A minimal kitchen

If you want to have a minimal style kitchen, get to know the key points of a minimal kitchen and see the latest examples of minimal kitchens, read on .

آشپزخانه مینیمال، بی‌نظمی کمتر جذابیت بیشتر


List of topics

  • What is a minimalist kitchen? Key tips for creating a minimal kitchen
    • Collect kitchen equipment
    • Remove excess containers
    • Organize pots and pans
    • Set aside extra knives
    • Organize your food storage containers
    • Collect unused kitchen utensils
    • Take care of the items in the food cabinet as well
    • Clean the fridge
    • Tidy up the kitchen counter
    • Do not forget to clean the kitchen
  • Various ideas from the minimal kitchen
  • A summary of minimal kitchen design tips


For many families, the kitchen is the focal point of the home. Not only do parents spend hours every day cooking in this space, but children also frequent the kitchen for after-school snacks or even to do homework. Therefore, since the kitchen is very important in the daily activities of family members, simplifying the space in a way that matches the minimalist aesthetic provides a greater sense of comfort. Perhaps this is the reason why many people are interested in the minimal kitchen style and try to make it a relaxing and perfect space for themselves and other family members by keeping the kitchen simple and tidy .

If you are also interested in a minimal kitchen and you want to have a kitchen in this style, be sure to stay with Bzaz and Buch to learn about the key points of a minimal kitchen and see the latest examples of minimal kitchens and get ideas .



What is a minimalist kitchen? Key tips for creating a minimal kitchenآشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت چوبی

A minimalist kitchen means removing some of the clutter in the kitchen space so that you can easily find what you use the most. In fact, it means to put your food and tools in the most convenient place possible so that while using these tools and tools is convenient and accessible, it does not cause the space to be crowded .

In the following, we mentioned some essentials and key tips for creating a minimalist kitchen, which you can arrange your kitchen in a minimal style by using these tips !


Collect kitchen equipment

If you have a lot of kitchen utensils stacked on the counter, walls, and back of the cabinet, and you have more vegetables, pots, and spatulas than you actually use, it’s time to collect the underused and repetitive tools. A good rule of thumb for creating a minimal style in the kitchen or any other space is to only store what you have used in the past year and put the rest away .

 آشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت چوبی سفید

Remove excess containers

Like cooking tools, you don’t really need a lot of utensils in the kitchen. Keep only what you really need, including pots, pans, serving dishes, salad and dessert plates, coffee and tea mugs, and bowls that have been used in the last 6 months. Adjust the number of these containers according to the number of family members or the number of guests you may have, and try to put extra containers and items that are not used even once a year in the output category. In fact, the goal of creating a minimal kitchen is to keep a number of dishes to meet the needs of the family during the day, and also when you have guests, you can have a proper reception with suitable and sufficient dishes .

آشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت چوبی

Organize pots and pans

While it can feel good to have lots of pots and pans, a minimalist kitchen is complete with just a few practical shapes and sizes of pots and pans. Therefore, it is better to think about how the family uses pots and pans and according to your needs, keep the pots and pans you need and remove the extra items from your kitchen .

آشپزخانه مینیمال بتنی

Set aside extra knives

Every kitchen needs a few good knives, especially these three :

  • A chef’s knife
  • A serrated knife
  • A meat and poultry cleaning knife

Also, make sure you have a great knife sharpener in your kitchen knife kit. Hanging knives on a magnetic holder drilled right into the wall is a minimalist move in the kitchen .

آشپزخانه مینیمال و مدرن

Organize your food storage containers

Keeping used yogurt and cream containers for food storage is a valuable and frugal tradition, and there should be no shame in doing so. But do you face a pile of these containers every time you open the cabinet door?

In order to have a minimal and perfect kitchen, it is better to review the set of containers you have stored for food storage and keep only the items you really need and put the rest of the containers in the recycling bin .

As an alternative, get a few sets of matching storage containers so that you can use these containers of the same shape and size for storing leftovers, salads, etc. when needed. Of course, this is only acceptable if you get rid of all the empty yogurt containers .

آشپزخانه مینیمال و ساده

Collect unused kitchen utensils

If you want to have a minimal kitchen, you must be honest with yourself and answer this question honestly :

  • Do you have appliances that you haven’t used in a year?

Gather all the kitchen appliances in one place and review how effective each of them is for you and how often they are used. Appliances that are used a few times a year can go into the cabinet, and for small appliances that you use every day (or weekly), consider a special cabinet or drawer and put these appliances there or a part of the counter to Allocate it (of course, be careful not to overcrowd the counter) and finally collect the appliances that are not of much use to you and put them somewhere outside the kitchen (storage) .


آشپزخانه مینیمال با جزیره شیک

Take care of the items in the food cabinet as well

If you want to reduce food waste and avoid overspending on groceries, keep your pantry organized and displayed so you can see at a glance what you have and what you need. You need things .

  • Every month, check your food cupboards and shelves and throw out anything that is past its expiration date or that no one wants to eat .
  • Take out the things that need to be eaten quickly or put them in front of the eyes so that they are consumed sooner .
  • Arrange this cabinet or shelf in such a way that it can be used by everyone in the house. For example, keep boxes of pasta next to jars of sauce or have a snack section .
  • Store similar items together, such as cans .
  • Place bulk items in clear containers or name the contents of each package with a label so that it is easy to find .

آشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت سبز

Clean the fridge

A refrigerator full of leftover food, half-empty drinks and various condiments are among the things that may be seen in any home. If you decide to implement the minimalist style in your kitchen, you should also think about cleaning and organizing the refrigerator. By planning to clean and organize the refrigerator, a key kitchen appliance, families can save money and time trying to figure out what’s inside .

  • Every week before making the shopping list, clean the fridge .
  • Take out the items you need to eat and plan meals around these items .
  • Limit the amount of sauces and toppings, write down the ones everyone in the family likes, and discard the sauces that are mostly empty or no one likes .
  • Plan your meal plan before shopping so that the amount of food that is placed in the refrigerator is not too much .

آشپزخانه به سبک مینیمال


Tidy up the kitchen counter

The only things on the kitchen counter should be the things you use every day, and remove anything that gets in the way of moving around the kitchen .

  • Coffee maker or tea maker: There are many ways to prepare coffee and tea and usually there is no need for multiple options in one house. Therefore, choose a method for making coffee and tea and remove the rest of the items that exist in the kitchen for this purpose from the counter .
  • Spices: It is better to put the spices that you always use, such as salt and pepper, in the same containers and place them in the space closest to the gas stove, and keep other spices in the cabinet so that the space on the counter is not too crowded .
  • Toaster: Making toast daily is a part of some people’s life, and if it is the same for you, keep this device available and if not, remove it from the counter .
  • Kitchen tools: Put the tools you need while cooking in a container and put them next to the stove. In a minimal kitchen, there should be the least number of kitchen utensils and tools on the counter. So keep only items on the kitchen counter that you use every day .

کانتر آشپزخانه مینیمال

Do not forget to clean the kitchen

Following the tips mentioned above will help you to have a minimal style kitchen. But this is not enough! Because one of the key components to maintaining a minimalist kitchen is to clean it every night .

Now that you have the kitchen organized, assign daily tasks to your family members: wash the dishes, empty the dishwasher, take out the trash, sweep the floor, and do whatever else you need to do to keep the kitchen tidy. and tidy the kitchen every night .

آشپزخانه مینیمال سفید


Various ideas from the minimal kitchen

In the following, we have prepared various examples of minimal kitchens for your ideas, dear companions :


اشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت طوسی و جزئیات مسی و خاص

بهترین مدل از اشپزخانه مینیمال

شیک ترین مدل اشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت سفید و جزئیات قرمز

مدل آشپزخانه مینیمال با قسمت جزیره

طراحی اشچزخانه به سبک مینیمال با کاینت سفید و چوبی

طراحی اشپزخانه شیک به سبک مینیمال

مدل اشپزخانه ساده و شیک با کابینت سفید و چوبی

ساده ترین مدل طراحی آشپزخانه با کابینت سفید

طراحی اشپزخانه کوچک به سبک مینیمال

بهترین طراحی آشپزخانه به سبک ساده و مینیمال

مدل طراحی آشپزخانه باریک به سبک مینیمال با ترکیب رنگ سفید و مشکی

طراحی آشپزخانه لوکس به سبک مینیمال

طراحی اشپزخانه با کابینت سفید و چوبی به سبک مینیمال

مدل اشپزخانه سفید و ساده

بهترین ایده برای طراحی آشپزخانه به سبک مینیمال

آشپزخانه شیک و ساده به رنگ سفید

طراحی اشپزخانه اپن به سبک مینیمال

آشپزخانه مینیمال با کابینت چوبی و شیک


A summary of minimal kitchen design tips

When it comes to home decoration, sometimes less is more . This is the motto of minimalism style. With a focus on improving your lifestyle through simplification, minimalism is not only a life philosophy, but also a popular decorating theme. The kitchen is a room that can really benefit from this kind of simple design because of its functionality and tendency to clutter. By implementing a few minimalist kitchen design strategies, you will find that your kitchen is not only more visually appealing, but also easier to use .



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