
Today, virtual space and social networks play a very important role in people’s lives, and many different people in society are followers and users of these social networks, which, in addition to entertainment, have become an environment for people to earn money in various fields of work. One of the hot topics of social networks like Instagram is blogging, which many people in different fields are currently working as bloggers. If you are interested in the topic of blogging as well as blogging in architecture and you would like to work as an architect professionally and seriously in social networks, join us.

What you read on this page

  • Who is the blogger?
  • Steps to become a successful blogger
    • Have a specific goal and topic
    • Create a personal brand
    • Produce quality content
    • Set a regular schedule for content creation
  • Blogging in architecture
  • The goal of an architecture blogger
  • Types of architecture bloggers

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Who is the blogger?

Before we talk about blogging in architecture, we will first talk about the concept of blogging and the tasks and processes that make you a good and successful blogger, and then we will discuss the topic of blogging in architecture.
Today, the discussion of blogging and influencer marketing on Instagram is wrongly defined for many people, and some people think that having many followers and being active on Instagram means blogging, while this is not the case and this is a wrong definition. Blogger is said to those who, according to their profession, expertise or skill, express their views, experiences, ideas and personal taste on issues related to their field of work and share them with users and by producing content on social networks. It publishes valuable and useful information about its profession and expertise and provides it to users.

Steps to become a successful blogger

Have a specific goal and topic

In order to become a successful blogger in your field of work, you must first have a specific goal and path and start working with full knowledge and mastery and become a successful blogger by following the basic tips.

Create a personal brand

One of the important things you should do before starting work is to create a brand or a special name and style to introduce yourself and have a page you want to work on, for this it is better to design a special name and logo and By choosing and designing a special template that includes your special color and pattern, you can distinguish your content so that when users see your content on the web, pages and social networks, they can identify that this content belongs to your page.

Produce quality content

In order to be a successful blogger and be able to attract an audience, you must produce content that, in addition to being of high quality, is relevant and suitable for your audience, so it is better to specialize in a specific field and branch. One of the important points that you should follow as a blogger is to produce quality content. The quality and content you publish will help you to be more visible on social networks and determine the number of likes, comments and followers. To produce an attractive and quality content, you must first decide what your content is like, for example, is it an educational content or a critical content or a content to examine a specific topic, after determining the topic of your content, you should design a specific format and your content in them. Post and publish your content that can be in the form of photos, video text, seminars or… Remember that having quality videos, photos and images is very important in content creation.

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Set a regular schedule for content creation

To work on Instagram as a blogger, you need to have a regular schedule and be active on Instagram continuously and post. This will develop your business on Instagram and also make you known as an active page and attract many users . Attract and your page will be seen more on Instagram.

Blogging in architecture

In the previous part, we discussed the concept of blogging, the activities and tasks that you should do to succeed in this direction. As you have noticed, today many people are working as bloggers in different fields in social networks. One of the most popular fields in the field of blogging is the field of architecture. The field of architecture, like many fields, has different and interesting topics and topics that have different sub-branches. If you plan to work as a blogger in the field of architecture, you should choose one of the branches of architecture as a specialist and start your activity in the field of architecture by using a coherent educational approach and by keeping your information up to date .

The Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Architects - Monograph

The goal of an architecture blogger

Your goal as an architecture blogger is very important. First, you should choose a branch of architecture that you want to work in by researching and examining various topics and subjects in the field of architecture, and then start producing relevant, useful and valuable content for users. Your audience is usually architects and people who are looking for useful and valuable content and information about the latest methods in this field, ways to earn money, finding new job opportunities, or looking for a collection for renovation advice, interior decoration, design, etc. . Many of your other audiences include those interested in the field of architecture or those who are studying in this field, most of whom are looking to improve their knowledge and learn new things in the field of architecture. Therefore, you should produce and publish content according to the needs of your users, which in addition to being attractive, also has an educational aspect. Because today, architecture pages on social networks have become a source for learning people and audiences of this field, so it is better to produce content according to the needs of your users that will turn your page into an educational reference in this field so that in addition to supporting current users, you can Attract more users to your page and establish a close relationship with your audience. Remember, the most important and first thing to choose this career path is to determine the type of your audience.

Types of architecture bloggers

Due to the fact that the field of architecture, like other fields, is full of different and interesting content and topics, you can choose your type of activity for blogging in architecture by examining different topics, which include topics such as interior decoration blogger, an idea blogger. , or be a blogger with a page to introduce and review architectural works, you can even have an educational page to share your information in the field of architecture with your users and even earn income by producing your products in the field of architecture. Or, like many bloggers in different fields of architecture, such as interior decoration bloggers, they produce content for audiences and enthusiasts by knowing and designing common styles of interior decoration. As you can see, architecture is a very broad field for content creation, and for this reason, there are many options for choosing a blog topic.

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Today, when virtual space has become a space to introduce and show your abilities, you can display your ability and expertise in each of the sub-branches of architecture in a professional and exclusive manner by following the points that we explained in the article and by producing appropriate content. And share your knowledge, attract audience and even earn money. As you know, the field of architecture has many sub-branches and you can easily start working in different fields of architecture. Blogging is one of the jobs that you can choose as an architect and as an architecture blogger, you should follow some tips. That said, start. If you are interested in the field of architecture, you can follow us through Apadmi’s Instagram page and benefit from the free training provided on the Apadmi site and page, and the latest news and products, which include amazing discounts on educational packages of various software for architecture fields. Get informed about Civil Engineering and Graphics and by registering on the Apademi website, prepare various training courses required for the fields of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Graphics, and increase and improve your information and knowledge in various fields.

Freelance architecture and dollar income (introduction of the top 7 freelancing sites)

How to Become a Freelance Architect? | illustrarch

Freelance architecture and dollar income

In the last decade, a phenomenon called freelancing has spread rapidly in the world of business and employment. As you know, freelancing means doing work and projects independently without direct connection with an organization or company. In this business model, freelancers offer their services and projects online as independent experts in various fields. One of the fields in which freelancing has grown in a much wider way is architecture. Architecture is one of the fields of art and design that requires expertise and extensive technical knowledge. With the advancement of technology and online communication facilities, more opportunities have arisen for freelance architects. These independent architects earn significant dollar income through freelancing sites by providing architectural design services, consulting and implementing construction projects. Therefore, in this article, we will review architecture freelance and dollar income through freelance sites, then we will review architecture freelance sites and how they work.

What you read on this page

  • Freelance architecture and dollar income
  • Earn dollars from architecture for a freelancer
  • The most important source of dollar income from architecture
  • Skills required for freelancing in the field of architecture
  • Freelance jobs in the field of architecture
  • Introducing the top 7 freelancing sites


Earn dollars from architecture for a freelancer

As we explained at the beginning, architectural freelance means doing architectural projects independently and without dependence on an architectural organization or company. In other words, freelance architects provide their architectural services to clients independently and as entrepreneurs. In architecture freelancing, it is important to have the necessary skills, expertise, and experience to be able to receive desirable projects and provide quality services to clients. Also, creating a strong professional network and providing suitable portfolios can be effective in attracting architecture freelancing projects.

The most important source of dollar income from architecture

The Internet, as the most important source of earning dollars from architecture, provides many opportunities for freelance architects. On the internet, there are all kinds of freelancing sites and platforms that allow architects to offer their services online and earn significant income. One of the main advantages of using the Internet to earn dollars in the field of architecture is access to the global market. By using freelance sites and platforms, architects are able to connect with clients and employers from all over the world and complete projects as freelancers. This allows them to compete in the global market and attract new customers by providing quality services at reasonable prices. In addition, the use of the Internet allows architects to easily showcase their portfolios and show potential clients and employers examples of projects they have already completed. This allows them to gain the trust of clients and easily win new work and larger projects.

Skills required for freelancing in the field of architecture

For freelancing in the field of architecture, not only expertise is enough, but you also need to learn various skills. In this section, we will examine the skills required for freelancing in the field of architecture:
• Project management: For successful freelancing in the field of architecture, the ability to manage projects is very important. You must be able to effectively plan your projects, set appropriate timelines and communicate with clients and colleagues about project progress.• Communication Skills: Communicating effectively with clients, colleagues and other stakeholders including essential skills for architectural freelance. Is. You must be able to understand the needs and desires of customers well and convey your opinions and ideas to them in a clear and understandable way. Analysis and evaluation ability: To provide effective solutions in architectural projects, you must be able to analyze the available information and Assess project needs and constraints. Also, you must have the ability to check and choose the right materials and equipment. • Financial management: As a freelance architect, you must have the ability to manage your finances. You need to be able to track your expenses and income, manage the budget and determine the correct pricing for your services. • Marketing skills: To attract new clients and projects, you need to improve your marketing ability. You must be able to effectively promote your services, showcase your portfolio and expand your professional network. Necessary expertise in the field of architecture to work as a freelancer are: Architectural design: mastery of principles and techniques Architectural design, knowledge of architectural styles and trends, ability to visualize and present architectural designs using manual tools and 3D modeling software.

  • Architectural software: familiarity and mastery of architectural software such as AutoCAD , SketchUp , Revit , 3ds Max , Rhino and Grasshopper . These softwares are used for designing, modeling, rendering and visualization of architectural structures and spaces.
    • Modeling and rendering: mastering 3D modeling techniques, creating accurate and realistic models, using rendering methods to produce quality and realistic images of architectural designs. These are just a few examples of the skills and expertise required for architectural freelance. It is important to constantly update yourself and learn about the developments in the architecture industry and new software so that you can compete in the architecture freelance field.

What is Freelancing & What Does it Mean to Freelance?

Freelance jobs in the field of architecture

As a freelancer in the field of architecture, you can work in different fields. Some of the activities you can do as a freelancer in the field of architecture are:
1. Interior Design : You can design and design the interior of buildings such as homes, offices, restaurants and commercial spaces. Also, you can work in the field of interior decoration and coordinate different elements such as color selection, furniture, decorative accessories and lighting.
2. Exterior Design : You can design the exterior of buildings and make the exterior of buildings beautiful and attractive by using various artistic and architectural elements.
3. Reconstruction : In the field of reconstruction, you can restore old and dilapidated buildings and give them a new shape. Renovation usually includes changes in the interior and exterior design of buildings and can give a boost to organizations and related spaces.
4. Designing different spaces: You can design different spaces such as hospitals, cinemas, playgrounds, schools, universities, urban spaces and factories. In each of these spaces, you can provide suitable plans and designs according to the existing needs and limitations.
5. Modeling of objects: In the field of architecture and simulation, modeling of high-quality objects is very important. You can use various websites that offer quality objects. By subscribing to these websites, you can access quality objects and use them for realistic renderings. Also, as an architect and simulator, you can prepare your quality objects for sale on these websites and earn good income through them. 6. Texture production: Production of PBR textures (physics based reality) using Photoshop software is another way to earn money in the field of architecture. You can create various textures using different Photoshop tools and filters and sell them on different websites. This method can be a source of good income in the field of architecture.
7. Ready-made scenes in 3D Max: Designing ready-made scenes in 3D Max software and selling them to the audience is another area that has its own fans. You can create ready-made scenes by modeling, materializing and lighting different spaces and make your work file available for sale. This method can also be a source of earning dollars in the field of architecture. Ultimately, the job you pursue in the field of architecture as a freelancer depends on your skills and interests. Basic architecture, 3D modeling, manual drawing, space analysis, project management, and design consulting may be among the skills you can use in this field.

Introducing the top 7 freelancing sites

In the field of freelancing related to architectural engineering and its various branches, there are many sites that allow you to present and implement architectural projects. In the following, I will introduce the best architecture freelancing sites for you:
1. Fiverr : Fiverr is actually one of the famous freelancing sites where you can register as an architecture freelancer using skills related to architecture. You can specify your expertise and display your work history in interior design, renovation, decoration and other fields of architecture in your profile. Also, you can specify the price and salary you want to do the projects. By doing this, customers may find you and reach a deal with you. As an international platform, Fiver provides many facilities and opportunities for architectural freelancers.
2. Architizer : Architizer is actually an architecture site that also works as a freelance platform. This site allows architects, engineers and other professionals related to the construction industry to create their profile and showcase their work. Architectural freelancers can introduce their projects on this site and look for employers who need architectural services. Also, this site enables communication between freelancers and employers to make contracts and interactions easily. Architizer is a great resource for architecture freelancers looking for new job opportunities and projects.

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  1. Freelancer : The Freelancer site is one of the most famous and popular freelancing sites that operates in various fields, including architecture. This site allows architectural freelancers to introduce their expertise and skills in various fields such as interior design, facade design, urban planning and other areas of architecture. Freelancers can create profiles and submit architectural projects to connect with employers looking for architectural services. On Freelancer , employers can list their architecture projects and hire freelancers to do them. Also, this site offers direct communication between freelancers and employers to discuss project details, price and terms directly.
    4. Upwork : Upwork is one of the largest and most famous freelancing sites and is known as an international marketplace for freelancers and employers. As you mentioned, this site provides millions of job opportunities to employers and freelancers every year.


  1. Houzz : It is an American site known as an online platform for freelancers in the fields of architecture, interior design, interior decoration, facade design and renovation. Architecture freelancers can create a profile on this site and put their information and portfolios in it. By visiting this site, people from all over the world can communicate with freelancers after viewing their portfolio. On this site, in addition to providing portfolios, employers can express opinions and ratings about freelancers and their services, which help other users to choose the most suitable freelancer for their projects.
    6. PeoplePerHour : This English site operates as an online freelance platform. This site allows employers to connect with freelancers and assign their projects to them. Architecture freelancers can also seek to receive projects from different employers by creating a professional profile for themselves on PeoplePerHour . In their profile, they can specify their personal information, specialties, work experience, portfolio and pricing. Employers can also post their projects on PeoplePerHour and choose freelancers who best match their needs. On this platform, it is possible to negotiate the price, discuss the details of the project and send payment to the freelancer after the work is done.


  1. Truelancer : Another famous freelancing site that provides architecture freelancers with an opportunity to find suitable projects and employers. This site allows architecture freelancers to create a professional profile to showcase their experience, skills, portfolio and work history. Through Truelancer , architecture freelancers can actively search for architecture projects, and employers can easily find the right freelancers for their projects.


We hope that this article will play an important role in increasing your awareness and knowledge about architectural freelancing and ways to earn dollars in this field and help you to move forward on your path to success and financial independence in this field.


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