
روش برنامه ریزی معماری برای معماران


Architecture is a highly competitive and dynamic field that requires a combination of technical skills, creativity and business acumen. To be successful as an architect, it is very important to have a planned and structured career path. Architectural planning is one of the essentials to achieve goals in the life of engineers. Architectural planning is obligatory and necessary for all architects and architecture students. Because it is only in this way that you can manage time effectively and move forward easily in the ups and downs of the field of architecture .

It definitely takes a lot of effort and dedication to become a successful architect. So, to achieve success, you must have the right mindset and attitude towards your goals and ambitions. These include setting goals, creating a basic plan, developing the necessary skills, practicing self-discipline, using the latest technologies, seeking help when needed, and taking risks .

This article explores the various strategies and techniques you need to reach your highest potential and achieve your goals in architecture .

هدف معمار

Table of Contents

  • What is planning?
  • Why is planning important for an architect?
  • What are the benefits of planning for an architect’s goal?
  • How to have a detailed plan?
  • What helps you have a good plan?
  • What points are important to observe when planning architecture?
  • What is the importance of mental and physical health on the way to achieving goals?
  • Ways to achieve more success in architecture
  • The closing speech of Ben Roe College


What is planning?

Generally speaking, architectural planning is a process to achieve goals. Having a successful plan is a skill that helps you to reach your goals and desires. Achieving success also requires knowing how to plan. Most people have a plan to do their work in life, but because they are not aware of the correct and basic planning, they cannot implement it as they should .

We all have hopes, dreams and aspirations in our lives. But how many of us actually achieve our goals?

Often times we spend too much time thinking or talking about what we want. But we do not take a step to reach it. The main reason is that we don’t know where to start. It is precisely at this point that we realize the importance of planning. Having a plan in life, especially in the path of architecture, can be a road map or a guide to realizing these dreams .

مسیر معماری

Why is planning important for an architect?

Having a proper plan is like a road map to success. One of the most important benefits of architectural planning in your life as an architect is Setting and achieving career goals Is. This way you can focus your efforts and resources towards your specific goals. As a result, this tip can help you set a specific goal that can benefit you when facing challenging situations. Additionally, setting specific, measurable, and most importantly, attainable goals can help you more easily track your progress and celebrate your successes along the way .

Another important aspect of planning as an architect is staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and developments in the industry. The field of architecture is constantly evolving and renewing, and it is important to stay up-to-date on new technologies, building codes and design trends. By staying informed, you can stay ahead of many of your competitors and position yourself as an expert in the field of architecture .



برنامه ریزی برای معمار


What are the benefits of planning for an architect’s goal?

·         Control the path to achieve the goal

A proper schedule will help you track your progress so you can set new goals if needed. It also helps you ensure that your plan is on track with your goals, tasks, and vision. A proper plan ensures that you know all of your responsibilities and can effectively move towards achieving your goals .

·         Less risks

If you have a basic plan, the potential risks on your path to success can be identified well. After identifying them, you can consider strategies to reduce those risks. This tip will help you avoid costly mistakes and delays along the way, as well as identify areas for improvement on your path to success .

·         Setting achievable goals

Determining achievable goals is an important step in realizing the potential of any architect. Lowering the limit to what can realistically be achieved and removing obstacles that prevent further progress can ease the path to success .

By setting achievable goals, it becomes more possible to focus on essential tasks and manage resources to ensure that goals are met. It is also important to recognize the obstacles that may arise and design strategies to overcome them .


برنامه ریزی برای رسیدن به هدف

How to have a detailed plan?

·         Determine your goals .

To create a successful and accurate plan, first every architect needs to identify his goals. If you don’t know exactly what you want in your career path, you can’t have a good plan for your future; Therefore, first of all, you should determine your goals and then create an architectural plan in line with your vision .

Then track each goal to see how you’re progressing. When you reach your set characteristics, you have achieved that goal and now it is time to set more goals in that area of your life .

·         Start with your dreams .

Before you can get to the architectural planning part, you need to know how your life can be and what you want from your life. Dream big and be true to yourself. do not be scared! Dreaming is completely free at this stage .

·         Write down your visions .

When your dreams become more clear to you, they become reality. Your perspective, both in life and in business, is an important part of your future success. Without these visions, there will be no purpose and you will never achieve the things you want for your life. So don’t limit yourself, give yourself more time and imagine your future. If this process is done correctly, it will definitely become a reality one day .

When you write down your goals, try to imagine your life and business in the next 5 or 10 years. What will your future business look like and how will it be run? How does your work balance with your personal life? Will you have a balance between your work, life and family?

·         Research what you need to do .

In order to maximize the potential of the architecture and achieve the goals, it is necessary to conduct thorough research on the steps to achieve the goal. By understanding success criteria, identifying opportunities, and researching the best strategies for goal implementation, you can easily make informed decisions about your goals .

What things help you to have a correct architecture planning?

·         Identify the required resources .

It is necessary to identify the resources needed to achieve the maximum potential of the architecture in order to achieve the goals and aspirations. These resources include tangible and intangible components. Tangible resources include knowing the necessary financial resources. Intangible resources also include networking strategies such as establishing relationships with people or organizations with similar goals or ambitions. By knowing the right resources, it is possible to achieve any goal and desire .

·         Develop your skills .

Acquiring the necessary skills is one of the main steps in achieving your goals and dreams. To achieve this, it is important to focus on goal setting, personal growth, networking opportunities, and creative solutions. Personal growth is essential in developing the skills and confidence needed to achieve goals. Networking opportunities provide access to resources that can help develop skills and knowledge. Finally, creative solutions can help identify alternative paths to achieve a goal .

So try to continuously educate yourself and gain more practical experience through internships and courses related to architecture. All these elements together form a strong foundation to achieve your goals and dreams .

·         Develop your discipline .

Self-control is another important factor in achieving goals. Self-control actually refers to the act of overcoming obstacles and maintaining stability to achieve goals. This trait is a critical ingredient in building the habits you need to succeed. Self-discipline is a skill that can be strengthened with practice. This ability can help achieve the goal of the architect and his progress in life .

برنامه ریزی صحیح در معماری

What points are important to observe when planning architecture?

·         Use technology .

To more effectively pursue goals, using technologies can be very helpful in creating a successful program. By updating your infrastructure and staying up-to-date on the latest developments, you can empower yourself to achieve your goals effectively. Technologies can help you organize your tasks and prioritize your goals .

·         Take time to reflect and re-evaluate .

Reflecting on progress and reassessing goals is essential to the successful implementation of any goal. Taking time and reflecting on the progress made and predetermined goals is an important part of this path .

Techniques such as journaling, mindfulness, and meditation can be helpful for assessing your current situation. Additionally, revisiting goals to see if they are still relevant and achievable is an important part of the path to success .

When reflecting and re-evaluating, it’s important to be honest and realistic with yourself. By taking the time to reassess, you can gain a deeper understanding of your goals and find the best way to achieve them .

·         stay regular

Organization is essential for the efficient progress and successful implementation of any program. The ability to prioritize tasks and focus on what needs to be done is the key to this path. To be better organized, it’s important to create a plan and stick to it. This application must include a Time schedule And Milestones May it lead you to your final goal. Additionally, it is important to break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable tasks so that they can be completed in a shorter amount of time .

·         Manage your time .

Effective time management is critical to achieving any program and ensuring successful progress. Prioritizing tasks and setting limits can help you achieve your goals and aspirations and enable you to focus on your most important tasks and make the best use of your time .

What is the importance of mental and physical health on the way to achieving goals?

·         Maintain your mental health .

Maintaining mental health is a vital aspect of achieving the goals and aspirations of an architect. Adequate rest and regular exercise are essential components of mental health. Adequate sleep and regular physical activity can also help increase cognitive function, reduce stress, and improve your overall quality of life .

·         Get enough rest .

Adequate sleep is a critical aspect in achieving goals. Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can lead to a decrease in your productivity and motivation. So it is essential to create a consistent sleep schedule. Measures such as avoiding caffeine late in the day and creating a dark and cool sleeping environment can help improve the quality of your sleep. Additionally, making sure you have enough time to rest before bed can help you sleep more restfully .

Ways to achieve more success in architecture

·         Networking with other colleagues

Professional networking is critical to success as an architect. Networking and forming groups with other architects, contractors, and professionals in the industry can help you learn about career opportunities and the latest developments in the field. In addition, networking can help you build relationships with other colleagues. These relationships help you in the field of guidance, advice and support to achieve your goal .

·         self promotion

Self-promotion is another key component of architectural planning. By demonstrating your skills and expertise through a strong portfolio and portfolio, writing articles and presenting your work at major conferences, you can make yourself known to others. As a result, it is easier to attract new employers and job opportunities .

·         Creating a balance between work and life

Creating a work-life balance is also important to your overall well-being and success as an architect. It is important to take care of your mental and physical health. By creating a healthy work-life balance, you can reduce your stress levels and increase your productivity and creativity .

مسیر راه یادگیری نرم افزارهای معماری


Nowadays, getting to know and learning architectural software is one of the essential skills for progress in this field. Mapping and modeling software play an important role in the field of architecture. In fact, most of the activities of architects and architecture students are done in the environment of these softwares. These softwares provide the possibility of checking and doing more designs in a shorter time. One of the most frequently asked questions of architectural enthusiasts and students is, which is the best and most widely used architecture software?

Also, you may have a question, what is the first step and path to learn architectural software? And where is the best reference for teaching architectural software? In this article, we intend to describe the importance, application and order of learning architectural software .


Table of contents :

  • The importance of learning architectural software
  • Software that every architect must learn !
  • Architectural software training in Iran
  • The order of learning architectural software
  • The closing speech of Ben Roe College


The importance of learning architectural software

Today, to work in the architecture market, it is necessary for engineers and architects to master the relevant software. Each of the architectural software has different features, and for this reason, each of them makes design easier for architects in a specific way. These softwares provide an environment for users to implement, edit, delete or add their mental designs and ideas easily and in the best way. In fact, designers go to software to increase the accuracy and speed of design as well as to draw 2D and 3D maps of architectural projects .

·         Improve the design process

·         Easy data storage and access

·         Increasing coordination between designers and different parts of the project

·         Converting 3D models to technical drawings

·         Correct storage of design information

·         The final presentation is expressive and close to the reality of the plan


آموزش نرم افزارهای معماری

Software that every architect must learn !

There are many architectural software in the world that architects choose according to their functionality and unique features. In general , the most widely used and essential architectural software is the important and famous software Autocad , and then the more powerful software Dmax ( 3Dmax ) and Revit . AutoCAD has a complete set of drawing tools and all kinds of facilities for 2D mapping, and View software is suitable for executive and phase two work .

In addition to 3D Max and View software, which are considered 3D software, one should also master one of the rendering tools. For example, Viri, Corona and Lumion. Also, Photoshop software is one of the most used software for the field of architecture. In addition, Sketchup software makes 3D modeling faster and easier with its user-friendly environment. Also, architects use Rhino software to model curved surfaces and complex forms in a short time .

Read more : Introduction of architectural engineer job (requirements, role and duties)

Architectural software training in Iran

As you know, the popularity and use of architectural software is different in different countries. For example, the list of the most used architectural software in Europe and Iran can be different. Despite the large number of architectural software in the world, software such as AutoCAD, View, 3D Max, Sketchup, Lumion and Rhino can be considered the most widely used architectural software in the world. In the following, we will review the list of the best architectural software in Iran :

Undoubtedly, the most important architecture software in Iran is AutoCAD software. If an architect in Iran is to learn only one architectural software, it will be AutoCAD. AutoCAD is the basis of all architectural software .

Currently, in Iran, after AutoCAD, View software is the most important architectural software in the market. 3D Max and Rhino software are placed in the next categories .

Other architectural software such as Lumion, Sketchup, Archicode, etc. are in the next priorities. Circumstances such as needs, goals and even the architect’s place of residence are involved in this matter. Also, these days in Iran, the use of Photoshop in architecture is not rare and it has a special place among architecture companies .



نرم افزار معماری


The order of learning architectural software

The answer to the question of which software to learn first and which to learn in the next steps will clarify the path of learning and progress in this field. In the following, important and widely used architectural software are mentioned in the order of learning :

1. AutoCAD _

AutoCAD is an important and basic software in architecture where architectural drawings are designed and drawn. Also, the municipality and engineering system in Iran also request AutoCAD software files. One of the ways to increase the speed and accuracy of architects is to learn AutoCAD. This software is used for drawing 2D and 3D maps and also drawing details. In fact, the first step of every architect in the field of software is mastering AutoCAD .

2. Revit _

But today, in Iran and international communities, vision has gained a great place and importance. Making a complete model of the project and quickly and correctly changing the architectural drawings are among the characteristics of vision .

3. ds Max3 or Rhino _ _

3D Max is a powerful software for 3D modeling that allows the user to model any volume. Rhino is also a powerful software for 3D modeling. This software makes modeling work easier and faster by using numerous plugins .

4. Viri plugin (V -Ray)

Viri is an additional software that is added as an extension to modeling software such as View and 3D Max. With the help of Viry, it becomes possible to materialize models and create texture and light. In fact, the final model becomes more beautiful, accurate and expressive with the help of Weary. Architects and enthusiasts who have sufficient mastery in Iran will have a high income .



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