Yard garden design

Yard garden design

If you want to know the types of backyard garden design styles and see new ideas of backyard garden design, stay with us .

طرح باغچه حیاط، از این سبک‌های طراحی ایده بگیرید


List of topics

  • Why is the design of the courtyard garden important?
  • Learn about the different styles of garden design
    • 1. Formal style in the courtyard garden design (Formal)
    • 2. Non-formal style in the courtyard garden plan (Informal)
    • 3. Japanese style in the design of the courtyard garden (Japanese)
    • 4. Mediterranean style in the courtyard garden design (Mediterranean)
    • 5. Ecological style in the design of the courtyard garden (Ecological)
    • 6. Modern style in the design of the courtyard garden (Modern)
    • 7. Rustic style in the courtyard garden design (Rustic)
    • 8. Asian style in the courtyard garden design (Asian)
  • Important elements in the design of the courtyard garden
  • Creative garden design ideas


These days, when all of us are involved in urban life, access to nature has definitely become extremely difficult. Unfortunately, work and daily busyness reduce the opportunity to be in nature. Most people spend their days with a strong need for relaxation without realizing that being in nature is a free but powerful therapy. Garden design is very important in the courtyards of our houses today. Because it provides an opportunity to bring a part of nature home. The attractiveness and beauty of the design of the courtyard garden, as much as it is effective in the visual appeal, is also considered for the added value of the property. For this reason, you should know more about the design of the backyard garden and see the principles of garden design and its types of ideas.

If you are also interested in knowing more about the backyard garden plan, stay with us in this article.


Why is the design of the courtyard garden important? طرح باغچه حیاط مجهز و جذاب

According to the explanations given in the introduction, you have realized the importance of designing the garden of the yard! Although these gardens occupy a limited space, they are very effective. For buildings that have a large area in the yard or entrance, garden design is very important. Because it can completely affect people’s mood. Designing and creating a backyard garden is important for the reasons we will discuss below!

  • Creating a beautiful and relaxing environment: By creating green space, trees, plants and flowers, the backyard garden creates a beautiful and relaxing environment that allows you to enjoy nature and get away from daily stress.
  • Homemade food production: If you have a little taste and don’t have any restrictions, you can have enough space in your garden to plant different plants. You can easily grow all kinds of vegetables, fruits or even medicinal plants by yourself and the residents of the building and use homemade food products.
  • Preservation of the environment and ecological balance: Creating a green space in the courtyard garden is considered as a way to preserve the environment and contribute to the ecological balance of the region. Plants act as natural air filters and help improve your air and environment.
  • Increasing the value of the property: The design of the backyard garden and its professional design can increase the value of your property. A beautiful and tidy garden can show the attractiveness of your home to other people and be a good added value for your property.
  • Focus on environmental sustainability: By planting local plants suitable for your region’s climate, you can help promote the concept of sustainability in your backyard garden.
  • Positive effect on mood: Watching plants grow, seeing flowers that bloom and the beauty of the landscape created in the yard will have a positive effect on your mood and can help improve your mood.
  • Recreational space: The backyard garden can act as a recreational space for your family and friends. Using this space with the agreement of other people in your apartment or complex can be a good idea.
  • Teaching and learning opportunity: Taking care of plants and the environment of the courtyard garden can provide you with an opportunity to learn about gardening and plant care.
  • Connection with nature: In cities and crowded environments, a backyard garden can give you the opportunity to connect with nature and the surrounding world and give you the feeling of abandoning everyday life.




Learn about the different styles of garden design

The design of the courtyard garden can be implemented in different ways according to personal taste, available space, geographical area and different purposes. Below are some common styles in backyard garden design:

 طرح باغچه حیاط با ترمود

  1. Formal style in the design of the courtyard garden ( Formal )

This style of backyard garden design usually includes design with the help of geometric designs, straight and regular lines in the yard space. Flower boxes, greenhouses, columns and decorative bars are usually used in this design model. Order and order are very important in this style. You usually see this style of design in classic or simple spaces, which is very attractive.

 سبک فرمال در طرح باغچه حیاط (Formal)

  1. Non-formal style in the courtyard garden design ( Informal )

In this style, the design is freer and with different combinations of components. More flexible lines and natural curves can be seen in the design of the courtyard garden in this style. This style is often suitable for home spaces due to its more natural and informal appearance and is not usually done in large complexes or offices.

سبک غیرفرمال در طرح باغچه حیاط (Informal)

  1. Japanese style in the design of the courtyard garden ( Japanese )

The design of Japanese gardens relies on principles such as balance, simplicity, harmony with nature and the use of minimal components. The use of materials related to the Japanese climate is common in this design style. Usually, the materials include stones, wooden boards, bridges and water features. Planting colored shrubs that evoke the mood of Japanese cherry blossoms shows an important part of the characteristics of this space.

سبک ژاپنی در طرح باغچه حیاط (Japanese)

  1. Mediterranean style in the courtyard garden design ( Mediterranean )

This style includes the use of flowers and dry environment plants, stones, metals and water features. This design is often associated with the influences of southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in the designs. Usually, the use of the Mediterranean style, especially in Iran, is limited and only implemented for special villas or such spaces where the designer emphasizes the Mediterranean style.

سبک مدیترانه‌ای در طرح باغچه حیاط (Mediterranean

  1. Ecological style in the design of the courtyard garden ( Ecological )

In this style of garden design, the focus is on preserving the environment, using native plants of the region, and preserving biodiversity along with sustainable design. Ecological gardens usually benefit from the optimal use of water, preventing soil degradation and improving local biotopes. This design style is highly noteworthy. Especially in the situation where we are facing a shortage of water resources, with this garden design model, you can experience a great feeling in a green environment with minimal energy loss.

سبک اکولوژیک در طرح باغچه حیاط (Ecological)

  1. Modern style in the design of the courtyard garden ( Modern )

In the design of modern gardens, simple lines, open and clean spaces are used. Components are usually few and functional, emphasizing geometry and structure. Simplicity is highly considered in modern style. The use of details, twists and turns and things like this are obsolete and everything is designed and implemented in a straight line or calculated curves. Modern material plays the first role in limiting or beautifying these spaces.


 سبک مدرن در طرح باغچه حیاط (Modern)


  1. Rustic style in the backyard garden design ( Rustic )

This style merges with traditional and rustic elements such as wood, brick and country curtains. Flowers, vegetables and vases are also part of this design. Rustic style is also common in interior decoration and you can see and enjoy the same feeling in the garden designer with rustic style.

 سبک روستیک در طرح باغچه حیاط (Rustic)

  1. Asian style in the courtyard garden design ( Asian )

This style includes elements from Asian cultures such as Japan, China, Korea and Thailand. The use of stones, water features, wooden boards and Asian plants is very common in the design of these gardens. Asian elements are used in the design of this style. You can easily use the elements in the Asian-style garden design and enjoy the result.

سبک آسیایی در طرح باغچه حیاط (Asian)

Important elements in the design of the courtyard garden

Knowing the important elements in the backyard garden design will help you to act intelligently in this regard. Because you know what materials are available in this regard and what elements can make the space more attractive for you. These elements are all presented in the best possible way so that you can make a unique design. The design of the courtyard garden requires the use of various elements to create a beautiful, practical and harmonious space. Below, we examine the important elements that should be considered in the backyard garden design.

  • Native flowers and plants: Choosing appropriate and native plants and flowers that match the climatic conditions of your place of residence can make the yard pleasant. You should choose based on the climatic conditions of the region. Use flowers, trees, shrubs and creepers to enhance the natural beauty of the space.
  • Ground Covers: Choosing a variety of ground covers can help attract and connect plants, as well as prevent weeds from growing. The use of grass in this space is very pleasant. But remember that lawn water consumption is high! So if you are in an area that faces water restrictions, be sure to use artificial grass to maintain the style of the space.
  • Outdoor water features: Water features and fountains can add beautiful and relaxing elements to the backyard garden. If you have a small pond, the fountain will definitely create a unique feeling.
  • Lighting: Adding different lighting such as ground lights, pendants and light panels will allow you to use the garden space at night and enjoy its beauty.
  • Outdoor seating: Creating areas for sitting and entertaining with outdoor furniture, benches or concrete blocks will add more charm and utility to your garden space.
  • Path and path: Creating paths using stones, tiles or other elements allows you to divide the space into different parts and access the order and order of the components of the yard garden.
  • Limiting structures: The use of wooden, iron or stone structures can change the space of the garden. These elements allow you to limit different areas such as private areas, play areas or even shelters.
  • Outdoor accessories: By using decorative elements such as wooden boards, stones, statues or pots, you can give a good feeling to the garden.

Finally, the main goal of designing a courtyard garden is to create a suitable space for recreation, relaxation and communication with nature. By considering these elements and matching them with your taste and needs, you can create a beautiful and efficient backyard garden.

 طرح باغچه حیاط با آلاچیق



Creative garden design ideas

راه سازی در  طرح باغچه حیاط

These days, it is common to use the latest creative techniques to design the backyard garden. You can easily design the garden using the latest techniques. Environmental beauty and visual appeal are some of the benefits you experience with proper ideation and execution. Usually, these ideas should be implemented according to the conditions of each structure and space in order to have the best results. In the following, we are going to examine how to design and implement creative ideas in the courtyard garden design.

 طرح باغچه حیاط ساده و کم هزینه

The most expensive backyard garden design using porcelain blocks and creating a stone flower box

 طرح باغچه حیاط چند سطحی با پله

The most modern design of the courtyard garden using wooden flower boxes and simple pots in addition to the design of the area

 طرح باغچه حیاط از نمای بالا

The most attractive idea of the design of the courtyard garden using lawn and planting full and patterned boxwoods around the living area

 طرح باغچه حیاط گرد

The simplest design of the courtyard garden using green space and trees bordering the wall and simple pots

 طرح باغچه حیاط چمن و سنگ چین

The simplest backyard garden design using Japanese landscaping style and tree stump seating design

 طرح باغچه حیاط لاکچری با المان های مختلف

The most luxurious backyard garden design using different elements, wooden flower boxes and Termwood floor

 طرح باغچه حیاط با نشیمن های رنگی

The most attractive idea of a backyard garden design using natural pots and shrubs around the earth and green space

 طرح باغچه حیاط با آبگیر

The most natural design of the courtyard garden by using the space and creating a water catchment with large stones in the middle of the lawn

 طرح باغچه حیاط چمن کاری

The most attractive and simple garden design using natural grass and garden in the corner of the yard

فضای سبز حیاط

The most expensive design of the courtyard garden with the use of long garden walls, suitable for special spaces

 طرح باغچه حیاط با نشیمن

The smallest style and design of the courtyard garden using flooring materials and creating empty space

ساده ترین  طرح باغچه حیاط

The cheapest design of the courtyard garden using wooden walls and making roads suitable for quick implementation

 طرح باغچه حیاط سرسبز و لوکس

The most beautiful design of the courtyard garden with the use of stylish flowers on the side of the Termwood path, suitable for living with outdoor furniture


last word

If you love flowers and plants and the atmosphere of nature gives you peace, it is obvious that the design of the courtyard garden is a priority for you. Creating a relaxing and beautiful space to spend hours of the day is a great gift you can give yourself. By looking at the photos and reviewing the mentioned points, you can choose the best garden design for yourself and ask a professional designer to design and implement it for you.

What German do you like in the garden? Be sure to write to us.

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