
In this article, we are trying to introduce you to plastic wood and its features so that you can use this material when needed .

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List of topics

  • What is plastic wood or plywood?
  • Types of wood plastic
  • Advantages of woodplast
    • Water repellency
    • environment lover
    • Resistant to insect penetration
    • Resistant to impact and decay
    • Easy to clean
  • Disadvantages of plywood
  • Application of plastic wood
  • Conclusion


These days, many people are sensitive to the decoration of their home, work environment, yard, parking lot, etc. and they tend to consider the best designs in them. For this purpose, new products are designed and marketed day by day in various industries.

If you are in this group of people, it is better to know more about it before doing anything. In this article, we are trying to introduce you to plastic wood and its features so that you can use this material when needed.


What is plastic wood or plywood?

With the advancement of technology and the emergence of modern devices in various industries, making products with special features has become one of the purest ideas. In the wood industry, this is more important than in other industries, and for this reason, the variety of materials in this field has increased, and many manufacturers are active in it.

One of the newest products introduced in this industry is plastic wood, which is made from wood flour, various plastics such as PV , PE , anti-fungal, anti-oxidizing, pigment, etc. This category of products is also called Woodplast or Polywood

The noteworthy point is that pollutants such as carbon dioxide, which are created in the production process of this product, are easily controlled by using the filtration method.

Types of wood plastic

Due to the fact that this product is very well received by different communities, the variety of products is also very large in this case. These products can be classified into two categories, hollow and solid, each of which has specific characteristics.

From another point of view, they can be considered in different categories in terms of design and color. In this way, you can see these plywoods in different types in authentic collections. Denizwood is one of the oldest collections in this field, and you can also contact the officials of this company for more information.

Advantages of woodplast

If you are also looking to use this product, you should also check its features and know what advantages and disadvantages it has. Hearing some of the benefits of a product may change your opinion about using another material.

In this opportunity, we would like to point out some of the advantages of plastic wood so that you know what rare features this product has and is very practical compared to its price.

Water repellency

One of the best features of plywood is that it has a very good resistance to water. This does not mean that it will not undergo erosion, but compared to ordinary wood, it can be said that it is waterproof. Some people who want their house flooring to be waterproof can open a special account for this product and save money.

environment lover

In the production process of this product, no residue is left and thus no waste is produced. For this reason, it is said that Woodplast is environmentally friendly.

Resistant to insect penetration

One of the main problems in homes is the presence of annoying insects, which there are different ways to eliminate them. These materials are very resistant to the penetration of insects and animals such as cockroaches, termites, etc., and for this reason, many people prefer to use them.

Resistant to impact and decay

Other plastic products may not be very resistant to impact, but these products are very strong against impact due to their special composition. It should be noted that due to its internal ingredients, this product rots very slowly and you will have peace of mind about this.

Easy to clean

Due to the special surface that this material has, everyone can easily clean the desired surface without any problems. The ease of cleaning the surface of these products should also be included in the list of advantages.

Other advantages of plastic wood include being resistant to slipping, needing to be painted later, diversity in design, adaptability to different climates, etc. Its reasonable price is also a great advantage, which we will talk more about later.

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Disadvantages of plywood

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages that every buyer should be aware of. Maybe these items are also very important in informing the customer about the type of product he wants to buy. One of the disadvantages of plywood is its expansion and contraction.

The high density of this product is another thing that you should be aware of. Depolymerization of plastic wood due to exposure to UV rays is perhaps the most important defect of this product, which loses its color over a certain period of time. You can get help from the consultants of reliable sites such as Deniswood, who are direct suppliers of Thermowood Holland in Iran, and increase your information.

Application of plastic wood

This product is used in many places and fortunately it has gathered many fans in the country in the last few years. This product can be used in home flooring, making furniture, pavilions, doors and windows, etc.

One of the special functions of this product is its use in the design of the roof garden, which most people pay attention to these days. With the help of Denizwood staff, you can know the best designs of this product and have a great design for your desired environment.

Disadvantages of plastic wood; One of the modern materials in the construction industry

Disadvantages of plastic wood It includes a very small percentage compared to its benefits. Due to the increasing demand of communities for housing, various industries have produced the required materials. Many materials are needed to build a building .
During the construction of a building, two goals are followed .

  • The first goal is to establish supervision and enforcement of regulations for a standard construction .
  • The second goal is to cause minimal damage to the natural environment .


A grown man with modern technologies tries to build a resistant structure in the shortest possible time .


Construction industry relying on new sciences

The construction industry relies on new science to build modern materials. The purpose of making modern materials :

  • reduction in costs
  • Compliance and even raising construction standards .


Construction speed is also important during project implementation. Of course, less damage and construction waste should be left in nature .
New materials such as types of plastic wood, types of concrete and self-correcting cement, prefabricated panels and walls can be mentioned. Engineers in various fields of construction try to increase the useful life of all materials. Of course, it should be noted that eventually the useful life of all materials ends. The end of useful life is one of the disadvantages of plastic wood .

Plastic wood ( wpc ) or composite plywood

No one can introduce a product in the construction industry that has 100% benefits. As a result, it cannot be said that there are no defects in modern materials .
In the introduction Plastic wood It cannot be claimed that it is completely perfect. Of course Disadvantages of plastic wood It is very small compared to its benefits. The purpose of producing new materials is to increase the benefits and reduce its defects .

آشنایی با معایب چوب پلاست

Getting to know the disadvantages of plastic wood


First to the introduction Plastic wood and then we will state its disadvantages . Plastic wood or plywood is one of the modern composite materials . Plastic wood With an abbreviated name wpc (wood plastic composite) Is known. It consists of the combination of two different materials, both of which are waste and surplus materials. For this reason, plastic wood is called environmentally friendly .

  • The first part is prepared from sawdust, chips, slag, agricultural fibers, straw, bamboo, etc.
  • The second part is thermoplastics, which use waste plastic materials. High and low density polyethylene, polypropylenes, etc pvc includes _


Getting to know the disadvantages of plastic wood

  • We said that Plastic wood It has few disadvantages, but this product is made as a substitute for wood. It should be said that the materials used are not similar to natural wood .
  • The second of the disadvantages Plastic wood It is that these composites do not have the resistance and strength of natural wood. It may be broken or scratched by strong impact or sharp tools .
  • Plastic wood It is produced and installed as a branch, timber or profile. Any damaged part can be easily replaced. In contrast, wood has a general and one-handed structure. If it gets cracked or scratched, it cannot be easily repaired or replaced .
  • Heavy weight is the third of the disadvantages Plastic wood Is. Plastic wood weighs more than natural wood. Of course, it is better to point out that in contrast to the heavy weight, it has a lower price than natural wood .

آشنایی با معایب چوب پلاست

Getting to know the disadvantages of plastic wood


Disadvantages of plastic wood

Some people exaggerate Plastic wood They introduce 100% waterproof and moisture proof. Perhaps these people have forgotten that it is part of the wood that absorbs water. Of course, moisture absorption in it is very small. Moisture absorption is introduced as one of the disadvantages of plastic wood. Of course, we should not forget that wood also absorbs moisture .

You can use plastic wood to cover the open space, which is one of the important advantages of plastic wood .

If you observe the standard distance for the seams during the installation of plastic wood, moisture will easily escape during rain. In areas with heavy rainfall, observe the slope of the floor. Do not use plastic wood in areas where there is a lot of rain and the water has no way to get out .
Pale color is another disadvantage of plastic wood. Paleness against radiation uv , dust, abrasion, etc. are created. Over time, a stain may form on the surface that will destroy its beautiful appearance. Plastic wood may rot after reaching its useful life .

The advantages of nano resin for plastic wood are as follows :

  • level Plastic wood makes it more beautiful
  •  In the long run, it prevents additional costs .
  •  From Plastic wood Against the rays uv protects .
  •  In case of stains, you can easily clean the surface .
  •  It is hydrophobic and prevents the absorption of water into its wood texture .
  •  It increases its resistance against the penetration of dust, insects, etc.


Note that no product can be found that is perfect. People who compare plastic wood with wood or thermo wood should know that these materials also have disadvantages. The main goal of making new materials is to increase the useful life of materials used in construction .

آشنایی با معایب چوب پلاست

Getting to know the disadvantages of plastic wood



In today’s world, there is so much variety of products in every field that you have to go shopping with complete information. If you are looking for an affordable and ideal material to design your roof garden or home decor, you can use plastic wood.

In this article, we tried to introduce you the advantages and disadvantages of this material so that you can buy it with full knowledge. Denizwood collection is one of the most reliable collections in this field that you can order from them with ease. The prices offered by this company are very reasonable and you can compare with other companies. For more information, you can call the phone numbers listed on the site and get answers to your questions from the consultants.

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