Wood structures

Familiarity with the use of wooden structures

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Mankind has used wood to build various structures since long ago. The use of this material has many advantages that have made it have different applications at different times. Wooden structures are different from other types of structures, which makes them more attractive and has many fans with its unique features. In this article, familiarity with wooden structure, its use, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the countries in favor of this industry, are mentioned. So, if you want to learn about the use of wooden structures and what is a wooden structure? Read this article from the website of Ben Rowe College until the end .


Table of contents :

  • What is a wooden structure?
  • History and use of wooden structures
  • What are the implementation steps of the wooden structure?
  • The use of wooden structures
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of wooden structure?
  • Why are developed countries in favor of wooden structures?
  • final word


What is a wooden structure?

Despite the great progress made in modern building materials, wood is one of the materials that is still popular in the construction of buildings. Wood can be considered as one of the primary materials for building houses. The components of a wooden structure are largely similar to other structures, whose components are divided into two categories: compression and bending components. Wooden structures are very widely used in the northern cities of Iran. The reason for this popularity is nothing but the existence of forests and wood resources. One of the important things in these structures is that if the components are integrated, a strong structure is created .

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History and use of wooden structures

The wooden structure is one of the oldest structures in the history of mankind and has been used by people in most lands since the distant past. For example, log houses are one of the most widely used and oldest forms of a house. The noteworthy point is that this structure has progressed significantly in the field of science and technology along with humans .

Ever since man felt the need to build a safe shelter, wood became one of the most important and widely used materials in the construction of houses and other devices. In fact, it can be said that the first experience of building a wooden structure dates back to the time when people decided not to live in the mountains and over time moved their houses to more flat lands. Then, according to the geographical location and climatic conditions of each region, wooden structures with different shapes and types were built. In many parts of the world, including Sistan and Baluchistan, there are still tribes that live in circular wooden houses called capers. The wooden structures discovered from different historical periods and the paintings in the caves are proof of the fact that this material has been present in human life since the time of contact with nature .

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Implementation steps of wooden structure

The implementation of the foundation is the first step in the construction of a wooden structure; Because wooden skeletons, like all kinds of skeletons, first of all need a bed. The next step is the installation of resistant columns. By installing the columns, the main and secondary beams can be connected to them. When the construction of the skeleton is finished, the structure needs internal and external coverings. In Iran, most of the wooden buildings are built with sloping roofs and the roofs should be made resistant to wind and snow .

Read more : 7 important points about BIM in architecture, a look at the importance of BIM

The use of wooden structures

As you know, wood has always been one of the most popular materials in the construction industry. Wood is a very versatile material. This popular material has different colors, textures and designs. Each of these designs and colors are used for specific purposes. The most important wooden structures that are built with wood today are villas, houses, cottages, gazebos, thermowalls, roof gardens, pergola and mobile homes. Also, the design and construction of prefabricated and semi-prefabricated buildings can be considered one of the most popular and interesting uses of wooden structures. It is interesting to know that wood material is used in the construction of wooden skeletons, walls and even in the construction of doors and windows or interior design and building facade. Today, one of the most common and popular wooden structures are wooden villas .

In general, the use of wood in the construction industry is that it is used in interior decoration such as cabinets and flooring, interior or exterior materials such as wall coverings, equipment construction, and also the construction of load-bearing and main parts of the building .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wooden structure?

Like other structures, wooden structures have advantages and disadvantages. In the rest of this article, we will explain some of these features .


Disadvantages of using wooden structures :

In general, the use of wood material for construction has various disadvantages that cannot be ignored. The very low resistance of this material against fire is one of its worst disadvantages. Also, its lack of resistance against insects can cause less manufacturers to use wood. Among other disadvantages of working with wood, we can mention the lack of skilled workers and the sensitivity of wood to high humidity .

Advantages of using wooden structures :

The high speed of construction and execution of wooden buildings is one of the positive points of using this material. Also, the light weight of the structure and the compatibility of this material with nature and all types of weather have made this material popular. In addition, cost-effectiveness, high durability, helping to reduce energy consumption are among other advantages of using this material .


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Why are developed countries in favor of wooden structures?

Have you ever wondered why developed countries still favor wooden structures despite new technologies and natural disasters? A large number of houses in Europe and especially America are built with wood, which is the main reason for this because it is cheap and durable. Countries like Australia, Canada and especially the United States can be considered as the main manufacturers of wooden structures in the world. Other reasons such as the high speed of construction, the presence of vast forests, compatibility with the environment and the ability to recycle this material have made wooden structures popular in the world .

The use of wooden structures is very common in countries such as Japan, America and Canada. One of the reasons for the necessity of these types of structures is actually their high resistance against earthquakes. These types of structures have their own fans in Europe. In fact, one of the reasons for the popularity of using wooden structures in European regions is that architects can easily use creativity and innovation in the design of this type of building. Also, wooden structures in China represent the architectural tradition and culture of these people .

Today, wooden structures have made significant progress in industrialized countries such as Canada, the United States of America, Russia, Australia, Northern European countries, and the Scandinavian region. In fact, it can be roughly said that today more than 95 % of residential buildings in these countries are made of wooden structures .

final word 

Today, the construction of wooden structures in the world is considered a special profession and expertise in the construction industry. Considering the advantages mentioned for wooden structures, the construction of these houses is considered cost-effective. In many advanced countries of the world, such as the United States, Spain and Canada, despite the existence of modern materials, wooden structures are very popular. Therefore, the use of wooden structures in the construction industry is of particular importance .

Disadvantages and advantages of wooden structures in architecture

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Wood is one of the most widely used building materials since the beginning of human history. In fact, wood materials are suitable for almost all constructions and even renovations. Buildings with wooden structure can be used in different uses; Be it tall towers, big halls or even bridges. Even with the rapid development of construction technology, the use of wooden structures and the construction of wooden houses are still popular. In the continuation of the discussion, we will talk about the new building design tools, introduce the advantages and disadvantages of wooden structures, as well as the use of wooden structures in BIM .

Table of Contents

  • The history of using wood material and its popularity in architecture
  • Disadvantages and advantages of wooden structures in architecture
  • The concept of Mass Timber or timber
  • Application of wooden structure in different climates
  • BIM and wooden structures
  • The relationship between wooden structures and BIM
  • final word


The history of using wood material and its popularity in architecture

The uses and benefits of wooden structures in the construction industry are many. Because wood is one of the most diverse and durable materials in nature. Wood has been used throughout history to fill the role of structural components and also as covering spaces . The first man-made structures were wooden beams or beams covered with mud or clay with adobe bricks. By the late 1800s or early 1900s, when steel and concrete became popular among builders, the use of wood as a building material gradually disappeared .

But in today’s world, with the growth and advancement of technology, once again the use of buildings with wooden structures has come into use and among the implemented structures, you can clearly see the use of wood in the main structure of the structure. However, using wood for construction purposes has advantages and disadvantages that we will introduce below .

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of wooden structures in architecture?

  • Strong and durable

Wood is a very durable and stable material. For centuries, wood has been used for everything from construction to furniture and interior decoration because it is a strong yet flexible material. This feature makes working with wood material easier. In addition, it can be cut to any desired shape; This advantage makes the wood ideal for custom designs that require curves or angles .

  • Renewable and recyclable

Wood is a renewable and recyclable material, so it has less negative impact on the environment and is known as an environmentally friendly material .

  • Heat dissipation effectively

Another advantage of the wooden structure is insulation against heat. This means it can prevent heat from escaping. This feature helps to maintain the temperature of the house or building. In fact, the implementation of the structure with wood material keeps more heat inside and prevents the entry of cool or cold air outside .

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  • Electrostatic properties of wood

Wood has electrostatic property; It means that in contact with electricity, it is not charged and as a result, no pollution or dust remains on it. This feature will be very beneficial in keeping the interior clean and even for people with allergies. Therefore, using a wooden structure in areas that have a lot of fine dust is a good option .

  • Thermal conductor

Wood has a higher thermal conductivity than other materials such as steel or concrete. This means that it will be able to transfer heat energy faster than other types of building materials .

  • Easier to use

Working with wood is very easy; Because it can be easily made into any shape required for construction purposes .

light weight

Compared to other building materials such as steel or concrete, wood has a lower density. As a result, when designing a structure that needs to bear a certain weight, less wood can be used than other materials .

  • Acoustic properties of wood

Wood, as a light material, is not very practical in creating a sound insulation; But it is absolutely ideal for absorbing sound. Because wood prevents echo and noise by absorbing sound. For this reason, this material is widely used in concert halls .

  • Ability to repair and rebuild

Buildings with wooden structures are very easy to maintain. so that old wood can be renewed and restored with special manipulations; But other materials are very difficult and expensive to maintain and repair; As a result, they are usually discarded .

  • Affordable

Wood has a lower price compared to other structural materials such as steel or concrete. In addition, the high speed of construction with wood makes the labor cost less in the construction process. For this reason, in many cases, building a structure with wood material is more cost-effective than building a metal or concrete house .

Although the advantages of the wooden structure cannot be ignored; But every building material, besides having advantages, also has disadvantages, and wood is no exception to this rule .

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  • Shrinkage and swelling in case of contact with moisture

Over time, the wood rots due to the penetration of moisture into it, and this causes cracks on the surface of the wood. This issue weakens its integrity over time. In fact, these cracks make the wood unsuitable for structural use .

In addition, rainwater can cause damage by seeping into the cracks of wooden structures and further weakening them over time, creating more cracks throughout the structure. The main reason for this is the natural decomposition of wood by fungi and bacteria in humid environments. This process causes breaks in the cell walls, making them more porous and allowing water to easily enter the wood. It is recommended that the wood has less than 3% moisture to have good immunity against fungi .

  • Degradability against fire

If there is an accidental fire, a wood frame house cannot withstand the heat and flames like a brick or steel structure. Although a wood frame house can be insulated with fire retardant materials. This slows down the spread of flames and also reduces the production of smoke .

  • Wood density

Congestion is a problem that can occur in any type of structure, but it can be very difficult to deal with. Condensation occurs when warm air from inside touches a cold, poorly insulated wall. If this happens to a structure that has a wooden frame, it can rot the building frame .


It is important to remember that no building material is perfect and that is why different materials are often used for each project. However, timber is widely used in the construction industry. One of their biggest advantages is that they are easily available in nature and in many countries their purchase is very affordable .

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Getting to know the concept of Mass Timber

” Solid wood” refers to large projects that are constructed entirely or primarily using wood supports. These buildings include not only heavy lumber and dimensional lumber, but also new and innovative products (usually fire-resistant) such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) , nail-laminated timber (NLT), and glulam. These materials, as well as other design innovations, have made mass timber structures a popular and safe alternative to concrete and steel designs .


What is the use of wooden structures in different climates?

When it comes to construction with wood materials, it is essential to ensure the longevity and safety of the structure. Achieving this goal will be achieved if the architect, when choosing wood as the main structure of the structure, pays attention to the weather conditions of the project and the climate of the region .

Due to the fact that wood material swells and gets damaged when it receives moisture, so it is not a suitable material for an environment that is constantly in direct contact with water and moisture. But it should be noted that in a moderate and humid climate, despite the high humidity, wood is one of the main construction materials; Because wood in humid areas has the ability to absorb excess moisture and prevent the creation of unpleasant air. On the other hand, in a hot and dry climate, the existence of a wooden structure creates pleasant weather; Because wood has the ability to transfer moisture inside to its surroundings .

Also, in cold and mountainous climates, in general, the use of wood in structures is not very visible, and stone materials are mostly used for the construction of structures .کاربرد سازه چوبی در اقلیم های مختلف

BIM and wooden structures

BIM (Building information modeling) technology has the potential to expand the power of designing buildings with wooden structures and their implementation in the construction industry. The adoption of advanced technologies such as BIM can enable the ability to build outside the actual scope of project implementation, which leads to greater productivity, confidence and significant quality improvement in the implementation process .

By using the BIM system for engineered wood structures, several significant improvements can be achieved :

In the first step, the design team can use BIM to develop and verify the basic structure of the wooden structure and how it will function. The construction team can then use this model to create a digital blueprint that helps them plan and execute how to build the structural system components and practice assembling the prefabricated parts. Also, by adding other programs and software, designers can simulate the energy debate in buildings with a wooden structure and even create renderings using virtual reality (which can improve the understanding of the project) .

Read more : 7 important points about BIM in architecture, a look at the importance of BIM

The relationship between wooden structures and BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) , as a technology, helps architects make better decisions. It also helps to make the project delivery process easier and better. As a result, applying BIM in solving the current challenges of the construction industry and designing wooden houses seems to be a smart step. In fact, BIM enables exchange between professionals and is widely used for projects. Having a BIM model for the execution of a project with a wooden structure has become one of the essential components of this type of construction, because the information of the various parts of the project from the BIM model is sent directly to the manufacturer, who prepares all the building elements for assembly. As a result, this shortens the construction time .

Finally, it can be noted that the importance of BIM knowledge is vital for architects, engineers and others involved in the construction of our future cities, because in addition to increasing productivity, efficiency, accuracy and coordination between different components, it can reduce risks and excess costs. in the design process and ultimately lead to more sustainable constructions .

ارتباط BIM و سازه های چوبی در معماری

final word 

As mentioned earlier, the increase in the construction of buildings with wooden structures and the many advantages that this popular material has; It justifies the importance of learning the basic design of wooden structures. So; Learning how to design wooden structures is essential for all architects and engineers who seek to acquire more skills in this field .


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