. Simplicity in these parts can be the best decision for you .

4 . Using different variables in different departments of the office

Another principle of office decoration is the use of different variables in different departments of the office. It is not necessary for all departments of the administration to have the same conditions. After all, the behavior and working conditions of employees in different departments are also different .

For example, in the dining year, you can use more intimate colors. The furniture used for guests can also have a completely different design than other office furniture .

In the same way, you should use different elements in different sections, both in terms of color and size .

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5 . Enter your business culture into office decoration .

For those who work in the field of carpet business, the use of carpet in decoration becomes important. Wall paper supply companies should benefit more from such products .

These examples show that the use of business-related elements specific to the office in office decoration is very important .

By using these elements, in addition to creating visual beauty, you can also direct the client’s mind towards your goals .

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6 . Using glass doors and dividers in office decoration

another one of Principles of office design It is in creating a sense of cooperation among employees. For this purpose, you can use glass walls .

Eye contact can also be effective in this cooperation. Separating different spaces with cement walls is not very suitable for offices today. Of course, you must create enough personalization in the necessary spaces .

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7 . Make the most of natural light in the office environment .

Although it is not possible to use natural light in every space of the office, but even if possible, you should bring natural light into your office decoration and make the most of it .

Apart from the issue of lighting, which can usually not be timed easily with modern lamps, the natural tour can have a significant effect on the relaxation of employees. Therefore, you should not neglect this issue either .

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8 . Installing the right light is one of the principles of office decoration

We should also consider the creation of proper lighting in the office environment as an important principle in office decoration. In this regard, you should pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of electricity consumption and be careful in choosing beautiful light sources .

Too much light is not always the best option. The light should be enough so that the eyes of the employees are not tired or bothered. In choosing the amount of light, in addition to the presence of windows, the color and type of furniture and large items in the space also have a direct effect .

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9 . Choose the right flooring for the office .

Another principle of office decoration is choosing the right flooring for it. Do not choose flooring blindly and without considering other elements. In this regard, you should pay attention to the type of interior design of your office. On the other Types of office flooring It is such that any environment can choose its desired flooring depending on its nature .

  • For classic decorations mixed with wood, wooden floors can be the best option .
  •  Stone and ceramic is a better option for modern designs .
  • Very important departments and environments where the main meetings are held, using suitable carpets for office flooring can be the best option for you .

The same things should be extended to other design methods and choose them in the same way. Choosing the color of the flooring should also match these designs .

For classic designs, brown and dark colors can be better options and create an environment with the possibility of more concentration for employees. Bright colors can also be used for modern decorations .

After all, don’t forget to have diversity in different sectors of the foundation .

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10 . Have a plan for messing up electrical wires .

Also, in office decoration, you should have a good idea for computers and tools used for employees. The presence of computers usually makes the work space look very crowded and messy .

While using special ideas, you can prevent this mess and increase the beauty and elegance of your work space .

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11 . The color of walls and office decoration furniture

The main and important thing that we all know about the choice of color for office decoration is the matching and harmony between the components. After all, you should consider the type of your profession and job to be effective in this choice. The colors of the walls and furniture will be the main color of your office environment .

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12 . Do not underestimate the importance of using flowers and plants .

Office environments need flowers and plants even more than home environments. Do not forget that employees spend more hours of their day in the office than in the work environment .

Therefore, you should pay attention to the use of these elements in the arrangement of your office decoration and consider a suitable space for them. This can also have a great impact on the morale of your employees .

13 . Use decorative products .

Don’t forget to use decorative products in unused corners in the office. This makes your work environment more beautiful .

For this purpose, it is better not to go for decorative products that are very busy and in various colors and use monochromatic products or with several colors, these products are not going to become the main aspect of your office decoration .

14 . Transfer discipline from office decoration to employees .

Having an organizational culture should start with office decoration. In crowded environments where there is no order in the use of interior design elements, you should not expect regular employees .

In environments where all the elements are in place, people will naturally tend to be more self-disciplined. This makes it important to :

  • Increase employee discipline .
  • Increase their self-confidence .
  • Be interested in working in the workplace .

Therefore, as the first principle, you should look for a suitable place for each of the elements in the interior design department of your organization .

last word

Tips and Principles of office decoration We reviewed together. We tried to guide you in the various parts necessary to design office decoration .

It is good to know that you should not overdo it in using elements for office design. For example, buy a Office carpet With a busy design, the entire design of an office environment may be disturbed .

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