Garden flower design

Various ideas for the design of the flower garden in the yard with tree trunks, blocks, tires, disposable items, etc.

طرح گلکاری باغچه، ایده‌هایی که هر جا نمی‌بینید!


List of topics

  • The use of disposable tools in the flower garden design
  • Creating a focal point in the flower garden design
  • The use of tree trunks in the flower arrangement of the garden
  • The use of cement blocks in the flower garden design
  • Flower garden using stones and bricks
  • Using tires for gardening
  • Creating a vertical flower wall
  • Flowered stairs and fence in the yard and garden
  • The use of flower pots in the flower garden design
  • Sidewalk in garden design
  • Recommendations in the garden flower design


The yard is a part of the house where you can plant trees, flowers and plants and enjoy seeing them. Gardening flowers in the yard is something that a person can do alone or leave it to an experienced gardener . Garden flower design It is done in different ways, and we will discuss how to implement them and introduce different ideas. Build a popular site with us and stay tuned .


The use of disposable tools in the flower garden design

In every house we look, there are definitely some old tools that can be used in the flower garden. It is better to choose a plastic, wooden or clay container that can be used to plant flowers. One of these ideas is to use a box or bucket that can be planted with flowers or green plants. You can even go further and choose another vehicle like Farghun. The size of Farghun is such that it can be decorated with different types of flowers.

طرح گلکاری باغچه با جعبه چوبیطرح گلکاری باغچه با بطری



Creating a focal point in the flower garden design

In gardening, you can create a focal point to draw attention to it. The place to create the central focal point or Gosheh of the garden, which is usually placed a little higher than the soil of the garden floor. To create a focal point, consider the area of the garden so that you can choose it in the right size.

One of the tools that can be used to create a focal point is a boat. Just fill the inside of the boat with your favorite flowers and place it in a suitable angle of the garden. How about a bed placed in the middle of the garden? By placing a bed in the middle of the garden and planting flowers, it creates a beautiful view that you will not get tired of watching. A water well bucket is another method that can be used to give a beautiful view to the garden.

قایق در طرح گلکاری باغچهنمای زیبای قایق در طرح گلکاری باغچهطرح گلکاری باغچه با سطل چاه آب چاه آب در طرح گلکاری باغچه



The use of tree trunks in the flower arrangement of the garden

Tree trunks can be left unused, but that is not the reason why they are useless. Tree trunks in different shapes and forms can be used to plant flowers in the garden by filling it with soil and covering it with favorite plants and flowers.

تنه درختان در طرح گلکاری باغچهنمایی از تنه درخت در طرح گلکاری باغچهتنه درخت افقی در طرح گلکاری باغچهتنه درخت افقی در گلکاری باغچه

The use of cement blocks in the flower garden design

Cement blocks can be used to plant flowers and plants in the courtyard garden. Cement blocks are parts that are used in different sizes and dimensions for porcelain walls and building structures. Cement blocks can be used for planting flowers and plants. Also, with blocks, you can separate flowers and plants from each other, since the segmentation is done.

In the yard garden, you can plant vegetables such as basil, parsley, coriander, etc. Cement blocks are one of the ideal tools for planting vegetables, where you can plant the desired vegetables in each block and separate them from each other.

بلوک سیمانی در طرح گلکاری باغچهکاشت سبزی در بلوک سیمانی

Flower garden using stones and bricks

Stones and bricks are tools that can be used to create a beautiful garden. Stones and bricks are arranged in different ways and can be used to decorate the garden or to separate the garden from the rest of the yard.

آجر در طرح گلکاری باغچهکناره های طرح گلکاری باغچهسنگ در طرح گلکاری باغچهدیواره در طرح گلکاری باغچهدیواره با آجرهای قدیمی و نوستالژیک در طرح گلکاری باغچه



Using tires for gardening

Light and heavy vehicle tires are sometimes unusable due to wear and tear. You may have one or more old tires in your garage or garage, or you may have seen them on the side of the road. Used tires can be painted or used in the same shape and color in the garden. Tires can be placed anywhere in the garden or be considered as a border separator between the garden and the yard.

طرح گلکاری باغچه با لاستیک های ماشینلاستیک رنگی در طرح گلکاری باغچه

Creating a vertical flower wall

Sometimes the garden wall is not very beautiful or we want to separate two parts of the garden for any reason. By creating a wall, the garden can be divided into two parts and create a beautiful view. The best type of flowers and plants that can be used for the wall are climbing flowers or hanging flowers that decorate the wall beautifully.

دیواره سبزدیواره در باغچه

Flowered stairs and fence in the yard and garden

Creating stairs or using a ladder to plant flowers in gardens is a very attractive and lovely idea that is used more than height. Different flowers can be planted on each floor of the fence or stairs to create an attractive and beautiful garden.

نرده در طرح گلکاری باغچهنرده پلکانی در طرح گلکاری باغچه

The use of flower pots in the flower garden design

It is not necessary to take the flowers out of the pot and move them to the garden, but the pot itself can be used in the garden. With this, it is possible to move the pots for fertilizing, watering, changing the layout, etc., and the hands are more open to do anything.

گلدان در طرح گلکاری باغچهگلدان های طبقاتی

Sidewalk in garden design

Access to the middle of the garden requires the creation of a sidewalk so that you can walk to all parts and enjoy being among flowers and plants. By creating a sidewalk in the middle of the garden, you can make it look more beautiful and get an opportunity to be in the midst of nature and flowers and plants.

walkway در طرح گلکاری باغچهپیاده رو میان باغچهایجاد پیاده رو با آجر در باغچه

Recommendations in the garden flower design

Flowering a garden is a very lovely work in which there is no need or compulsion, but it is better to consider the following recommendations in order to have a beautiful garden:

  • Specify the type of garden. Some people prefer to have a garden with seasonal flowers, but another group prefers to use perennial and perennial plants, which are called four seasons, so there is no need to plant and replace flowers and plants in each season.
  • Some flowers and plants need shade to grow and survive, so before planting flowers, get proper information about the conditions of maintenance, the amount of light required, the type of fertilizer, etc.
  • Do not forget to clean the garden. Having a beautiful garden requires keeping the land clean so that it can be used for cultivation.
  • Balance should be established on both sides. It is better to plant flowers, plants and trees in the design of the garden so that one side is not heavier than the other.

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last word

Garden flower design can be done with different ideas. In this section of the site, various ideas for decorating and planting flowers in the garden were expressed.

If you have an idea for planting flowers in the garden, share them with us in the comments section and if you like the article, light up the stars.  




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