Common mistakes in commercial decoration arrangement

If you make a series of common and influential mistakes in the process of commercial decoration design, it will definitely have very high consequences and result in your failure in the business field .

7 اشتباه رایج اما مهم در چیدمان دکوراسیون تجاری


List of topics

  • Lack of understanding of customer needs
  • Excessive design complexity
  • Lack of attention to lighting
  • Ignoring style and coloring
  • Lack of selection of practical and suitable equipment
  • Asymmetric arrangement and not using all the space
  • Ignoring creativity
  • The best company providing commercial decoration services


Dorothy Draper, one of the most famous interior designers, says, “I always put a controversial item in the decoration. That’s what makes people talk about it.” This simple issue shows how important interior decoration design is, especially in commercial environments .

Knowing the correct principles and applying the simplest and at the same time the most profound commercial decorations can make customers talk about your brand and the beauty of your environment, which results in increasing sales and earning money. The opposite of this is also true; If you make a series of common and influential mistakes in the process of commercial decoration design, it will definitely have very high consequences and result in your failure in the business field .

Lack of understanding of customer needs

One of the common mistakes in commercial decoration is not paying attention to the real needs and preferences of customers. Often, to attract attention and differentiate from competitors, businesses implement new shapes and designs and use complex and abundant designs that may cause customer dissatisfaction. In addition, the lack of proper understanding of the commercial space and the effects of color, light and space size can lead to negative effects .اشتباهات دکوراسیون تجاری

The best solution in this field is thorough research on the target audience, a deep understanding of their needs, and creating a balance between attractive appearance and comfort in the design of the commercial space. All these factors together may create many challenges for business owners. But you should not worry; Because the commercial decoration services of architects in this field can ease your mind and raise the quality of work to international levels .دکوراسیون تجاری پیچیده

Excessive design complexity

When a business environment is created with unnecessary complications, it can lead to confusion for customers and reduce their focus in choosing and buying products or services. This confusion may reduce the positive shopping experience of customers and, subsequently, reduce the chances of repeat purchases and their loyalty to the brand. Also, high complexity can have negative effects on the internal functioning of the business; Because employees will also face possible problems in understanding and controlling the business environment .نورپردازی دکوراسیون تجاری

Lack of attention to lighting

Lighting plays a very important role in commercial interior design and has significant effects on sales and commercial decoration. Light is a vital factor that not only illuminates the space, but also affects the mood and emotions of customers. Weak light can make the space dark and unattractive, while too much light can be annoying .

In store design, proper lighting highlights decorative elements, emphasizes goods and products, creates a feeling of comfort and desire to buy in customers. In the same way, choosing the right lighting, including the use of natural light, along with paying attention to the color set, can improve the experience of customers and help create an attractive atmosphere .

However, you should also pay attention to minimizing the complexity of lighting in order to avoid confusion or tension for customers and employees and to maintain a proper balance between light and other elements of the commercial space .رنگبندی دکوراسیون تجاری

Ignoring style and coloring

Branding in commercial interior design is more than an appearance, it is a necessary process in showing brand identity and value. In this scenario, colors are introduced as a basic tool to create harmony and harmony with the brand identity in the commercial environment. The correct combination of colors and their use creates harmony among the elements of the space. Also, choosing the right colors according to the brand’s values, messages and goals can create an impactful experience for customers and audiences .

In fact, this leads not only to the visual experience, but also to the emotional and identity interaction with the brand, and as a result, it leads to a strong and lasting connection with the audience. In this case, make sure that the tonality of the chosen color in the design of your brand must match the decoration and the color spectrum must be chosen correctly. Using too many loud colors can confuse the customer and make him not pay attention to the goods and have a negative effect on sales .

The same thing is true about the use of dull and pale colors. In fact, it can be said that observing the balance and choosing colors suitable for your work space is very important in commercial decoration, which should be done by an experienced and expert designer company such as direction architects .دکوراسیون فروشگاه

Lack of selection of practical and suitable equipment

Failure to choose practical and appropriate items in commercial decoration can have many negative effects on space and sales. Practical devices, including furniture, equipment and tools used in the space, such as showcases and regalia, play an important role in the customer experience and internal functioning. The lack of correct selection reduces their use, comfort and flexibility of the space, which can ultimately reduce the positive experience of customers and their attraction .

On the other hand, choosing practical and suitable equipment for employees is also important, and not paying attention to this issue can lead to a decrease in productivity and employee satisfaction; Therefore, the accurate selection of equipment according to the needs and goals of the commercial space is of great importance and helps to improve the experience of customers, employees and, as a result, increase sales .دکوراسیون تجاری مدرن

Asymmetric arrangement and not using all the space

Asymmetric arrangement and lack of optimal use of space in commercial decoration have significant effects on sales. In small spaces, improper layout can cause interference between elements, creating a feeling of congestion and losing customers’ focus. On the other hand, in large spaces, not using all the space can cause a feeling of emptiness and fatigue in customers. Optimizing the space according to the needs and goals of customers conveys the sense of a pleasant and positive shopping experience and helps to create a better relationship between products, goods and customers .

On the other hand, too much crowding can prevent the customer from making the right choice and confuse him. At the same time, if sufficient space is not considered for the customer’s movement, the attractiveness of the space will be reduced and it will affect the customer’s behavior. In general, the accurate design of the space, according to its size and needs, guarantees the optimization of the customer experience and will have positive effects on sales and communication with customers through creating harmony and balance .دکوراسیون تجاری نامتقارن

Ignoring creativity

Failure to pay attention to creativity in commercial decoration can lead to the creation of an ordinary and mysterious atmosphere that loses the ability to attract the attention of customers. Creativity in commercial design has the power to create an emotional connection with customers, making shopping a unique experience and developing branding. However, the initiatives should be done according to the culture, customs of the society and the needs of the customers. Excessive creation of special elements and complex and inappropriate spaces can encourage customers to leave the space instead of attracting them. As a result, this complex and important process requires the presence of expert and capable experts who are present in the group of architects . دکوراسیون تجاری خلاقانه

The best company providing commercial decoration services

With more than 12 years of experience in the field of interior decoration design and implementation, Memaran Architects is known as one of the most prominent companies in this field. This company, having an expert team consisting of experienced architects, designers and engineers, deals with innovative and intelligent designs that, in addition to paying attention to the local needs of the people, also consider the most up-to-date global approaches .خدمات دکوراسیون تجاری

The main strategy of architects is to optimize building spaces, use new techniques and implementation methods and pay attention to the design economy, all of which are aimed at improving the quality of the business environment and increasing profitability. On the other hand, too much creativity and ignoring the real needs of customers may lead to the opposite results; But the architects create unique and practical spaces with proper coordination between creativity and customer needs .


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