
In the article we published earlier from The reasons for the high potential of architecture and urban design graduates in entering the field of entrepreneurship we talked. We also mentioned that due to the interdisciplinary nature of architecture and urban design, students have the opportunity to test themselves in addition to familiarizing themselves with complementary and parallel fields. Because architecture contains them Multitask personality _ has been able


But in the current article, we will discuss the following two main topics :


One; Meet Entrepreneurial and successful architects both in Iran and abroad, two; Acquaintance with successful architects who, using their architectural background, have changed their path and entered the same fields .
So stay with us .


Table of Contents :


  • Definition of entrepreneurship and its difference with job creation
  • Entrepreneurial architects and successful architecture graduates in other fields – Iran
  • Mohammad Reza Subhan; architect and entrepreneur; Director of Tivan Entrepreneurship Club
  • Lena Vafai; Entrepreneur, CEO and funder of startup startups
  • Ebrahim Haghigi; Prominent and experienced Iranian graphic designer
  • Amir Abbas Abu Talebi; Architect and journalist
  • Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Ghaffari; Architect, jewelry designer
  • Behnaz Farhi; Digital and interactive architect and designer
  • Mehran Qarlaqi; Architect, researcher and industrial designer
  • Entrepreneurial architects and successful architecture graduates in other fields – outside of Iran
  • Frank O. Gehry Architect and founder of innovation and consulting company
  • Emmanuelle Bourlier (Emmanuelle Bourlier) , architect and entrepreneur
  • Jonathan Segal _ Architect, entrepreneur and lecturer
  • Eric Reinholdt _ Architect, entrepreneur and lecturer
  • Megan Padalecki (Megan Padalecki) ; Architecture graduate and writer
  • Alyce Tzue ; Architecture graduate, director and animator
  • Christian D. Bruun ; Architecture graduate and director, screenwriter and producer
  • The role of internet and digital marketing tools for development
  • Conclusion


Definition of entrepreneurship and its difference with job creation


First of all, the head The meaning of entrepreneurship Let’s reach an agreement together and then introduce successful architects. Although most people think that entrepreneurship is the same as creating employment, but I must say that this is not the case . Job creation refers to the process of creating job opportunities, especially for unemployed people . Like setting up a production workshop. But Entrepreneurship _ _ According to the definitions of experts in this field such as Joseph Schumpeter and Frank Knight , to ; The process of creating new value (product or service) through a committed effort, taking into account the risks involved .”



In fact, the important feature of entrepreneurship is its innovativeness and value creation . Joseph Schumpeter, who is known as the father of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurship process creative destruction  is called It means that it creates a deconstruction in the traditional and usual way of doing a job. In fact, he considers the defining characteristic of entrepreneurship to be doing new things or inventing new methods in current affairs, and he linked the word innovation to entrepreneurship . He considers five methods of innovation had :


  •   Introducing a new product
  • Using a new method to produce an old product
  • Creating a new market for an existing product
  • Discovering and using a new source to supply raw materials
  • Creating a new structure for an existing industry


Entrepreneurial architects and successful architecture graduates in other fields Iran


Now that we understand that entrepreneurship means creating new and new value, we introduce successful people in the field of entrepreneurship as well as successful people in other fields :


Mohammad Reza Subhan; architect and entrepreneur; Director of Tivan Entrepreneurship Club


He is a graduate of Master of Architecture from Tehran Azad University and MBA from Tehran Entrepreneurship School. He started architecture professionally in 1979, and in 1987, he established his own architecture company named Enki Do. He started entrepreneurship in 1982 and is now a manager Tivan Entrepreneurship Club is .



Tivan Entrepreneurship Club


Being in an entrepreneurial atmosphere with people who are as motivated and energetic as you. It can be very inspiring and helpful. And this is the space that Tivan Entrepreneurship Club provides you with


As a pre-accelerator, Tivan has the right services and space Owners of ideas and Startup teams In the direction of growth and development. Among these services and facilities: shared work space, the possibility of booking an equipped meeting room, participating in educational events held in Tivan, and the possibility of using the advice and experiences of well-known and experienced mentors .

Lena Vafai; Entrepreneur, CEO and funder of startup startups


Among other successful architects, we can mention Mrs. Lena Vafaei. Lena Vafaei, born in 1367, is a graduate of geotechnical engineering from the University of British Columbia and architecture and urban planning from Columbia University. After returning to Tehran in 1994, he worked on Pedestrian startup has started The pedestrian application is currently active with 10,000 active installations in the field of creative interaction of Tehrani citizens with their city and a market for all kinds of urban entertainment .



Walking application


Pahyan is the name of a startup, a team and an application that Its purpose is to establish effective communication between the city and the citizen, create a sense of belonging and create memorable experiences of the city and city tourism . Experiences that show you the good side of Tehran. Previously, in this application, you could have access to all kinds of beautiful sightseeing routes in Tehran with its very attractive scenarios, but now this team introduces experiences and entertainment with a pivot (rotation in business, which I will explain at the end of the article). It covers the new and exciting things in the city as well as the people who create these experiences. Personally, I really enjoyed the concept of their work, and with the best of luck, I recommend the installation of this application to all my friends in Tehran .

Ebrahim Haghigi; Prominent and experienced Iranian graphic designer


Ebrahim Haghigi is an Iranian designer, graphic artist, photographer and art director, born on Mehr 13 , 1328 in Tehran and with  Master’s degree in architecture from the Faculty of Fine Arts University Tehran is. He has been in different departments over the years Movie and series set designer, movie titles, art management and book cover design, film making, poster design, photography, painting And… it has concentrated its activity. He is also a member of the International Association of Graphic Designers, the Association of Graphic Designers of Iran. It is the Association of Children’s Book Illustrators and the Association of Documentary Film Makers of Iran. The diploma of honor for the best poster design (Tatoreh) of the 5th Fajr Film Festival was also awarded to him .



Graphics and designing posters and logos is the path that many architecture graduates go towards because illustration, color, geometry and definitely creativity are the essence of graphics and architects are also well familiar with these topics .


Amir Abbas Abu Talebi; Architect and journalist


Amir Abbas Abutalebi was born in 1356 in Tehran. After withdrawing from civil engineering and medical engineering, he went to Studying in your favorite field, which is architecture the payment. Although he has a lot of architectural experience and cooperation in domestic and foreign architectural projects, since 1393, with the support of Sam Designer House, he focused on the idea of publishing specialized architectural publications in Iran and brought it into the digital world for the first time. He is now Imtiaz owner and editor of the magazine Villa architecture And he is a consultant to the permanent secretariat of architecture competitions of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and also teaches and works in academic and research fields .



Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Ghaffari; Architect, jewelry designer


A great interest in black pen drawing and painting of nature and city buildings as a child led him to continue his studies until the master’s level in the field of architectural engineering. He has had domestic and foreign exhibitions, including London, Dubai, Armenia, Russia, Sharjah, UAE. He has 5 judging experiences in architecture and fashion, after teaching and being a member of the National Fashion Foundation of Iran and more than 9 teaching courses in Qutb’s interior architecture courses. He has a scientific degree from Tehran University since 2011. The design associate of the architecture office considers dynamic continuity and the experience of winning numerous domestic and international awards as one of the best courses of architectural work with this company, and in order to become a designer, from the trends of other arts such as architecture, industrial design, graphics, Fashion has used. A member of the International Committee of World Museums, ICOM , UNESCO and the artistic advisor of the Supreme Council of Stamps and the Museum of Communications, he has gained the experience of directing more than 6 art exhibitions in prestigious museums. Cooperation with the media as a researcher and editorial secretary of Villa magazine, cooperation with designer and architect and modern fashion magazines is one of his interest in research. He considers the role of an architect as his duty in society, whether in designing and building architectural projects or in research .



Behnaz Farhi; Digital and interactive architect and designer


Creativity has no limits …


Behnaz Farhi can be mentioned among the successful architecture graduates in other disciplines. He was born in 1364 in Tehran. He is a graduate of architecture from Shahid Beheshti and Azad Islamic Universities of Iran and the University of Southern California (USC School of Architecture) . The main part of Behnaz Farhi’s works is a creative exploration of the way the human body interacts with the surrounding world, other humans and the man-made environment. Among his wonderful works is the design of interactive clothes. Clothes that react to the looks of the people around them and then change their shape. He with the project “Caress of the Gaze” He believes that it should be a second skin .



He also Responsive walls and ceilings It has been designed and implemented that change shape according to human movement. His work is a combination of architecture, fashion, interaction, cognitive intelligence, artificial intelligence and media art .

Click :
Application of ChatGPT in architecture, civil engineering and interior design


Mehran Qarlaqi; Architect, researcher and industrial designer


Mehran Qarlaqi graduated in architecture from Iran University of Science and Technology and Funder Integrate Studio It is in London and Sydney. The main focus of this studio’s activities is the integration of art, performance, and culture with design, and it considers its most important mission to be a response to human aesthetic feeling and comfort in any space. Awards in the field Industrial design and 3D printing received is also very significant .



Entrepreneurial architects and successful architecture graduates in other fields – outside of Iran


Frank O. Gehry Architect and founder of innovation and consulting company


Yes, the same famous Frank Gray with a familiar name design Bilbao Museum And… . He founded a company in 2002 to provide proprietary software, business consulting, Use of new technologies and Adapting technology used in aerospace and automobile industries with architectural forms operate complex. Innovation and the use of new technology and materials are necessary for the implementation of Frank Gehry’s special and deconstruction designs. And he answered his own problem by establishing this company and also created this opportunity for other architects and builders to design and execute without restrictions and with more creativity .



Frank Gehry Company Not only did he play an essential role in the development of this architect’s signature style, but with his entrepreneurship and value creation, he led to the provision of valuable consulting services for various complexes and buildings, including the Beijing National Stadium and Abu Dhabi’s Louvre Museum and many others .

Click :
Continuous development of architectural modeling software in the world


Emmanuelle Bourlier (Emmanuelle Bourlier) , architect and entrepreneur


He has degree in architecture from Columbia University Is. While training and working in different fields, he acquired skills such as design, research and testing power. After that, at the age of 21, with his former classmate and current partner, Christian Mitman , Translucent and Light Panel  Panelite based on honeycomb design invented and started their business based on this innovation .


Currently, he is the co-founder and CEO of Panelite , which was founded in Los Angeles, USA. A successful company that sells its products in America and Europe. Also, their work manifest in production lines and research and development (R&D) team is to pay attention to sustainable development, create comfort for users in buildings and minimize energy consumption in construction. Also, as a woman, In making products, it focuses a lot on the use of materials that are compatible with nature and the environment .



Jonathan Segal _ Architect, entrepreneur and lecturer


Among other entrepreneurial architects, Jonathan Segal is. He with A completely new look at how to make money from architecture It created a change in the type of collaborations and permanent contracts between architects and employers. His slogan is that an architect should be both a developer and an employer and the owner of the project. He himself has implemented this approach and his architectural works have received numerous awards in the United States. He teaches his new attitude in online training courses called “developer architect” and in this way, in addition to teaching others, the possibility of It has also provided passive income for itself .



Golden tip : In future articles to what and benefits Passive income and the need to create it in architecture business I will pay like other businesses. But if I want to summarize; Active income means You get paid for everything you do, whether you’re an employee, a freelancer, or an architectural project. So you actually earn for the time you spend. So If you don’t work, your income will stop .


But passive income that’s mean Do something that you can earn even if you don’t do anything . I know it’s getting a bit confusing J But consider these examples: a video training course – an audiobook or e-book – or anything that’s produced once but can be sold and used indefinitely. Such a thing creates a passive income for you that is profitable for you even while you sleep .


Eric Reinholdt _ Architect, entrepreneur and teacher


When he was forced to leave a company due to some economic problems, he realized that contrary to popular belief, Employment in a company and working for others does not necessarily create job security for them and does not keep them away from the challenges of the outside world . For this reason, he started his own studio with the name 30×40, and since then he pursued ways to introduce architecture to others not only in construction, but also with various revenue models. The book he published under the title of Architect + Entrepreneur is also aimed at creating a new look at this field. He is fascinated by entrepreneurship and leaving the predefined framework of activity in architecture because now he has complete freedom in time and place and the type of work he does .



As I mentioned in the previous case, Looking only at construction in this field has really made us unable to believe and see income generation from this field from anything other than construction. While this field also has a high potential in creating passive income .


Megan Padalecki (Megan Padalecki) ; Architecture graduate and writer


Another successful architecture graduate in other disciplines. He studied architecture at the University of Austin, Texas He has been working professionally in this field for six years . He is skilled in working with CAD and Adobe software , design, project phasing, scheduling, etc. But after a six-month process of writing and illustrating, His first book for children Released under the name Big Mo. His book recently won the National Indie Excellence Award for Best Illustration .


He considers skills such as managing a small business, accounting, intellectual property, product distribution and marketing essential to enter this profession. In the meantime, marketing is a skill that Megan needs Launching his site It helped a lot to sell books and contact offline and online bookstores, bloggers, libraries, etc. According to Megan, writing and publishing a book is just like the process of building a building .

If Architecture or urban planning graduate are, before entering Labor market Read the following article :
10 important effects of lighting in office decoration



Alyce Tzue ; Architecture graduate, director and animator


He graduated in architecture from Princeton University and of course has a bachelor of arts with specialization in 3D animation . He has a one-year experience in the field of architecture, and is skilled in areas such as 3D modeling and mastering animation software. According to Alice, the ability to imagine oneself in an unreal space is particularly important for making an animation. This is how it becomes possible to create unreal spaces in the real world, and animation is the best tool to depict it .



After entering the field of animation, he learning Principles of teamwork evaluates it as an important factor. Also, the animation Soar , which was part of his thesis, won the Student Academy Award as the best 3D short animation, which is considered a great help in his success in this field . Alice is currently managing a team of 100 people . According to him, without love for this work and the ability to gather people, it is not possible to become a good director .


Christian D. Bruun ; Architecture graduate and director, screenwriter and producer


He studied in Architecture has completed in Denmark. For him, illustration, design and project management have been skills he has acquired. According to Christian, you have to pay attention to the structure of all the components of the film so that you can convey what you want .


In my opinion, filmmaking and scenario writing It is a worthy job for architecture graduates. Except that we are trained to design the scenario of people’s lives during the shadows of lights and spaces with live frames .


And in general, the artistic and detailed look that students of architecture and urban design have, helps them in entering any business .

To get to know Architecture startups Read the following article in the world :

Introduction of famous foreign architecture sites ( 2023 )


The role of internet and digital marketing tools for development


As you have seen All people Presented, From They have used digital marketing and introduction tools on the web platform to have both a great impact and a global audience . What we have available now, including the ability to launch a website, personal branding, etc., has taken us out of space and time limitations and made success easier than ever . Therefore, I recommend to all readers of this article that Be sure to make the most of the facilities and capacities that life has given us in the present age, and one review Have a basic understanding of how to start and manage your business. Because in order to progress, Using modern technology is a requirement rather than a choice .




You can use the field you studied in as an absolute advantage to enter other jobs because you have knowledge that will greatly help you in integration and innovation. As for the blue ocean strategy I mentioned, unrivaled businesses are always obtained from the successful integration of several disciplines together .


And this is a misconception If I change my orientation, all the time I have spent on studying in this field will be practically wasted and my knowledge will remain useless. To reject this hypothesis, I will introduce you to the following two concepts .


One; The concept of rotation in work or pivot which is heard a lot in the business world. In other words, if you haven’t achieved the result you expected in your business or your growth process has remained constant, reconsider your goal, customer or market . Pay attention that it is written a little and not completely . Pivot literally means turning around a hinge or turning on the heel. This means staying in place but changing direction .



According to the successful examples introduced above, entering the fields in line with architecture has exactly the same meaning . You have pivoted in your approach to your future career rather than throwing it away completely and starting from scratch . And it is better to know that pivoting is one of the most common and profitable tasks in the business world .


two; The concept of connecting the dots from Steve Jobs which I bring up in every event to encourage the participants to try and move .


Steve Jobs in Calligraphy courses which were optional classes of the university, he had participated only because of his interest in them Although there was no indication of the possible impact of that period on his business and business future . But by attending those classes, he learned about fonts, the correct spacing between letters and words, and its effect on the beauty of lines. something that Exactly ten years later, when he wrote the Macintosh operating system, he used it completely And it made the Mac the first computer with beautiful Chinese characters. In his own words, If I never went to that class, Macintosh might never have its beautiful Chinese characters, and since Windows copied us, it might be that no computer in the world would have beautiful Chinese characters.” Of course, these events could not be connected ten years ago, but now, looking back, the connection between these points can be understood very well .



So be sure that no experience is wasted. Rather, it is a point connected to other parts of your life that will definitely play its role in your life, whether you know it or not, and will complete your puzzle. I hope that this article will be the source of hope and movement in many graduates of these fields and we will see more and more entrepreneurial architects and successful architecture graduates in other fields . 

good luck




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