Get an architecture degree

دریافت مدرک معماری برای مهاجرت

Obtaining an architecture degree for immigration

Obtaining an architecture degree for immigration : Architecture is one of the most popular fields in The field of art and design is. Nowadays, due to population growth and development of cities, the need for professional architects is felt more than before. Many interested people can go to Tehran Technical Complex of Mirdamad representative office and study in this center to gain knowledge and get a valid degree in this field. In this article, the study of obtaining an architecture degree for immigration, job opportunities and the benefits of obtaining this degree from Tehran Technical Complex, Mirdamad Agency, is discussed .

What is architecture?

Architecture is a science that deals with the design, planning, execution and supervision of construction projects. Using their technical and artistic knowledge, architects design spaces that make people’s lives more beautiful and optimal. By completing the architectural training course at the Tehran technical complex of Mirdamad agency, students get to know the basic concepts, principles and techniques of design .

In Tehran technical complex of Mirdamad Agency, various educational courses in the field of architecture are offered. In these courses, students get to know the principles of architecture, building design, color theory, design software and other skills needed in this field. Some of the educational topics of these courses are :

  • Principles of architecture :In this section, you will learn the principles and basics of architecture, including the history of architecture, design theories, how the building was originally designed, and executive details .
  • Color theory :In this section, the study of color theory and the use of color in the design of buildings is discussed .
  • Design software :In this section, from the design software ( two-dimensional 2D ) and ( three-dimensional 3D ) such as AutoCAD and SketchUp It is used to create construction plans and …

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Architectural job positions inside and outside of Iran

Architecture is a popular and widely used profession that provides many job positions for architects inside and outside of Iran . Inside Iran, architecture is one of the most popular academic fields and people who have studied in this field can Different parts including designing, consulting and training. Also, architects play an important role in the design and construction of buildings and public spaces in public and private projects . Outside of Iran, architecture is a popular and lucrative profession, and in advanced countries, architects play a very important role in large and important projects such as shopping centers, public spaces, airplane stations, etc.

Job opportunities by obtaining an architecture degree for immigration

Learning architecture training courses and receiving an architecture degree from Tehran Technical Complex, Mirdamad agency, provides many job opportunities for immigrating to other countries. After completing the training courses and acquiring the necessary skills, a person can work as an architect in various institutions and architectural companies. Job opportunities in the field of architecture are very wide and some of them include the following :

  • Interior design :Architects can Interior design of buildings and other spaces such as residential houses, offices, commercial places,
  • Design and supervision of international projects :Iranian architects can work as designers and supervisors in international construction projects implemented by foreign companies .
  • Advice :Architects can work as consultants in the field of architecture and interior design .
  • Teaching :Architects can work in educational centers teaching in fields related to architecture .
  • Cooperation with engineering and architecture companies :Architects can work in engineering and architectural companies that work in the field of construction projects .

Previous article : Getting to know sketch and rando techniques in architecture! (Rando)

Benefits of obtaining an architecture degree for immigration

Getting an architecture degree has many advantages for immigrating to other countries. Obtaining this degree from the most prestigious center shows that a person has the necessary knowledge and expertise in the field of architecture and is ready to work in this field. Therefore, in this section, some of the benefits of obtaining an architecture degree for immigration are discussed :

  • Improving skills and knowledge :Obtaining an architectural degree from Tehran Technical Complex, Mirdamad agency, will help you improve your skills in this field and familiarize yourself with the latest design and construction methods. Completing the training course and receiving this degree will give you an opportunity to be up-to-date in the architecture industry .
  • Increasing job opportunities :Obtaining an architecture degree qualifies you to work in reputable architectural firms, domestically and abroad. Having this degree will help you get a suitable and desirable job in the destination country .
  • High demand for architects :Today, all over the world, due to population growth and the development of cities, the need for professional architects is felt more than before. As a result, by receiving an architecture degree, your chances of finding suitable job opportunities in the destination country will increase .
  • Immigration to different countries :Architecture is a global field and there are many job opportunities in this field in most countries. After receiving an architecture degree from Tehran Technical Complex of Mirdamad agency, those interested can immigrate to countries such as Canada, Australia, Europe, etc. and work there as architects .
  • The lucrative profession of architecture :Architecture is one of the most lucrative professions in many countries. In most countries, architects with sufficient knowledge and skills and having a valid degree can earn a decent income in their work .

final word

As we found out in this article, getting an architecture degree is an important step for success and progress in the architecture industry and immigration to other countries. By receiving an architecture degree from Tehran Technical Complex, Mirdamad agency, you will be provided with various job opportunities in different countries. Countries such as Canada, Germany, etc. are among the popular destinations for immigrants and architecture professionals. Also, by receiving this degree, you can improve your technical and design skills Design and construction methods Get to know the new world of architecture .

Introducing the end of the course (getting an architecture degree for immigration)

Architectural degree, Tehran Technical Complex, can be officially translated, approved by the judiciary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This certificate is approved by private and government organizations and companies, and as a Skill Certificate , it can be used as an introduction to your skills, as well as part of a student’s work resume and skills .

People who consistently use both hemispheres of their brain and are looking for promising jobs after graduation and enjoy receiving financial rewards, obtaining an architecture degree (which is a very popular and competitive degree) is the best option. It will be a choice for them. Because obtaining this degree includes things such as: mixed arts, science and technology, skills used to develop activities, drawings made based on engineering and mathematics elements, combining creativity, understanding modern technologies, social titles and various trends. It will include culture. By reading this article, new information regarding Conditions Studying and working in the field of architecture you will get



Our experienced lawyers can help you in getting admission in the field of architecture from foreign universities and universities approved by the Ministry of Science of Iran for people who want to study in the field of architecture. Also, applicants can contact the consultants of the institute to get advice on the conditions of sending architecture students abroad as a guarantee .

The status and conditions of studying and working in the field of architecture

Many people immigrate abroad, usually through the field of architecture, after obtaining residency, study and work in the field of architecture Acceptance Architecture majors from foreign universities take citizenship or citizenship, of course, it is worth mentioning that this method is one of the methods of immigration through the architecture major. There are also architecture .

A scholarship to study and work in the field of architecture is possible if you have a strong resume of studying and working in the field of architecture in this country. For more information regarding the conditions of architecture scholarship abroad, please contact accredited immigration institutions or the embassy of the desired country. If you get a scholarship, you can benefit from free education in architecture. You should do more research about the country of your choice for information about the conditions for studying architecture for free .

Structure of courses and entry requirements

What is architecture?

Usually, the question of what is architecture is raised first. In answer to this question, it should be said that architecture refers to the art and science of designing and supervising engineers on a wide range of structures and constructions. Therefore, those who study the architectural trend will be required to study various sciences related to this trend and the science of art. Therefore, the entry requirements for obtaining an architecture degree are usually related to artistic abilities and increasing proficiency in mathematics. A design architect is an individual who uses human-related images in his designs and is responsible for the safety and reliability of these structures. Therefore, students will be required to acquire special practical experiences before obtaining an architecture degree and during their studies and work in the field of architecture. Although the rules and regulations related to obtaining an architecture degree differ from one region to another, usually obtaining a degree ( Bachelor and Master of Architecture ) takes five years. It goes without saying that people will be required to study for two additional years to gain practical experience in this field .

If people are asked to answer the question of what architecture is, undoubtedly many of them will say that the art of architecture is related to the design of buildings. But don’t forget that jobs related to architecture will cover a wide range of different jobs. In many cases, small or medium-sized architecture companies deal with things such as: drawing, budgeting, controlling financial accounts, negotiating with contractors, ensuring the health and safety of buildings, ensuring the rules and regulations on the site, gaining expertise in The materials used and the knowledge of the skilled workers will deal with it .

Existing expectations of an architecture degree

Architecture students will be taught all the things related to architecture such as how to draw 3D designs correctly by hand or computer programs. Therefore, the scope of your studies is up to knowing the design works in the stadium along with participating in private classes and critical lessons. Criticism meetings, known as ” crits ” , are meetings in which people evaluate the art and designs used in buildings, meetings that allow people to obtain Jobs related to architecture Or they will prepare to get the desired job .

Students majoring in architecture usually have a special desire to participate in lectures related to the history of architecture, theories and knowledge of existing technologies for design and the use of computers for design, meetings that aim to create various skills in people for design and help complete the project. are personal .

Submission of articles related to architecture is considered one of the main and important components for obtaining an architecture degree. Considering the wide range of sites, it is very important that people refer to the sites related to the design of buildings and architectural places according to their interests .

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in architecture takes three to four years and is given to people with the titles of BA or BSc . In England, obtaining this qualification is usually provided by ARB / RIBA (Architectural Qualification Registration Institute / British Architectural Institute) and by participating in the 1st test. Participating in exam 2 (usually for obtaining a master’s degree in architecture) and participating in exam 3 (for obtaining a master’s degree or gaining experience related to it). In fact, the ARB / RIBA organizations specify what kind of training and additional courses to acquire Practical experiences is needed

After going through all the required steps in the selected country, you are required to obtain a BArch or DIParch (according to the type of courses) you will be .

Gain expertise

Obtaining an architecture degree is usually with topics related to the core of architecture, which are essential topics, history of architecture, current trends, introduction of key methods for research, rights, laws and regulations, preservation of natural resources, sustainable issues, use of models for analysis and It includes the ability to count and deal with things .

More prestigious and the best architecture universities in the world

The top architecture universities in the world are:

  • MIT University , USA
  • Royal College of Art, London
  • Technical University of Delft, Netherlands
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • Harvard University

It is interesting to note that the National University of Singapore is ranked 6th, Tsinghua University of China is ranked 8th, and the University of Tokyo is ranked 10th in this list.

In the second year of study, the opportunity to earn People will be given specialization in their favorite trend and they will be able to choose one or more architectural titles. Gaining expertise in different architectural fields may be different because it will depend on your chosen subject. Some common options are :

Architectural technology

Acquiring expertise in architectural technology refers to creating artistic architecture using existing technologies and using design for a better life. Gaining expertise in the field architectural technology, It is required to have an IT degree and the ability to work with a wide range of computer software that is used every day (using 3D design software). Students who intend to specialize in this field are able to learn scientific principles and practical knowledge to analyze regulations, face challenges in construction projects, use superior technologies, use materials and recognize processes. They will be for final designs. Architectural technology professionals will need a strong ability to draw, solve architectural problems, and pay close attention to detail .

Architectural Engineer

An architectural engineer is a specialized person who focuses less on design and art, and on the contrary, focuses more on mathematics and physics and creating structures. Architectural engineering students will pay much attention to functional design systems such as: lighting, ventilation system, heating and cooling systems. The architectural engineering trend is a trend that emphasizes more on practical and practical activities and aesthetic issues and is related to the construction of buildings, dams, canals and roads .

Architectural Designer

The designer of the architecture department is a person who has a strong focus on the topic of creation. It goes without saying that the students of this direction will be required to have a very strong ability to draw and design. Also, students will be required to increase their technical skills, emphasize the subject of design, construction of buildings, acquire skills related to human life, and work in the natural environment. Studying architectural design will provide people with the opportunity to discover and research potential projects individually and work on projects related to architectural design .

 Historical architecture

Studying this trend means discovering the culture and historical concepts of architecture and building a new environment around the world. In addition, gaining expertise in this trend means focusing on topics such as: history, society, politics, critical concepts and how to design buildings in different spaces. Unlike other titles related to architecture, historical architecture focuses on the study of theoretical approaches .

Interior Architecture

Interior architecture students will focus on designing different interior spaces. Acquiring expertise in this direction is required to create and design visual images, study and use all colors, different lighting, use of media, various shapes and faces. Principles of architecture with Designing Interior spaces and things like: designing private places and residences, hospital industries, commercial buildings, public buildings and official spaces are related. Therefore, graduates of interior architecture will be able to acquire special skills for jobs such as designing exhibitions, installation works, designing home furniture or very advanced interior designs .

Architecture and landscape design

People who are interested in gaining expertise in the field of landscape architecture will undoubtedly be very interested in the environment, land design and external spaces where people live in different ways. It goes without saying that this trend will focus a lot on sustainability and environmental protection. It goes without saying that the study of this trend will provide people with the opportunity of urban landscape architecture. Graduates of landscape architecture will be able to learn topics related to society, environment, geography and their use in existing landscapes, study materials used, know technologies and manage landscape design. Understanding the interaction between Urban environments And natural environments are considered very important and courses related to landscape architecture are held in urban institutions. Experts in landscape architecture will be able to get jobs such as: urban design or planning, site design, environmental restoration and parks, planning to create fun and entertainment, landscape design and efficient planning in general .

Urban planning

Students majoring in architecture who intend to gain expertise in urban planning will be able to focus on topics such as: designing and building beautiful environments, designing street signs, and generally planning in the direction of designing urban structures. Acquiring expertise in urban planning is known as a bridge between architecture and planning. Participating in urban planning courses and gaining expertise in this direction requires participating in seminars, studying urban designs, sustainable designs, studying physical and spatial planning .

Job and work conditions of the field of architecture in Khazaj of the country

Don’t forget that architecture jobs are more diverse than it might seem. It goes without saying that many architects prefer to be self-employed, some of them have a great desire to participate and cooperate (with law firms), and some of them cooperate with very large companies and receive fixed salaries. .

According to the type of orientation you choose, architecture jobs will help you in getting various jobs. It goes without saying that you will be able to focus on the construction of residential premises, gain expertise in the design of commercial premises, design projects related to large public premises or collaborate with several small companies at the same time. Being diverse in the projects you choose means living and devoting your time to viewing sites related to construction and working with the natural environment .

Architects in small companies provide many services to company owners and their work is not limited to design. These services will include things such as: monitoring the financial affairs of customers, hiring and negotiating with contractors, planning, budgeting and generally ensuring the correct implementation of projects. Some architects focus only on one aspect of architecture, it goes without saying that the participation of architects with large companies means acquiring expertise in other trends as well .

Architectural jobs (landscape architecture)

Keep in mind that getting landscape architecture jobs requires different abilities and focuses on things like: planning, design and management in outdoor space. A landscape architect deals with all things related to the environment and humans, such as wind farms and car parks. Those who are interested in taking landscape architecture jobs are usually very interested in working in outer space And they will have expertise in the trends related to this profession .

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 Architectural jobs (architectural planner)

As an architectural planner, you will be able to work in suburban and national planning, political planning, environmental planning, transportation planning and more. The employer of this department may have positions such as: management of the central department, local authority, management of private companies and responsibility for recovery of companies. Your chosen profession may be closely related to titles such as: helping to maintain the surrounding areas of the country, waterways, seaside and increasing efficient energy in the city or country. Playing a role in this profession will emphasize a lot on the subject of communication and focus on the future of spaces and places .

Other jobs related to architecture

Although many graduates of the architecture field have an architecture degree and have gained professional expertise in this field, other elective jobs are also considered for them. Therefore, playing a role in jobs related to this trend requires things such as: creative ability and acquiring visual skills, technical ability and acquiring knowledge about the structure of buildings. These elective jobs include things such as: space design, geographic design, design on stage and film, building survey, design of officials’ houses, planning to build, protect and work in the natural environment .

Most of the existing gaps for obtaining managerial jobs are felt between senior architecture experts and those who have gained professional experience in this direction. Journalism is one of the other paths of choice for people, which includes topics such as: gaining expertise in journalism and creating publications related to architecture or the construction industry, and it attracts many architecture graduates. .

The conditions of studying and working in the field of architecture in various European countries such as France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Hungary, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Spain, England, as well as countries such as America, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South American countries such as Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, Argentina and etc. or Asian countries such as South Korea, Japan, Armenia, Georgia, Qatar, the UAE, etc., and each country usually has advantages and a higher scientific rank in a certain field, for example, French law, Italian architecture, Russian aerospace, etc. are similar cases .

Finally, Mehr Developers Law Firm, which is without a doubt one of the best law firms in the country, including Fars province, will answer your calls and in person, dear friend and fellow countryman, who is applying to study and work in the field of architecture and all matters related to accepting and obtaining visas for study and work in the field. Architecture architecture field in less than 6 months with Guarantee and guarantee It does it perfectly .

Those who are interested in studying and working in the field of architecture in the field of architecture to obtain information regarding the immigration conditions and the conditions of sending architecture students abroad and obtaining a guaranteed study visa for the field of architecture can by submitting their documents, which include: copies of All passport pages and translations of high school, pre-university and university transcripts and language certificates and passport photos to our experienced lawyers, at the selected Estehbanati law firm ( Mehr Developers ) located in Shiraz, one of the student sending institutions, easily and in the shortest time. Receive the study and work of the field of architecture in the field of architecture and continue the study and work of the field of architecture in the field of architecture. For more information, you can contact the consultants of the institute .


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