

If you want to get updated information about interior decoration in Japanese style and learn how to design Japanese interior, stay with us .


دکوراسیون داخلی به سبک ژاپنی | مینیمالیسم در طراحی داخلی ژاپنی

List of topics

  • Japanese style interior decoration
  • Principles of interior design in Japanese style
  • Step by step Japanese decoration design
  • 1- Design multi-purpose spaces
  • 2. Take Japanese minimalism seriously
  • 3. The importance of the entrance in the interior of Japan
  • 4. Using flowers and plants in interior decoration in Japanese style
  • 5. Show symbolic decoration
  • 6. Simple design and acceptance of shortcomings
  • The last tip of Japanese interior design


If you also love interior decoration in Japanese style and you get extremely excited when you see pictures of interior design of houses with this feeling, understanding the concepts related to interior decoration in this style is definitely attractive to you. A sense of simplicity, meaning and beauty can be seen in Japanese style decoration. Putting all these details together can make a perfect structure.

If you want to learn about interior decoration in Japanese style, stay with us.

 سبک ژاپنی در اتاق خواب

Japanese style interior decoration

In Japanese decoration style, paying attention to the meaning and basis of everything is more important than its appearance. Concepts such as Ma , Wabi-Sabi and Shakkei are unique concepts for Japanese interior design. These concepts, which have cultural links in Japan, are also considered the philosophical foundation of interior decoration. In fact, to experience a Japanese-style interior decoration, you must understand the concepts intelligently and take steps towards it.

  1. Ma (vacuum):
    1. Creating negative atmosphere and reflective moments in interior decoration
    2. Creating a balance between functionality and transition in interior design
    3. Creating peace and transparency in spaces
  2. Wabi-Sabi (Beauty in Imperfections):
    1. Accepting defects and failures in life and interior design
    2. Focus on beauty in simple and old objects
    3. Using personal and natural objects to create depth in the design
  1. Shakkei (borrowed scenes):
    1. Combining and integrating natural landscapes with the interior of the house
    2. Creating a connection between the interior and the natural landscape

By knowing these details, you can familiarize yourself with the general principles of interior decoration and arrange everything in a smart way to get a unique experience of Japanese design.


 سبک ژاپنی ساده و شیک

Principles of interior design in Japanese style

So far, you have noticed the main concepts in Japanese interior decoration style! But how do you think these concepts enter the design of the home? How can these concepts be used in practical terms? In this section, we mention some examples of these cases.

  • Ma concept at home:
    • Creating a vacuum space suitable for meditation in the interior of the resting place
    • Creating clear and relaxing spaces at home (windows and partitions)
    • Striking a balance between function and transition in interior design
  • Shakkei’s design of flexible and multifunctional spaces :
    • Creating spaces that can be adjusted and can be used as multi-purpose spaces
    • Adapting spaces to different needs over time
  • Use of Wabi-Sabi elements in decoration:
    • Using simple and imperfect objects to create beauty in the heart of decoration
    • Add depth and feeling to interior design with personal and natural objects


Step by step Japanese decoration design

If you want to have a Japanese interior decoration in accordance with the principles mentioned above, you just need to intelligently follow the path that we mention in this section.

 سبک ژاپنی اصیل


1- Design multi-purpose spaces

One of the most important aspects of interior design in Japanese style is turning rooms into multi-purpose spaces. For this action, you must intelligently measure the needs of people in this space and implement different ideas based on each one. This conversion can be done in several different ways. There are two basic approaches to this idea.

  • First: room design with several designated areas

One approach is to design a room with predetermined areas. This approach requires careful consideration of the space plan you have. You should consider your own needs and develop ideas accordingly. In this method, the audience tries to use different spaces by determining different functions in the room, including sleeping, reading and sitting. These areas can be placed next to each other or differentiated through movable partitions and decoration style. This approach allows you to use different spaces.

  • Second: the use of multi-purpose furniture

The second approach is to use multi-purpose furniture. With this action, you can take steps to transform the room according to your personal needs. This method is a very good idea for small spaces. Here, furniture with different features is used in the form of sofa bed furniture, furniture that can be converted into a dining table and wall-mounted bed. In this technique, everything is used in a multi-purpose way to experience the least occupation of space.

 سبک ژاپنی با طراحی چند منظوره

  1. Take Japanese minimalism seriously

One of the most important bases in designing interior decoration in Japanese style is Japanese minimalism. This attitude points to the true meaning of minimalism, in which the slogan ” Less is more” is based! This sense of minimalism is influential in all aspects of Japanese interior design. To choose the color of the walls, the type of door and window, accessories, library, furniture and everything that is used in interior decoration, the principle of being minimal is observed.

  • Neutral color palette: It is very common to use neutral colors such as light beige, cream and off-white colors as the main color palette in this style. These colors help spread natural light and create a sense of calm in the space.
  • Use of natural materials: Choosing natural materials such as wood and bamboo for furniture, decoration, accessories and bedding is very common! These materials give a special identity to the space and defend the attractiveness of Japanese interior design.
  • Use of small furniture: Use simple and small furniture as the main options for interior decoration. Minimal basics with the simplest appearance and least space occupation can be good options for you.


مینیمالیسم ژاپنی را جدی بگیرید

  1. The importance of the entrance in the interior of Japan

One of the most important parts of Japanese interior design is the Genkan space at the entrance of the house. Genkan is a special entrance space that is located at the entrance of the house. This space is used as a place to change outdoor shoes to indoor slippers. From the point of view of Japanese interior design, this space acts as a barrier to enter and exit the house and is very important.

 اهمیت ورودی در فضای داخلی ژاپن

  1. Using flowers and plants in interior decoration in Japanese style

The use of flowers and plants in Japanese style interior decoration has an important place. The role of flowers, plants and nature in the lives of Japanese people is very serious. Even their healthy eating and living style shows the importance of this issue. For this reason, the same conditions prevail in the style of arrangement and interior decoration in Japan. In this section, you will get to know different ideas of using flowers and plants in interior design.

  • Start with houseplants: In Japanese interior design, the use of indoor plants such as bonsai, cacti, and indoor azaleas is very common. These plants are suitable for indoor spaces and require limited care and watering; But in the end, they are known as a living spot and a green head in the interior.
  • Use of bamboo: Bamboo is one of the main elements in Japanese interior decoration. Bamboo is used as a building material and furniture making material. Sometimes bamboo is used as a living decorative plant to evoke a feeling of peace and the presence of nature in the home.

The use of flowers and plants in Japanese-style interior decoration will lead to the creation of a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. These flowers and plants, as elements of nature, strengthen the feeling of relaxation and connection to the natural world.

 استفاده از گل و گیاه در دکوراسیون داخلی به سبک ژاپنی

  1. Show symbolic decoration

In Japan, the use of symbolic decoration ideas is very common. Decorations are put together symbolically (not randomly and dramatically) in a smart and meaningful way. Traditional Japanese-style rooms usually have a tokonoma, or king’s seat, which is a space for displaying hanging fabrics (kakijiku) and ikebana flowers (flower arrangements). There is a unique feeling in this space. In Japanese customs, the person most respected is buried near the tokonoma. The symbolic use of accessories is a very attractive idea for interior decoration.

نمایش دکوراسیون نمادین

  1. Simple design and acceptance of shortcomings

It might be interesting for you to know, a Japanese family has accepted the belief of living with defects! This concept in philosophy is known as Zen and its concept is that one should learn to accept the world as it is to avoid frustration and stress! Japanese people use the concept of wabi-sabi interior design to internalize the idea of living with the imperfections of the world, which is a very attractive idea. In this style of design, the use of old appliances is very common. Usually, with a few changes, these more valuable items are used in interior decoration. With the Wabi Sabi style, simplicity, the presence of nature in the materials and the mood of the house is strongly felt. It is also common to use hand-woven mats called tatami mats. These mats are handmade art and have been a special place in Japanese houses since the past until now as a suitable seat and insulation in the cold seasons of the year.طراحی ساده و پذیرش کاستی ها


The last tip of Japanese interior design

It must be interesting for you to know the philosophy of design and interior decoration in Japanese style! Simplicity, presence in nature and health are the most important parameters that can be felt in this style. You can easily experience an attractive, creative and simple space with Japanese interior decoration and experience a minimal style.

If you also have experience or idea of interior decoration in Japanese style, write to us.


Japandi Style: Everything You Need to Know | Architectural Digest
The 5 Must-Know Concepts Of Japanese Interior Design ( tanic.design )
7 Must-Know Principles Of Japanese Interior Design (bhg.com)



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