Architecture graduates

our greater embodiment, Graduates of architecture and urban design, from our career future Membership in the engineering system organization, obtaining the right to sign, attracting companies to be appreciated and establishing the company of consulting engineers. Or establishing an independent studio and working on it Personal branding And also doing other things like 3D modeling and … But is this really all we can do?

After entering the field of entrepreneurship and starting a business Your startup And with the studies I did in this field, I realized A lot of overlap between the design process and the business startup process I became We, architects and designers, due to learning the design process and the training that every semester in design workshops and … seen am To log in To this Area ready more From Very Persons other Are . Why That Entrepreneurship, like design, deals with problem solving .

In the following The reasons for the success of architecture and urban design graduates in the field of entrepreneurship and startup I will explain it completely so that you will be surprised by this amount of overlap and get started faster with the knowledge of the huge potential that you have in you. Because one of the fields that has an increasing number of unemployed graduates is architecture and urban planning .

Table of Contents

  • Entrepreneurship and DesignBoth deal with problem solving
  • Similarities between architecture and urban design graduates and entrepreneurs
  • Comparing the process of architectural design and urban design with entrepreneurship and starting a startup
  • Entrepreneurship and starting a new business and startup
  • Architecture design process and urban design
  • Blue ocean strategy in business and ability of architects and designers
  • important characteristics of architects and designers; Appropriate to the spirit of entrepreneurship
  • Having a multitask or T shaped personality
  • Having creative thinking and scenario writing skills in writing the customer journey
  • The long-standing friendship of architects and designers with software and the digital age
  • ambition; A weakness that becomes a strength in entrepreneurship
  • Conclusion

Both entrepreneurship and design deal with problem solving

It is very simple; design _ that’s mean Problem solving . And entrepreneurship and starting a startup means exactly the same . an entrepreneur Someone who goes through a process that is basically to it Creative destruction They say, it responds to a need or a problem, or improves the answer that is currently given to that problem, and in this way, with It creates value during a process called entrepreneurship .

So with this definition, entrepreneurship exists in every field, from the automobile industry to architecture itself. Only on the condition that it is associated with creating value or solving a problem. Of course, this is also important to know Every entrepreneur is not necessarily a startup It does not lead to employment Rather, there are differences that are beyond the scope of this discussion, but I suggest them to friends who are interested in better understanding these three issues and their differences and similarities. An article in this regard and in detail I wrote from the link Let them study .

Studying the article
introducing famous foreign architecture sites ( 2023 )

Similarities between architecture and urban design graduates and entrepreneurs

Well, let’s go back to the main topic; That is, the similarity of the process of architectural design and urban design with the process of entrepreneurship and starting a new business. Pay attention to the process we go through in every architectural or urban design project . There is a problem, a need or a deficiency And we as designers And by using the mind that has practiced and learned the design process many times, both in class and executive projects, We start solving the problem .

Is it other than that we always try to define the design and reconstruction projects in a way that answers all the needs and takes into account all the dimensions of the design? ! We consider a large number of factors, from climate comfort to access ways, beautification to a sense of place, physical interaction to visual communication and … particle for direct object Considering may do until the Our plan At innovative And Innovative the most state of, With Most of this yield, the most economical cost, the highest quality and the most suitable function for our audience . The same thing that an entrepreneur does for his customers .

So, with this account, the design process is similar to entrepreneurship, and in order to better understand this similarity to We will compare the process of entrepreneurship with the process that takes place from the beginning to the end of a design . In this way we will see how much The mental system behaves in the same way in both processes And how prone are graduates of architecture and urban design to succeed in the field of entrepreneurship and startups. Without being aware of it, they have already acquired many intellectual and practical skills to enter this field .

To get to know Architects in the field of entrepreneurship And … successful have became, Roy Article Under Click Do :
Entrepreneurial architects and successful graduates inside and outside the country  

 Comparing the process of architectural design and urban design with entrepreneurship and starting a startup

Entrepreneurship and starting a new business and startup

In entrepreneurship and starting a new business and startup Everything starts with the problem . A need or a deficiency. And then the entrepreneur or ideator tries to check all aspects of that problem . He must find What answer has been given to this issue now and in the current situation? How do people tolerate it? And what are the alternative solutions?

Then he investigates how this problem has been solved in other cities or countries. And after all the reviews, to options on the table It looks at alternatives and after hammering, it reaches the answer that is the most suitable for that problem and appropriate for that situation. This answer can be completely new or similar to an internal or external example . In the final stage, the work is keyed and enters the implementation phase .

Click :
checking the characteristics of the minimal style (Minimal Decoration Style) in interior architecture

Architecture design process and urban design

But now we are going to the process of architectural design and urban design, which of course I think you have noticed the similarities by reading the previous paragraph We are architects and city designers as well, in every project Statement of the problem and recognition of the current situation we start. to help SWOT technique , which is also very famous in the business world To analyze the site and examine various functional and aesthetic dimensions and … Project may let’s pay And next From analysis And Check situation Available To the level next that’s mean search Internal and external samples We come to learn more and to help our minds in generating ideas and inspiration .

After all these cases, if the subject of the architectural project was the concept process and conceptual model Sweet discussion of alternatives And then we come to the main design. But if it was an urban design project with a larger scale, it should be compiled Design framework, including strategy and policies and design and dimension instructions Providing alternatives we arrive In urban planning issues, the number of examined criteria is more than various decision making techniques such as Goal Achievement or AHP and … Use may do until the the best alternative particle for direct object Selection do And next come in Phase Performance become _

Result : as you consider The path that a designer’s mind takes is very similar to what happens in an entrepreneur’s mind . And graduates of architecture and urban design can appear well in the field of entrepreneurship and startup .

Note: It is interesting to know the use of tools such as SWAT and AHP and … And also Thinking Designing Very Very At entrepreneur item Use appointment may take Because To become an entrepreneur, a person must look around with a problem solving approach or design .

This view is so important and influential that A book titled Design Thinking in Business , published by Ariana Qalam. Entrepreneurial specialized publisher Printed. We will also publish a summary of this book on the Civitas website in future articles .

Blue ocean strategy in business and ability of architects and designers

also Book Well, another one with a name Blue Ocean Strategy It has been published by Ariana Gelam A new concept of starting very successful businesses It shows that they go ahead without competitors and achieve great success and profit . The main feature of these businesses is their placement in the space between several industries or disciplines and their integration .

Architecture and urban design Also, in a sense, It is a sea as deep as an inch. Due to the nature Interdisciplinary Self (multidisciplinary) has caused that Students have the opportunity to In addition to specialized topics, a little benefit from other diverse topics are also slaves. From engineering and technical topics to aesthetic, philosophical, semantic and sociological topics . This has led to many issues being given to them so that they can pursue it in case of need or interest and start an interdisciplinary and unrivaled business .

PS : The reason for naming this book Blue Ocean Strategy is to compare the business environment to the blue and red oceans. The business environment in the blue ocean is calm, unrivaled and profitable, but in the red ocean, the business environment is full of blood spilled in competitions .

important characteristics of architects and designers; Appropriate to the spirit of entrepreneurship

Having a multitask or T shaped personality

Another issue that shows that graduates of architecture and urban design can act with strength in the field of entrepreneurship and startup. Multitask or T- shaped personality is .

T shape, you will notice that it is deep from its axis but wide but shallow from its surface or top. T- shaped characters They try to achieve deep knowledge in a subject and also in A few other topics that share the main axis, to acceptable and not professional knowledge reach so that they can achieve independence in that main issue and become self-sufficient .

in today’s world Board with people with multitasking personality is. Someone who knows several things but is a professional in one thing. Because value creation opportunities are mostly formed by combining several industries or skills and by filling the empty space between these industries. So it is always recommended to study and increase awareness and become a T. For example, it is very good if a professional architect has acceptable knowledge in graphics .

Friends, The field of architecture and Of course, on a larger scale, the discipline Urban Design This opportunity has been given to all of us Many hooks to the end of the fishing rod Let’s connect ourselves and turn infinite ideas into business in the blue ocean. So let’s use this exceptional opportunity to This time, instead of the empty and blind space in the plan and space of the buildings, let’s look for the empty space between disciplines and industries .


Having creative thinking and scenario writing skills in writing a customer journey map

We always in our designs Circulation and scenario where it is going to happen in that house or city block and we consider how to use those spaces and then design. It is the same in business and what is supposed to happen to the customer around that product or service is called CUSTOMER JOURNEY is designed Previously, we arranged the person’s life with scenarios in plan situations, and now we write the scenario of using that product or service in his life . Believe that writing a scenario for a business is as simple and sweet as writing for a house or a public urban space .

The long-standing friendship of architects and designers with software and the digital age

Graduates of architecture and urban planning due to Frequent users of various software , most of them have good software and technological knowledge and apparently are not strangers to the digital world. Because it is really not difficult for someone who models with 3D Max or has worked with Arc GIS ; )

ambition; A weakness that becomes a strength in entrepreneurship

As I said, starting a startup and entrepreneurship is always associated with innovation and creativity. And we all know that Creativity and innovation are an integral part of architects and designers . And maybe it’s better to say We have learned to think and act creatively .

But …

It has happened many times that when we were students, we heard that your plan is very ambitious and not feasible . Or have we heard that the rules and regulations of the municipality and … At world of Real To You Permission Y this Designing Hi special particle for direct object not give .. but OK The architect Is other, She not can creative not be And Always Friend has it More From now particle for direct object to see

And the good news for architecture and urban design graduates is that Such a spirit is exactly suitable for the environment of entrepreneurship and startups … Entrepreneurs Or the one who starts a startup is the one who thinks about the impossible and is not replaced. He says there is always another way .

Many methodologies and techniques For creativity in ideation , there are brain storming , scamper , etc. But A fixed thing It exists in all of them; Taking people’s minds out of the current framework and rules . The answers given to the problems now are the result of current thinking and logic, so you have to think differently to provide another answer for another mood. You have to think outside of mental habits and usual principles and rules. These methods make a person separate from the background and reach different angles of view .


A designer and architect always tries to examine the problem from different views in order to present a plan whose functionality and quality are guaranteed from the point of view of different users (children to middle-aged). We have the gift of thinking outside the rules and thinking differently, we just don’t tie our hands and feet with limitations and mental logic. Let’s make good use of the other blessings that have come to us from this valuable discipline Let’s join the rest of the architects and designers and create value .


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