What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui in architecture and decoration has its own rules, and in this article we have presented some basic tips about feng shui .

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List of topics

  • What is the science of Feng Shui?
  • What are the rules of Feng Shui?
  • Feng Shui in decoration
    • Kitchen feng shui
    • Feng shui of the baby’s room
    • Office feng shui


Interior decoration and arrangement have information and terms, so when you start researching and reading information about interior architecture and decoration, you have probably come across them. One of these terms is ” Feng Shui Secrets ” , which have their own rules in different fields, which lead to authorship. Feng Shui book has been

Feng Shui in architecture And decoration has its own rules, in this article we have presented some basic points about Feng Shui .

Stay with us until the end of the article .


What is the science of Feng Shui?

What does feng shui mean ? Feng Shui ( feng shui ( meaning weather) is a metaphysical system and a tattooist knowledge that tries to connect human life with the surrounding environment based on the energy in the space .

In fact, if you are asked ” What is the meaning of Feng Shui ?” In short, you can say Feng Shui It is a combination of science and art that tries to use the surrounding energy (furniture in the space and people) to create a correct and principled arrangement and a peaceful life .

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What are the rules of Feng Shui?

Home feng shui has its own rules. We have continued to examine 7 of them, which are among the important and main rules of architectural feng shui, so that you can reach the answer to the question “What is the law of feng shui” ?

  1. Feng Shui decoration He believes that the mirror reflects the energy in the space, so it should not be placed at the entrance of any space with any function in the house. This is also true in bedroom feng shui .
  2. The entrance hall of the house is one of the spaces where energy is flowing. That is why the ruling rules in feng shui say that too much crowding prevents the flow of energy and it is better to keep the corridor of the house quiet .
  3. from the other The rules of feng shui at home are to close the bathroom and toilet doors. Some people leave the door open after taking a bath to let out the steam, which Feng Shui believes will cause negative energy to flow in the space .
  4. Feng Shui says that the ground floor of a building affects all floors. So this space must have a lot of energy and be free of any disorder and sloppiness !
  5. Failures and leaks in a space in Feng Shui are bad luck signs, so it is better to repair all failures for energy flow .


Feng Shui in decoration

So far, you are somewhat familiar with ” What is the legend of feng shui ” and you have realized that feng shui is effective in different spaces of the house and has its own rules .

In the following, we have examined some rules governing the spaces of the house :

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Kitchen feng shui

  • Being orderly is important in the principle of feng shui and affects the energy in the space, so try to keep the kitchen and the inside of the kitchen cabinets as tidy as possible .
  • The light should flow sufficiently in the space. If there is enough light in the kitchen, it is great, otherwise, use reasonable artificial lights to prevent fatigue and depression .
  • The principles of Feng Shui color and try to choose a color for the kitchen that removes negative energy from your space and creates a peaceful atmosphere .
  • According to the principle of feng shui, the sink, gas stove and refrigerator should not be next to each other, but should be the three vertices of a triangle .
  • As mentioned, flowers and plants create a special energy in the space, so use houseplants in kitchen decoration .

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Feng shui of the baby’s room

  • Color plays the first role in the feng shui of the baby’s room, and this color is related to the month of your child’s birth. In the months of November, December and January, use red, orange and pink colors, in addition to white, in the months of March, February and April, use white, gray and golden colors, and in the months of May, June and July, use relaxing colors. Also, colors such as green and shades of green are suitable for the months of Mehr and Shahrivar .
  • The direction of placing the baby’s bed or crib is important in feng shui, and this is also done based on the month of birth .
    • November to January based on Feng shui of the baby’s room It is better to place the bed facing the south of the room .
    • From May to July, according to the feng shui of the baby’s room, it is better to place the bed facing the north of the room .
    • From February to April, according to the feng shui of the baby’s room, it is better to place the bed facing the west of the room .
    • From August to October, according to the feng shui of the baby’s room, it is better to place the bed facing the east of the room .
  • By installing family photos, paintings and panels designed by yourself, you can convey your love and affection to your baby, which will make the love flow in the space .


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Office feng shui

  • Light is one of the items that gives you energy. according to The principles of feng shui in the office It is better to make the room your work environment that has access to at least one window so that in addition to natural light, fresh air enters the room .
  • Contrary to the fact that flowers and plants in feng shui are not suitable for the bedroom, their existence is mandatory in the office. So, bring all kinds of flowers and houseplants into your work environment. By doing this, you will flow positive energy in your work room .
  • Balance is one of the most basic and important principles of feng shui in the office. By creating a balance in the work room, you can circulate the energy in the space more than before. In fact, it creates a balance of conflict between the two elements of “yin and yang” in Feng Shui .
  • In addition to the principles of feng shui, many great designers recommend using art panels in your office. These art panels should include images such as mountains, landscapes, and nature, so that you get energy and peace when you look at them .
  • Color is one of the important elements in any space that has a great impact on people and their behavior. Therefore, you should use the correct and principled color in any space in addition to the work room. Color in feng shui is such that its correct use gives positive energy and its incorrect use transfers negative energy to the space .
  • The desk in the workplace should be placed in such a way that it is not facing the entrance door or facing the window of the working room. Because this will prevent the entry of energy .

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  • Last word

In this article, to answer two questions, ” What is Feng Shui?” And What is the feng shui of the house? ” we answered and pointed out some of its rules in decoration. But feng shui for things like wealth feng shui, Feng Shui for weight loss Marriage feng shui, beauty feng shui, Car Feng Shui And cases like this also have their own rules that you can follow to feel better and get closer to your goal !



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