Interior decoration


Simple home decoration

Simple home decoration is one of the most important factors that have a great impact on comfort and peace in our lives. This type of decoration emphasizes the principles of simplicity, coherence and balance, so that your home is pleasant and practical at the same time. Therefore, in the following, we will discuss some ideas and tips regarding simple home decoration .

  1. Relaxing colors: choosing relaxing colors for walls and main furniture, such as gray, khaki or white, can make your rooms calm and pleasant .
  2. Use of natural light: If you can, use natural light to illuminate your home. Decorate the windows with simple and transparent curtains .
  3. Wooden artifacts: Wooden artifacts can give a natural look to the home. Tables, chairs or photo frames should be made and designed from simple wood .
  4. Use of minimalism: Use the principles of minimalism in your decoration. Minimize different items and pay attention to the arrangement .
  5. Indoor plants: Adding indoor plants to a simple home decor will enhance the beauty and natural feel .
  6. Use of textures: diversity in various textures, including fabrics, handmade and carpets, gives warmth and depth to your decoration .
  7. Neat and simple: Above all, pay attention to order and neatness. Throw away useless items and always keep your house clean .

Simple home decoration can give you a feeling of peace and simplicity in life and turn it into a pleasant environment. These tips become the basis that will help you to build a simple and beautiful home .

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Small home decoration

Small home decoration is a fascinating challenge in interior design. Although the limited space may seem to create many restrictions, but with creative thinking and the use of appropriate techniques, you can give the small house a special character and charm .

  1. Bright colors: Using bright colors for the walls and ceiling can make your small rooms look bigger .
  2. Smart storage: use furniture and items with elegant appearance and storage facilities such as shelves, trays and wall shelves .
  3. Mirrors: Using mirrors as a decorative element can reflect light and make the space look bigger .
  4. Multi-purpose furniture: Choosing multi-purpose furniture that you can use for different purposes increases the benefit of small areas .
  5. Folds and dividers: in small home decoration, use folds and dividers to show the necessary space for use at different times .
  6. Protection of order and order: keeping order in the space and preventing congestion is very important .

Small home decoration does not mean quantity, but means creativity and intelligent use of space. These tips will help you to turn your small home into a beautiful and efficient environment .

  دکوراسیون داخلی مسکونی قسمت نشیمن

Home decoration from design to old house renovation

Decoration in the Persian dictionary means arranging, arranging and arranging .

When we talk about the interior decoration of the house, we mean the way to choose the items, decorations inside the building and the type of arrangement of different parts of the house such as: reception and living room, kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom and toilet .

Due to the attractiveness and popularity of interior decoration design, decoration design is no longer exclusive to residential houses. Its rules are used in workplaces, offices, shops, hospitals, stores, hotels and other spaces .


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Moving to a new house and needing decoration design

Moving to new homes is always full of excitement and attraction for people living in one house. But sometimes the way of arranging the decoration of the house becomes a concern for the people of that house, especially the lady of the house .

You have to decide how to arrange your things in the new environment and the space you see in order to provide a suitable space. And design your home decoration in a way that reflects your personality, feelings and taste .



Tricks to arrange the interior decoration of houses

Apart from the principles related to choosing the right color, texture, style of home decoration and objects that match the style you choose .

Mathematics and mathematical proportion play a very important role in the correct arrangement of your home. A basic arrangement based on mathematical principles has simple formulas that if you learn it .

You can create a beautiful decor according to the space you have and avoid turning your home into an environment where only objects are placed together without any proportion. Showrooms can be very helpful in guiding how to arrange household items .





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General principles of home decoration design

One of the main principles of home decoration design is to never start buying the necessary accessories for home decoration by buying furniture. It is better to postpone the purchase of furniture until after the major purchase of the necessary supplies. Because maybe what you see in the store and attract your attention is too big or small for your home .

Let’s say you bought pink furniture that looks very nice in the store and moved it home. Now you have to design the layout of the house according to it .

The idea of starting home decoration design with furniture because of the empty space of the house will only lead to the next wrong choices .

The best thing is to start decorating the house and buying the necessary accessories for it from your bedrooms and work, then come to the reception and decide on the necessary components.

Correct measurement will help you in choosing the right items such as furniture, curtains, wardrobes and so on. Carry the size booklet with you for all purchases .

If any part of your space has a sudden indentation or even a bulge, or they are not square or rectangular and the whole thing ­is out of the ordinary. It is enough to choose and buy your necessary accessories by considering all these things .

سبک دکوراسیون داخلی همپتونز

Determining the overall style of the house is one of the principles of arranging the house

Decide how you want to live. Deciding on this part will determine your next steps and there are no right or wrong answers. After this decision, you can do the basic decoration of your home .

It all depends on your taste. The rooms can be traditional, modern, formal or calm, and visually, the color used in their design can be warm or cold .

For this, it is better to consider your dream house, the one you have always imagined in your mind and that has been your favorite. Also, you should pay attention to the number of family members who are going to live with you and children .

For example, a person whose house always hosts parties and celebrations should have a different house from a box who works at home and needs more relaxation .

Therefore, considering a large hall and more furniture for the first case and assigning one of the rooms to the office for the second is something that cannot be ignored .

In this regard, there is nothing wrong if you visit home decoration magazines and see the results of the work of famous designers. This work can help you in making the right decision and observing the dos and don’ts of home decoration design .

Preferably, it is better to specify the design and number of all the devices you need to buy. Get hands on for the basic arrangement of the house and the principles of decoration !

After you have gone through the above steps and the initial decisions have been made. To get a better output, it is recommended to determine the position of the furniture and their size on the floor with a colored tape .

With this, you can also determine the amount of remaining space and the distance between them for commuting. If you don’t like the created design, you can easily change it. Repeat this until you get the desired result .

Dos and don’ts of basic home layout and decoration principles

The next step is to determine the total cost that you have considered for the design of home decoration and determine the amount for each of the desired items .

For example, if you want a 6- seater wooden dining table, you should know the minimum and maximum cost you want to pay for it, considering the total amount?


It is better to consider the steps of preparing the house and postpone the purchase of the necessary equipment until after the repairs and preparations are done. Because if your house needs to change the flooring or plumbing repairs. Buying appliances and placing them at home costs you money and the appliances themselves are also damaged .

Read more : Things you should pay attention to in office decoration

Although you can always cover the furniture using thick and big plastic so that they are not damaged .

But making changes in the structure of the house, such as the new color of the floors, may also affect your decision to choose furniture or carpet .

Moderation at work

Balance and moderation is a very important principle that must be respected. Exaggeration and exaggeration in colors or a specific design not only does not provide the desired effect,

Rather, it causes confusion and crowding of the design and overview. This solution includes the use of a general plan in all rooms .

Each room has a separate personality, according to which a design can be considered. When buying furniture, especially furniture, be sure to consider its quality .

It is not at all pleasant that after one year the appearance of your home furniture is the same as the furniture of ten years ago .

Ramsin factory can solve this problem by producing quality wooden household appliances .

All the products produced by IT factory have a company warranty and are produced using the most modern machines in the world .

The constant desire to own the latest fashion is not a bad idea in itself, but there is always the possibility that something is fashionable this year and is very beautiful .

A few years later, it will look completely outdated and ugly. So maybe the basic arrangement of the house does not follow the fashion much .

The following recommendations will help you to avoid such decisions. By implementing the dos and don’ts of decoration design, you can be sure that your choices will be correct .

  1. Excessive use of geometric shapes makes the home space crowded and chaotic. Avoid this crowding by choosing a small area of the living room for this. For example, you can decorate a part of the walls with geometric patterns .
  2. If you like geometric shapes and their order, you can put some colored cushions with geometric patterns on your furniture. You can also design a part of the wall with geometric shapes in the kitchen .
  3. Simplicity is still the main component of design. It is possible to give life to the house by using suitable and different colors, and with these colors, harmony can be created between the different components of the home decoration .
  4. Take the rule of odd numbers seriously. The basic idea of this rule is that details and objects arranged or grouped in odd numbers are more attractive, memorable and effective than paired items. The purpose of this work is to prevent the home space from becoming boring and monotonous .
  5. Make the basis of the work with white walls and timber flooring, and from here on, the problem is the prominent points .
  6. Pale shades of blues, creams, and ivories make the perfect Hamptons palette .
  7. Luxurious cushions, exquisite lighting and a very large fireplace complete the work .

Modern home decoration

Modern home decoration is one of the most popular approaches in interior design that adapts modern architecture and its elements to the interior of the home. This decoration style emphasizes cleanliness, simple lines, and the use of modern materials and artifacts. In the following, we discuss some features and principles of modern home decoration .

  1. Colors and color combinations: In modern home decoration, relaxing and semi-sharp colors are used. Color combinations usually consist of two or three common colors .
  2. Simple and geometric lines: In this style, simple and geometric lines are very important. You can use horizontal and vertical lines on walls or furniture .
  3. Modern Artifacts: Modern furniture and equipment are used with simple and unique designs. Artifacts made of materials such as metal, glass, and leather are usually seen in modern decoration .
  4. Use of light: Modern lighting comes with the help of different lights. LED lights with modern design and proper lighting are important in decoration .
  5. Use of space: Modern home decoration emphasizes creating a suitable space for the cycle of movement and use. Take advantage of adjustable furniture and smart storage .
  6. Quantity and simplicity: The principle of simplicity is important in modern decoration. Remove unnecessary items and pay attention to cleanliness and order .

Modern home decoration as an artistic combination of architectural elements, interior design and art gives your home a new look and beauty. This style adds a sense of freshness and modernity to your living space .


Different styles of home interior decoration

Home decoration is one of the most important aspects of our life. Home design can have a great impact on the well-being and mood of the residents. Therefore, choosing the style of interior decoration of the house, as one of the important measures in interior design, is of special importance. In the following, some different styles of home interior decoration will be introduced and reviewed .

  1. Classic style: Classic style often refers to authentic traditional decoration principles and patterns with historical influences. Wooden artifacts with intricate carvings and patterns are used for furniture and interior decoration. Warm and effective colors such as red and gold are usually used to decorate in this style .
  2. Modern style: Modern decor is known for focusing on simple and relaxing lines, modern artifacts, and simple colors like white and gray. Furniture with innovative designs and modern technologies are the main features of this style .
  3. Restaurant style: Restaurant style home interior decoration style uses various global and ethnic influences such as African, Asian or Mediterranean elements. Textiles, pottery and animal skins are used for decorations and textures .
  4. Contrast style: In this style, contrasting materials and colors are combined with each other. Combinations such as wood and metal or dark colors with pale colors are used. This style has spiritual and attractive effects .
  5. Eclectic style: Eclectic style combines elements from different authentic styles. This style allows your creativity and taste to appear in home decoration and you have more flexibility .
  6. Industrial style: Industrial decoration relies on the prevalence of mineral and metal materials such as concrete and steel. Open roofs, pipes and exposed metal artifacts are also features of this style .
  7. Minimalism style: In minimalist decoration, the emphasis is on quantity and simplicity. Unnecessary items are removed and the space is affected by cleanliness and order .
  8. Bohemian style: Bohemian style refers to a free and different approach to decoration. Handmade artifacts and vivid and attractive colors are used .

Each of these styles has different characteristics and feelings and can help create a unique and attractive interior space. Choosing a style that matches your taste and the needs of your home can help you create a beautiful space that meets your needs .

Read more : Getting to know sketch and rando techniques in architecture! (Rando)

What is meant by interior decoration design?

The concept of interior decoration design as one of the important elements in the design and depth of the interior space of the house or any other interior place is very wide and diverse. This expression refers to planning and designing the selection and arrangement of various interior components of the space in order to create a beautiful, practical and adaptive environment with the needs and tastes of the residents .

Interior decoration design includes choosing colors, artifacts, furniture, wall decorations, lighting, arrangement of spaces and combination of interior items. The main goal of interior design is to create an efficient, beautiful space that meets the needs of the residents .

For example, in a residential house, interior decoration design may include choosing relaxing colors for the walls and ceiling, choosing furniture that is in harmony with the dimensions of the space, creating suitable lighting for each space, and using wall decorations and expressive images .

Also, in commercial spaces such as restaurants, stores, or offices, interior design may help create branding and a distinct customer experience. From colors and decorations to furniture arrangement and lighting, every detail is important here .

In general, interior decoration design is an intermediate art and science that not only contributes to the beauty and attractiveness of the space, but also has a direct impact on the comfort and quality of life of the residents or users of the space in question .


Know the important elements of interior decoration

 عناصر مهم دکوراسیون داخلی را بشناسید


Interior decoration is one of the practical arts in using interior elements to have a beautiful, comfortable and pleasant space .

In other words, an interior decoration designer is a person who arranges the interior according to the customer’s taste and using creativity and pure ideas. Interior decoration can be used in all interior spaces. You can implement interior decoration design at home, workplace, offices and commercial centers .

A successful interior decoration designer is someone who is familiar with the principles of decoration design and has the ability to implement and arrange according to the desired space and style. Nowadays, the art of interior decoration is very popular, so that many people are engaged in this work professionally .

In order to have a beautiful home decoration, one should first of all know the important principles in decoration design. Observing some simple and practical principles in the way of arrangement can have a tremendous effect on decoration .

One of the special advantages of decoration design is creating diversity and a sense of novelty in people. Home is a place where people spend a lot of time, so having a pleasant and attractive atmosphere creates a cheerful and refreshing mood .

Changing the home decoration can have a positive effect on your mood and thoughts in addition to changing the interior space. Before starting work, you should know the important elements of interior decoration, so stay with us .

Important elements of interior decoration

The important elements of the interior decoration will have a great impact on the perfect and ideal execution. If any of these elements are ignored, the execution of the decoration will not be done completely .

Light and lighting : It is considered one of the important elements in decoration design. Having enough light and lighting is one of the important principles of decoration, which gives a special appearance to objects. Every place needs its own light. For example, the amount of light in the bedroom is different from the living room or study room .

Color : Another important element in interior design is the use of colors. Color is a cheap but very widely used element, so make the most of the miracle of colors in home decoration as much as you can. Warm colors such as red, cold colors such as blue and neutral colors are used in different places according to the energy they give to their surroundings. Colors make the environment appear small or large and have direct effects on people .

Balance : Another important element in interior decoration design is creating balance in the environment. Maintaining balance in the arrangement is one of the aesthetic aspects of the environment .

Harmony of decoration components : Another important point in the design of interior decoration is to observe the harmony of the components. If you use any style of decoration, or in the choice of equipment, the way of arrangement, the use of contrasting colors or the use of different textures, you should consider harmony. Matching the furniture with the environment, matching the color and model of the curtains with the furniture, or matching the color and size of the floor coverings with the size of the house are some of these things .

Types of home decoration styles

Types of interior decoration styles are defined according to the type and style of using the main elements in decoration design. Therefore, each type of decoration style is inspired by a specific idea. The types of interior decoration styles are very diverse, so that there are more than 40 types of interior decoration styles. Some common types of decoration style are introduced as follows :

Modern decoration style : Steel, metal and glass furniture and accessories are used in modern decoration style. Simple design, shiny and transparent accessories, regular lines, and the use of white and simple colors are prominent features of this style. Geometric shapes and curves are widely used in modern style .

Classic decoration style : In this type of style, soft colors and delicate patterns are very important .

Rustic decoration style : In this style, textures and materials derived from nature are used a lot. All kinds of straw, wood and mat and wooden accessories are used in this style to design the interior decoration of the house .

Combined decoration style : In the combined style, you can use all the components of other styles that you like. In this type of style, everything is free, but you should consider things like color harmony, components and texture .

Iranian Islamic style : Iranian colors and motifs are used in Iranian style. From the motifs of ancient Iran to Persian rugs and carpets with happy and lively colors. In Iranian style, you can have a modern Iranian style by using smart accessories and correct arrangement .

There are many interior decoration styles that you can use according to your space and taste. Other home decoration styles include Mediterranean, minimalist, industrial, Scandinavian, traditional, Far Eastern, French, Bohemian, chic, coastal, contemporary, etc.


All kinds of home decoration services

All types of interior decoration services are related to renovation, implementation of decoration of different spaces, repair and renovation of all types of cabinets, painting, wall paper, implementation of flooring and facade design. If you need to renovate your home or workplace, you can benefit from their ideas and opinions by contacting interior design and implementation companies .

Various services are provided by these companies according to your needs and tastes. If you need to repair or rebuild kitchen cabinets, you can choose different types of cabinets according to your home decoration style. If you need to renovate the walls, floor and ceiling, you can use different types of wallpaper with various designs and colors or building colors .

Choosing the interior decoration style and implementing it for different spaces of the home is another important point in designing the home decoration .

The interior design of the kitchen has its own characteristics. Choosing the type of cabinet and its color has a great effect on the decoration of the kitchen .

The decoration design of living room and reception is different from other parts of the house. Here, the effect of furniture, curtains, chandeliers and ambient lighting and their relationship with each other should not be ignored .

Bedroom decoration design is another important thing. It is recommended to use soft and calming colors and low light along with beautiful bedspreads and matching curtains .

The study room is another thing whose interior decoration is different from other places in the house. And finally, bathrooms and toilets can have any type of decoration according to your taste. The design of beautiful lighting in the staircase and the use of different lampshades in different parts of the house help this point .

Choosing a professional interior design and execution company can help you choose the best style and implement creative ideas. In the following, we introduce one of the prominent and innovative companies in the field of interior decoration .

Interior decoration services of the architectural style group

The interior decoration services of the Shaval Architecture Group will transform your lifestyle. The creative and innovative design group offers different services to its customers by using a variety of attractive ideas in the field of interior decoration. Some of the activities of the style architecture group include the design and implementation of interior decoration of houses, companies, offices and organizations, the design and implementation of various types of cabinets, the design and implementation of types of wallpaper and the implementation of specialized home interior decoration services .

Experts and interior designers design the best home decoration style by thoroughly examining the desired space and listening to the ideas and requests of the customers, and after the customer’s approval, they proceed to implement the project. All interior decoration services are performed under the supervision of group experts and by experienced executive staff .




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