Pastry Cafe

How to design a confectionery cafe? The latest and most attractive interior decoration design ideas of the confectionery cafe


دکوراسیون داخلی کافه قنادی، به خوشمزگی شیرینی‌هایتان!

List of topics

  • How to design a confectionery cafe?
    • Choose the right colors
    • Display the interior view of the confectionery cafe
    • Provide a spectacular view of your products
    • Invest in lighting fixtures
    • Do not underestimate the power of decorations
    • Personalize the design of your pastry shop


Imagine walking down the street and suddenly the sweet smell of baked goods fills the air. Paying a little attention to your surroundings, you will notice the existence of a confectionery cafe and upon approaching it, you will see that the interior decoration design of the confectionery cafe is as magnificent and attractive as the smell of sweets and desserts! Pastel colors and bright lights, with a showcase that displays thousands of delicious sweets and desserts, have made this pastry cafe more beautiful .

To create a satisfying experience like this, you need to pay attention to all the aspects and details that help to make your pastry cafe very stylish and distinctive, and start a profitable and attractive business by designing the interior decoration of a special and unique pastry cafe. do .

In general, when choosing the decoration design of the confectionery cafe, it is necessary to examine in detail from the colors and themes to the arrangement of the confectionery cafe, lighting and the general environment, and finally create a great design for it .

In the continuation of this part of build and design, we mentioned practical tips for designing the interior decoration of a confectionery cafe so that you can design an attractive and stunning confectionery cafe by considering these tips .


How to design a confectionery cafe?

طاحی دکوراسیون کافه قنادی شیک با ترکیب رنگ سفید و صورتی

Whether you are new to the confectionery industry or thinking of redesigning your pastry shop, the interior design of the confectionery cafe can make your business unique. As you know, in the food industry, “look and feel” is very important, and the layout, infrastructure and interior design of the confectionery cafe will play a huge role in attracting customers! This is why it is said that investing in simple details such as the interior design of the confectionery cafe and its arrangement is very necessary and important. By considering the following points, you can design your pastry cafe in the best possible way :


Choose the right colors

Color is one of the most important aspects in the decoration design of the confectionery cafe. In fact, color has the power to strengthen a brand’s recognition by 80%. Branding experts believe that different colors have different effects on consumer behavior. For example, warm colors such as red, yellow and orange are associated with passion, creativity and energy .

Let’s look at some examples of how color affects consumer behavior :


  • Orange and yellow colors They usually make people feel hungry and red is associated with emotions. Now, if you combine these colors, you will get customers who will feel very hungry when they interact with your pastry cafe design online or in-store .


  • Cold colors like green and other earthy colors are related to nature. Businesses active in the food industry (such as Starbucks) use these colors to evoke the feeling of environmentally friendly, organic and healthy food in customers. So if you are looking to attract customers who are conscious about what they eat and live a healthy life, you may want to consider these colors for your pastry cafe design .


  • The color blue is generally associated with depth and stability. Although the sight of color does not make people feel hungry, it can induce feelings of relaxation and trust. Blue is great for businesses and beverage brands, and light blue colors can also be used to attract sweet-loving customers .


  • Purple It is a symbol of luxury, glamour, power, nobility and love. This color is associated with stimulation of emotions, creativity and pleasure. Therefore, if you want the decoration design of your pastry cafe to be expensive and luxurious, it is better to think more about choosing purple color .


  • Black color It is associated with elegance, luxury and complexity and is a bold, stylish and powerful color. Although black is not a favorite color for food brands, it can be a great secondary color for cafe design elements or for food packaging. Additionally, the color black is associated with bitter sweets and caffeinated beverages. So if you want to sell sweets and bitter drinks in your confectionery cafe, try this color .


  • White color , It is associated with cleanliness, freshness, safety and simplicity. If you use white color for the packaging of your pastry cafe products, the impression is created that your products are fresh and organic, and if you are interested in minimal decoration design, white color can be one of the best options for this purpose, which you can add Adding one or two shades of other colors will complete the beauty and charm of the confectionery cafe decoration .


  • Pastel colors like pink , They are associated with sweets and desserts. Businesses related to confectionery can use the combination of pastel colors for interior design of confectionery cafe and packaging design .




Display the interior view of the confectionery cafe

طراحی داخلی شیک برای کافه قنادی

When decorating the interior of the confectionery cafe, it is important to choose and display everything from ceiling designs and tiles to buffets and wall decorations in the best possible way. It is also very important that every part of the interior of the confectionery cafe matches and complements each other. This is why it is essential to have a design concept or main theme before starting the design process .

For example, you can add vintage elements such as chairs, tables, antique mirrors, vintage bathroom signs, and vintage display pans to give your customers a sense of nostalgia .

You should also remember that when designing a pastry shop, the target audience should be considered. For example, younger generations will appreciate a modern and contemporary vibe, while older generations will enjoy classic interior design .

If you specialize in offering a specific product such as wedding cakes, then the entire interior decoration of your confectionery cafe should have a more elegant and wedding feel .


Provide a spectacular view of your products

ویترین شیک برای کافه قنادی

When designing the interior decoration of the confectionery cafe, in addition to having a great color scheme and stylish layout, it is important that customers can see the baked products and have a better and easier choice. As you know, from cakes and croissants to ice cream and sweets, they are visually very attractive; Therefore, you can use the features of these products in the confectionery cafe to your advantage .

That is why it is said that the showcase and display are a vital element in the design of the confectionery cafe and usually become a focal point in the confectionery cafe. Therefore, when choosing a showcase for a confectionery cafe, go for stylish and new samples and display the products that you are going to offer in the confectionery cafe in the most beautiful way possible in these showcases and make sure that it gives you an amazing effect at first glance. .

It is also necessary to consider bright and proper lighting with clear labels for the showcase and products. This makes it easier for customers to see what dessert you have and make a better and easier choice. You can even post pictures of your showcase on social networks to attract customers .



Invest in lighting fixtures

کافه قنادی شیک و مدرن

Lighting is very important for designing the interior decoration of the confectionery cafe. After choosing the color, the devices used in the interior decoration of the confectionery cafe, the next thing you should do is to invest in high-quality and suitable lighting devices. Because lighting can change the decor and environment of your pastry cafe from sad and boring to happy and fun, and along with other design elements, the use of these appropriate lighting devices will turn your bakery into a place that customers want. to be present in it .


Do not underestimate the power of decorations

تزیین نمای ورودی کافه قنادی

فضای عماسی زیبا در کافه قنادی

Decorations are usually small elements of the design of a pastry shop, but when used correctly, they can leave a lasting impression on the hearts of customers. It is recommended to place beautiful and special decorations in different corners of your pastry cafe so that they become an attractive location for photography. In this way, besides enjoying the sweets and desserts served in the confectionery cafe, customers can also take unique photos and by sharing these photos in the social space, more people will be eager to visit your confectionery cafe !


Personalize the design of your pastry shop

کافه قنادی جدید و زیبا

When designing the interior decoration of the confectionery cafe, it is better to show the unique identity of your brand as much as possible. You can do this in the interior design of your pastry cafe, packaging and logo, and if all three are in harmony, you can create a powerful brand .

For this purpose, you can consider these recommendations :

  • Have custom packaging (include logo stamp, business card, some ribbon, etc.).
  • Include your logo on your product (stick it on your window display, print it on a baked good, hang it on a customer’s choice)
  • Consider a specific color scheme for the product package

Having such an organized brand can also enhance your social media pages, as all your photos will look similar to them .




last word

There are different ways to design the interior decoration of the confectionery cafe and increase the attractiveness of this space for customers. When choosing your patisserie cafe layout, remember to draw the entire floor plan for each section of your patisserie. Choose a color theme and interior style that matches the taste of your target audience and, along with excellent baked goods and marketing strategies, set your bakery cafe design apart from industry competitors .



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