Interior architecture field


The field of interior architecture and its job market : Interior architecture is a combination of geometry, art and design. In general, the design of the interior functional space with regard to different uses and with a specific purpose (proper use and use of space) is called interior architecture design. In general, you should know that interior architecture creates a suitable space and the user uses Creativity such as color effects, form, furniture arrangement, etc. turns it into a suitable and beautiful environment .

It should be noted that interior design is the same as interior decoration with a set of similar skills but with different methods in the direction of structural design and the design of functional and decorative elements to achieve different goals. You should know that interior architecture is a sub-branch of the field of architecture, which has a unique popularity and job market in today’s world. Therefore, we recommend that those who are interested acquire the required skills by participating in interior design courses .

What topics do you learn in interior architecture courses?

In the interior architecture courses of Tehran Technical Complex, Mirdamad agency, the art and aesthetic aspect is considered on the one hand and the technical point of view on the other. You will learn related software such as AutoCAD, Sketchup, 3D and VV) and other widely used software in these fields .

Explanations about space

In general, you should know that space design should be done based on human use. So that in this regard, creativity and a special look at space and its use is one of the most demanded needs of people. In fact, the main goal of interior design is that users can make more use of the space and create a safe space. In addition to that, an interior designer should consider the physical program-energy storage along with aesthetic aspects with the use of furniture design, green space design .

What is the job market like in the field of interior design?

  • To enter the labor market, graduates of the interior architecture course can be employed by interior architecture companies or participate in the open labor market. For example, an interior architect can independently establish his own office and start working with employers in a professional manner .
  • From the point of view of group cooperation in personal projects such as residential, administrative project supervision from 0 to 100 internal implementation, design implementation in companies whose work is interior design and decoration either as a model maker or as a draftsman and Its implementation in software such as Autocad and complete understanding of measurement and pricing of materials and the total cost of the building for internal implementation are all points that an interior designer will have in the future .
  • In the specialized courses of interior design (interior decoration) and interior architecture, and aiming to continue studying outside the sphere of life in European countries, including England, Germany and France, as the current head of the group in this city to Arab countries and Turkey, a very good goal. to pass these courses .


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Where do we start?

Searching and finding out to meet the needs of users :

  • Many existing buildings, in dealing with the excessive increase in the size of the building, direct the users to the main name of reconstruction and optimization changes in order to fix the surface defects and the presence of new interior space. This is the first step that every interior decoration activist (interior architecture) should do .

Identification of popular styles :

  • Identifying the most popular styles of interior architecture with balanced costs compared to the employer’s capital, considering the knowledge of the material, its implementation in interior architecture, complete skill to show the before and after of the interior building with the presence of a detailed scenario regarding the use of space (residential-office) is important. It is the most important thing in this field .

A comprehensive look at earning money :

  • A comprehensive look to earn money with the correct financial knowledge of the market so that after the first consultation, the client will be aware that he has obtained the best suggestions for changes from the interior designer and the justification for this is to have a special look at his space with the lowest cost and The best design can choose the highest application of this goal .

Financial market in the field of interior architecture

The income of an interior designer in an organization can be defined and in the last 12 years , it has grown by 68 % compared to other businesses. In the decade from 1390 to 1402 , there has been a lot of good growth in this profession and its financial table shows the growing trend like other financial tables. which we will examine in the following :

  • First step : implement a renovation plan .
  • Second step : The price of interior space is different compared to before .
  • The third step : the way of presenting and selling or buying is highlighted according to the needs of the audience .
  • Fourth step : During the time when users have a chance to stay and live and work in this area, they will consider a set of new space creation, proper energy circulation, etc.


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History of income and labor market of interior architecture field

The history of income and market of interior design (interior decoration) is professional and project-oriented. In general, professional interior decoration is multidimensional. Concepts such as the concept of space, communication with the employer and management of project implementation from zero to one hundred functions in terms of interior design and arrangement of decorative elements are examined in this profession. A decorator is able to earn a good and high income in this field based on a picture of a specific scenario by calculating the time and place and related knowledge from the past to Kenko .

Theory of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)

The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) generally believes in implementing a project with the aim of daily activity (life-work) comfort. An interior architecture should have the power to create space. In fact, an interior space and its layout should be practical and designed based on comfort and aesthetics. Therefore, interior designers based on the principle of aesthetics and with full control and proper organization, as well as with the skill of working with related software, complete information about the necessary products and equipment, have the ability to control costs within a certain framework, and can be the best Design and implement the space with people’s standards. Therefore, the interior decoration course is very money-making and is included in the most efficient fields for earning dollar income, content-rich ability, and how to work through freelancing .

Ways that help interior designers earn income !

  • An interior designer should go to the side courses of this course to create and create a foundation for earning. such as green space design, facade design, furniture design, renovation, etc.
  • The interior design course (interior decoration) is one of the specializations that helps people determine the project as a freelancer on foreign sites and achieve dollar income .
  • One of the most important sites in this field is FIVER . By placing your resume on this site, you can attract customers and earn income .
  • Another reliable site in this field is the COM site, which is a large market for all freelancers in the world .
  • TRUELANCER Truelancer is a suitable option for professional projects or HOUZZ UPWORK is one of the largest freelance markets in the world for interior architecture and decoration projects .

Architecture and interior decoration package from basic to advanced :

Architecture and interior decoration is one of the important and attractive areas in the field of art and design, in this field, experts design beautiful and suitable spaces for human life and work using various tools and techniques. In this article, to examine the main concepts and principles Architecture and interior design , the benefits of obtaining a degree in architecture and interior decoration package from introductory to advanced and related job opportunities are discussed .

The main concepts and principles of architecture and interior decoration

Architecture and interior decoration are two different but related fields that are dedicated to the design and implementation of external and internal spaces. Architecture deals with the design and implementation of buildings and exterior spaces, while interior decoration deals with the design and implementation of the interior spaces of buildings. The main principles of architecture include design principles, building materials, structures, open spaces, lighting and painting. . Also, the main principles of interior decoration include choosing colors, choosing furniture and other decorations. The goal in interior decoration is to create a beautiful, comfortable and efficient space that meets the needs of the people who are there .

The benefits of learning architecture and interior decoration from introductory to advanced

Learning architecture and interior decoration It has several advantages, some of which are mentioned below :

  • Better understanding of spaces : Learning architecture and interior decoration will help you better understand how spaces are designed and how you can use different spaces for your purposes .
  • Improving creativity skills : Learning architecture and interior decoration can improve your creative skills. By designing different spaces and creating ideas for room decoration, you can strengthen your creativity .
  • Improving planning ability : The design and construction of spaces requires careful planning. By learning architecture and interior decoration, you can improve your ability to plan and use it in your daily life .
  • Multiple jobs : Learning architecture and interior decoration prepares you for various jobs such as architect, interior design consultant and interior design project management. Generally, these skills are required in industries related to construction, interior design, and decoration, and hence offer you numerous job opportunities .

Job opportunities related to architecture and interior decoration

The architecture and interior decoration industry includes many different jobs that require their own knowledge and expertise. In order to enter this industry, you need to have completed training courses related to this field in a reputable center such as Tehran Technical Complex representing Mirdamad. Job opportunities in the field of architecture and interior decoration are very wide and can be employed in a wide range of industries and companies. Some job opportunities related to architecture and interior decoration are :

  • Architect : Architecture is one of the jobs that gives you the opportunity to design and build buildings using your knowledge about architecture and interior decoration .
  • Interior design consultant : In this job, you help clients to design the right interior for their space. This job includes consulting, design and Supervision of interior design projects is _
  • Interior designer : Using the principles of interior decoration, interior designers design beautiful and efficient interior spaces for human use. This job requires strong technical knowledge and skills, creativity and the ability to work with other teams .
  • Interior design project management : In this job, as a project manager, you are responsible for managing the design and construction process of interior design projects. This job requires strong knowledge and experience in project management, the ability to work with a team, strong communication skills, and the ability to solve problems .
  • Lighting expert : Using their expertise, lighting experts use different light sources to create different effects in spaces. This job requires strong technical knowledge and skills, knowledge of lighting technologies, ability to work with a team and strong communication skills .
  • 3D designer : 3D designers use design software to 3D various architectural and interior decoration designs and show them to customers. This job requires sufficient knowledge and creativity .

The benefits of getting a degree in architecture and interior decoration package from introductory to advanced

Getting a degree in architecture and interior decoration package from basic to advanced is very useful for people who are interested in this profession. This degree is taught in various fields such as interior design, architectural design, map drawing, lighting, etc. Some of the advantages of receiving an architecture and interior decoration package degree are :

  • Improving technical skills : Obtaining an architecture and interior decoration package degree from preliminary to advanced will help you improve your technical skills in various fields such as interior design, architectural design, lighting and structures .
  • Increasing employment : By receiving the certificate of architecture and interior decoration package, job opportunities in various fields such as architectural engineering, interior decoration, interior design and project management will be provided to you .
  • Increase in income : Getting a degree in architecture and interior decoration package will help you to improve your skills in various fields and as a result, increase your income .
  • The possibility of working with different teams : By receiving the certificate of architecture and interior decoration package, you can cooperate in different teams such as design, architectural engineering and interior decoration teams and benefit from their experiences .
  • Improving the execution capability of projects : By receiving the certificate of architecture and interior decoration package, you will be able to plan your projects better and implement them with higher quality .
  • More communication with customers : By receiving the certificate of architecture and interior decoration package, you can better communicate with your customers and understand their needs better .

Introduction of the final documents of the architecture and interior decoration package from preliminary to advanced

Evidence Interior decoration design package course Technical complex of Tehran can be officially translated, approved by the judiciary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This certificate is approved by private and government organizations and companies, and as a Skill Certificate , it can be used as an introduction to your skills, as well as part of your work resume and educational skills .



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