Modern open kitchen

Getting to know the features and application of modern open kitchen and new and great ideas of modern counter or open kitchen design

اپن آشپزخانه مدرن، ده‌ها ایده متنوع برای تمام سلیقه‌ها


List of topics

  • Tips about features and applications of modern open kitchen
  • New and excellent examples of modern open kitchen


If you are thinking of designing a new kitchen or you want to renovate your current kitchen, we suggest that you think a little more about the design of the modern open kitchen. In fact, an open kitchen or kitchen counter gives you a practical space to sit with your family members or friends in the space closest to the kitchen, eat, or work together, cooking, washing dishes, and even doing your personal work. Do it easily. In general, you can design the modern open kitchen as integrated and connected to other kitchen cabinets, or you can design it as an island in the middle of the kitchen, and in both cases, create an extremely attractive and functional look for your kitchen. do it

Therefore, if you are interested in the design and implementation of a modern open kitchen, we suggest that you must see the new and excellent examples of the modern open kitchen that we have prepared in the rest of this part of the build and design carefully, and then according to the size and space of your kitchen, Choose and implement the best model of open kitchen .




Tips about features and applications of modern open kitchen

Today, kitchens are not just a space for cooking, but also a perfect living space and must meet a wide range of user needs. That is why the presence of a counter or open kitchen is necessary in most modern and modern kitchens. In fact, an open kitchen, executed with high aesthetic standards, not only becomes the visual center of the room, but is also very practical and functionally a true all-rounder .

In general, with the modern open kitchen design, you can benefit from these features :

  • Having an additional work surface for cooking and preparing items needed for cooking or dining, when there is not enough table space for this.
  • Stylish storage space, if you need more space for functional placement
  • A flexible workspace where you can quickly answer a few emails or keep an eye on the kids’ homework while you cook.
  • Functional storage space for all the important things you need throughout the day – from car keys to fruit bowls
  • Perfect presentation surface for fresh flowers or beautiful decorative items
  • Providing a great space to chat with family members


In general, considerations related to the design of a modern open kitchen should not only include its aesthetic factors, but also the planned use of the kitchen counter. In this situation, the size and shape of the open kitchen is as important as the choice of material, and if you choose everything accurately and calculated, the overall appearance and performance of the open kitchen can easily meet your expectations and you will enjoy having such a space in Enjoy your kitchen .

In addition, in spaces that have an open design concept, you can use the open kitchen as a separator and communication element between the cooking space and the living or dining space at the same time .

In order to complete the beauty of the modern open kitchen, it is better to use special and stylish screens that are suitable for use in the kitchen space and make the appearance of this part of the kitchen as beautiful as possible. In general, when choosing the top on the open kitchen, you can use the same surface of the cabinet as you have chosen for other kitchen cabinets, and you can create a unique look for your kitchen by choosing a contrasting design and color. The important thing is to keep the overall design of the kitchen consistent and consider the type of use you will have of the open kitchen so that you can choose the best and highest quality screen for the open top or kitchen counter .

Among the materials that are usually used for open kitchen panels are :

  • Wood : Wood warms the kitchen space and looks natural. But still, it’s sensitive, especially if it’s not covered properly
  • Heat-treated glass : These glasses are resistant to heat, cuts and scratches, can be cleaned optimally, do not require maintenance and look very beautiful .
  • Natural stone : Natural stone is also durable and beautiful. But the thing about stones is that they should be cleaned regularly and taken very good care of .
  • Artificial stones such as quartz or Dekton composite materials : these materials combine the appearance of natural stone with the properties of high-tech materials and are among the popular options for the surface of cabinets and kitchen counters .




New and excellent examples of modern open kitchen

In the following, we have prepared the latest and most beautiful examples of modern open kitchen design that you can get the best design for your kitchen counter or open kitchen by taking ideas from these models :


Design and implementation suggestion: Visit the profiles of experts in design and implementation of all types of cabinets and open kitchens in Besaz and Bechin and by communicating with them, transform your kitchen as soon as possible .

طراحی اپن آشپزخانه شیک با کابینت سفید و مشکی و صفحه سنگی

Stylish open kitchen design with white and black cabinets and stone countertops

خاص ترین نمونه از طراحی آشپزخانه شیک و مدرن

The most special example of stylish and modern kitchen design

اپن آشپزخانه سفید و مدرن با صندلی های خاص و زیبا

White and modern open kitchen with special and beautiful chairs

آشپزخانه مدرن و شیک با کابینت آبی تیره اپن زیبا به رنگ سفید و صندلی های چوبی و خاص

Modern and stylish kitchen with beautiful dark blue open cabinet in white color and special wooden chairs

جدیدترین نمونه از طراحی آشپزخانه با کابینت های چوبی و اپن با صفحه تیره و صندلی های حصیری

The latest example of kitchen design with wooden and open cabinets with a dark screen and wicker chairs

طراحی اپن آشپزخانه شیک و مدرن با صفحه کوارتز طرح دار و صندلی اپن شیک

Stylish and modern open kitchen design with patterned quartz countertops and stylish open chairs

کانتر آشپزخانه چوبی و شیک در آشپزخانه مدرن با کابینت های سفید

Stylish wooden kitchen counter in modern kitchen with white cabinets

طراحی آشپزخانه مدرن با کابینت مشکی و جزئیات شیشه ای و اپن شیک با صفحه سنگ مرمر مشکی

Modern kitchen design with black cabinet and glass details and open style with black marble top

طراحی آشپزخانه کوچک و شیک با اپن زیبا و صفحه طرح دار و خاص

Designing a small and stylish kitchen with a beautiful opening and a special design

طراحی کانتر آشپزخانه مدرن به شکل جزیره و ترکیب رنگ نقره ای و مشکی

Modern kitchen counter design in the form of an island with a combination of silver and black

خاص ترین نمونه از طراحی کانتر آشپزخانه مدرن به رنگ مشکی

The most special example of modern kitchen counter design in black color

آشپرخانه مدرن و شیک با کابینت سفید و اپن مشکی

Modern and stylish kitchen with white and open black cabinets

زیباترین ایده برای طراحی اچن آشپزخانه مدرن و کاربردی

The most beautiful idea for modern and practical kitchen design

طراحی اپن آشپزخانه شیک با صفحه چوبی

Stylish open kitchen design with wooden panel

آشپزخانه کوچک و زیبا با کابینت سفید و بژ و پیشخوان ساده و کاربردی

Small and beautiful kitchen with white and beige cabinets and a simple and functional counter

زیباترین مدل طراحی اپن آشپزخلنه چوبی و مدرن

The most beautiful model of open wooden and modern kitchen design

اپن آشپرخانه شیک و زیبا با صفحه سفید و برش گرد

Stylish and beautiful open kitchen with white plate and round cut

کانتر آشپزخانه مدرن با صفحه کوارتز دانه دار شیک و زیبا

Modern kitchen counter with stylish and beautiful grained quartz surface

طراحی خاص و متفاوت برای اپن آشپزخانه چوبی

Special and different design for open wooden kitchen

طراحی کانتر آشپزخانه به شکل جزیره با ترکیب چوب و صفحه سفید

Kitchen counter design in the form of an island with a combination of wood and white plate

کانتر آشپزخانه مدرن با طراحی خاص و ترکیب رنگ سفید و قهوه ای

Modern kitchen counter with special design and combination of white and brown color




last word

Counter or open design for the kitchen not only visually adds more beauty to the kitchen cabinetry, but also provides additional storage space, table and living space, and is an excellent option for creating a separation between the kitchen and the dining or living room. are .

Do you also want to have a counter in your kitchen? Which design is the best and most attractive example for modern open kitchen design?




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