Technology architecture

Technology affects the formation of the building. In this article, we have introduced 5 types of the latest and most attractive technologies of 2022 !


جدیدترین و جذاب ترین تکنولوژی های معماری 2022

List of topics

  1. Virtual reality (VR ) , the new technology of 2022
  2. 3D printing, unique architectural technology in 2022
  3. Artificial intelligence, the top technology of architecture in 2022
  4. Self-healing concrete technology, the architectural wonder of 2022
  5. Smart brick, modern technology in architecture in 2022


Every collection needs many members and elements to be created. Form, function, content and technology are important and main members of architecture, each of which has a role in architecture and building construction .

  • Form forms the shape and geometry of the building .
  • It includes performance, efficiency and how to use space .
  • Content is the identity of the building .
  • And technology includes machines, tools and construction techniques that require material factors and human activities .

Form, function and content are elements that arise according to your design. But, technology is something you have to know to use the best and most appropriate type according to your budget and design !

In this article, we have put 5 types of the best and latest technologies of 2022 for you to get to know them and use them in your projects if needed .

Stay with us .


  1. Virtual reality (VR ) , the new technology of 2022
  2. واقعیت مجازی تکنولوژی در معماری 2020

Image one ( virtual reality, 2022 technology in architecture )


Virtual reality is a type of technology to create communication between humans (real world) and computers (virtual world) . VR , with the help of its final result, which includes image and sound, affects the human senses to feel the real presence in the virtual world. This new tool is used to simulate buildings and projects before construction and execution and helps to avoid possible errors during project implementation in the virtual world by checking the proportions, geometry and design of the building .

Before the virtual reality of VR , architects had to spend days and months working on different papers in order to present the results of their design to the client. While maps on paper are not real .

Since virtual reality technology has entered the field of architecture and interior architecture, all architects believe that : “VR , It was an architect’s dream come true !”

Today, in addition to computers, this technology is also available as an application on different operating systems in mobile phones !


  1. 3D printing, unique architectural technology in 2022
  2. پیرینت سه بعدی تکنولوژی در معماری 2020

Image two ( 3D printing, 2022 technology in architecture )


Usually, in the field of architecture and in most projects, in addition to software and images, models are used for better understanding of the building and project .

In 2022, a newer and more advanced technology for modeling in the field of architecture called (3D printing) has started working! This type of printer helps the architect and employer to see their work, however complex, in a realistic way on a smaller scale !

3D printers can easily design designs that are unique and in their design structures with strange and special designs are used as replicas in any scale. Also, this technology saves the architect’s time. Because in the past, the architect had to spend hours on designing the model and did not know whether the result would be what he imagined! But with the help of this technology, he can safely design his replica .

The steps of working with 3D printing devices require their own special knowledge. But in short, the process is that you take the output from the design you made in the software and give it to the machine for printing !



  1. Artificial intelligence, the top technology of architecture in 2022
  2. هوش مصنوعی تکنولوژی در معماری 2020

Picture three ( artificial intelligence, 2022 technology in architecture )


Artificial intelligence, as its name suggests, is an intelligent system that can intelligently perform tasks related to humans (speech, visual perception, decision making, etc.) .

This new technology has been able to shine in the field of architecture in 2022! The following are a small part of the roles of artificial intelligence in architecture .

  • Artificial intelligence has the ability to warn when errors and security problems occur during project execution. In this way, it prevents the possible risks that occur due to non-observance of safety issues during the execution of the work !
  • Each project requires its own planning (number of workers, duration of the project, machines, etc.). Usually, the project manager categorizes these activities and plans for them; But it may encounter errors and affect the entire project. By using artificial intelligence, you plan accurately without creating an error in the project !
  • Artificial intelligence will analyze your project and provide you with the desired amount of budget .
  • Artificial intelligence gives you the ability to perform your project accurately and without errors !

♦ For a better understanding of this technology, we suggest you watch the movie “Ex Machina ” to understand the power of artificial intelligence !


  1. Self-healing concrete technology, the architectural wonder of 2022بتن خود ترمیم شونده تکنولوژی در معماری 2020

Picture four ( self-healing concrete, 2022 technology in architecture )


Self-healing concrete or bio concrete , It is another technology that showed itself in 2022 !

Concrete is one of the construction materials that has positive characteristics such as: high resistance, heat and cold insulation, long life and moldability. Because of its positive features, it is very popular in the construction industry. However, concrete also has a downside, which is that over time, it may get damaged and crack. This negative characteristic affects the durability and safety of the building. But today, with the use of technology in the construction of concrete materials, concrete was designed and produced, which has the ability to repair itself in case of damage and cracks !


You may be asked how is the technology of this concrete? !

The technology of this type of concrete is as follows: self-healing concrete is combined with bacteria produced from limestone and lactic calcium and finally leads to the construction of a new material with improved properties. In fact, by creating cracks on the concrete, the bacteria in it, due to stimulation with air humidity with the help of calcium carbonate, cause the production of limestone, which restores the concrete .


  1. Smart brick, modern technology in architecture in 2022آجر هوشمند تکنولوژی در معماری 2020

Picture five ( self-healing concrete, 2022 technology in architecture )


The last technology we introduce are smart bricks. These bricks have an appearance similar to the logos of the game, which created a revolution in construction with their production. Each block of these bricks is made of concrete and has high resistance. By using these bricks in your construction projects, you can easily save on electricity, heating and cooling costs! Also, by using these bricks, the construction speed of buildings increases and the cost of consumables becomes cheaper .



last word

This year, technology made significant progress and affected various industries and businesses. In the construction and architecture industry, new technologies were also used, which increased the speed and improved the quality of architectural projects around the world .

What other technologies do you know?

Send us your opinion .


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