The 7 greatest architectural masterpieces of the ancient world

In this article, we introduce you to 7 architectural masterpieces of the world. Buildings that are always known as the best buildings in the world .

7 عظیم ترین شاهکار معماری جهان باستان


List of topics

  • The largest building complexes and architectural masterpieces of the ancient world
  • 1. Church of Light, the most poetic church in the world
  • 2. Colosseum amphitheater in Rome, one of the seven wonders of the world
  • 3. The Pantheon Temple of Rome, the engineering and architectural masterpiece of the world
  • 4. Leaning Tower of Pisa, the symbol of Italy
  • 5. Kimble Art Museum with amazing lighting
  • 6. The Parthenon Temple, the masterpiece of ancient Greece
  • 7. Georges Pompidou Center, a symbol of modern French architecture
  • last word


Design and architecture are the inseparable art of each of us. Every year, thousands of new buildings are built around the world and thousands of old buildings are renovated and restored. But in the meantime, there are masterpieces of architecture that are always praised by everyone. Unique buildings that don’t matter when they were built; It doesn’t matter if they have classical or modern architecture or in which country or continent they were built. The only thing that matters is their extraordinary splendor and beauty .

The largest building complexes and architectural masterpieces of the ancient world

In this article, we introduce you to 7 architectural masterpieces of the world .

Stay with us .

  1. Church of Light, the most poetic church in the world

کلیسای نور، شاعرانه‌ ترین کلیسای جهان

The interior of the Church of Light


Noor Church (Light Church) by Tadao Ando Designed and manufactured in Japan. This church is one of the most beautiful and poetic churches in the world. Many of you know: the element of light is one of the most important effective factors in design and architecture. Tadao Ando has used light as a material and one of the important factors in design. The Church of Light was built based on Ando’s thoughts and style, meaning giving importance to nature and minimalism (simplicism) in architecture; Also, the use of light in the space is such that it creates a special environment and conveys different perceptions to visitors and worshipers according to the use of the building .



  1. Colosseum amphitheater in Rome, one of the seven wonders of the world

آمفی تئاتر کولوسئوم رم، یکی از عجایب هفتگانه جهان

A picture of the amphitheater of the Colosseum in Rome


The Colosseum amphitheater is considered one of the architectural masterpieces of ancient Rome. Also, it is considered the largest amphitheater in the ancient world. The construction of this building started in 1972 and ended in 1980, and it started its activity by holding gladiatorial fights. This building was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990 and was added to the list of Seven Wonders of the World in 2007 .

The Colosseum is an oval building. This huge building has a height of 48 meters and its largest diameter is 188 meters and its smallest diameter is 156 meters. The Colosseum has an extraordinary facade made of marble. Among the beauties of this building, we can mention the existence of 160 amazing sculptures in the arches of the floors, which have given a unique effect to its appearance .



  1. The Pantheon Temple of Rome, the engineering and architectural masterpiece of the world

معبد پانتئون رم، شاهکار مهندسی و معماری جهان

A picture of the facade of the Pantheon


Pantheon is a Greek word meaning “to honor all the gods”. Originally the Pantheon, it was first built as a temple for all the gods. Without a doubt, Rome is the source of engineering and architectural masterpieces of the world. The Pantheon Temple is known as a symbol of Rome’s engineering and architecture and is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The greatness and beauty of this building attracts the attention of visitors in an extraordinary way. If you look carefully at the picture above, you can fully feel the wonderful design, splendor, harmony and proportion of this huge structure, all of which are reminiscent of the unique and stunning architecture of the Roman Empire .

When Michelangelo saw the Pantheon for the first time, he said: “It looks more like the work of angels than the work of man .”



  1. Leaning Tower of Pisa, the symbol of Italy

برج کج پیزا، نماد کشور ایتالیا

A picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy


Italy is a country that has different palaces and churches, but the Leaning Tower of Pisa is known as the main symbol of architecture and engineering in this country. Whenever the name of the country Italy is mentioned, the image of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is associated with it. Every year, a large number of tourists from all over the world travel to Italy to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. An extraordinary tower that took about 200 years to build .

The main and important reason for this building’s popularity is its crookedness. In the past, people thought that the leaning of the Leaning Tower of Pisa was formed with a previous purpose and was part of the original plans of its architect. But with the research that was done on the building, they realized that the initial design of this tower was completely vertical and upright and lost its vertical form during construction. The point that has made the Leaning Tower of Pisa popular after all these years of its construction is its stability and strength, which is still strong and beautiful despite being tilted. The tower of Pisa has faced many destructions and problems on the ground and in the sky. But today, experts are trying to prevent the tower from tilting further by designing infrastructures and advanced engineering .


  1. Kimble Art Museum with amazing lighting

موزه هنری کیمبل با نورپردازی شگفت‌انگیز

An image of the exterior of the Kimble Art Museum


Kay Kimble is the founder of a food industry company. He and his wife (Velma) bought a historical painting in 1931 and after some time, with the expansion of the collection, they decided to build the Kimble Art Museum. This museum is one of the projects built by Louis Kahn, located in Fort Worth, Texas, USA .

In the building of the Kimble Art Museum, the first feature that strikes the audience are the porches. These porches are designed in such a way that they can be considered as one of the features of Khan’s architecture. In building this building, Kahn tried to combine elements of different styles. In this building, porches and central courtyards, which are traditional architectural elements, have been used. Kahn has created a connection between the indoor environment and the outdoor environment through circular concrete arches. And the entrance porch of the museum first enters the audience into a semi-dark space, and after entering the museum, the audience faces a soft and uniform light that fills the entire space. Also, these arches have defined a beautiful skyline that visually guides the audience towards them .

Another feature that can be seen after the verandas is the use of concrete materials along with travertine. This concrete covered facade reinforces the introspective nature of the museum and evokes a strong sense of curiosity and invitation in the audience. The use of this material is one of the common features of Louiskan buildings, which also uses other materials such as brick, stone or wood .


  1. The Parthenon Temple, the masterpiece of ancient Greece

معبد پارتنون، شاهکار یونان باستان

A picture of the Parthenon


The passage of time and earthly and heavenly calamities have caused erosion and destruction of some parts of the Parthenon. However, it still retains its beauty and greatness, and every year many tourists travel to Athens, Greece to see this building .

The Greeks built the Parthenon in the 5th century BC, which is considered one of the most important architectural monuments of the Greek classical period. This temple was built for a goddess named “Athena”. The Greeks believed that Athena is the guardian of the people of the city .

Tara Imani, the founder of “Tara Imani Design”, says: “This architectural form is pure beauty. Corinthian columns (Corinth: ancient city), columns with a slight curve to ensure that the columns are not narrow from a distance, the building is located on a Tepe, all these show us the architectural alphabet that we can use today to improve our work .


  1. Georges Pompidou Center, a symbol of modern French architecture

مرکز ژرژ پمپیدو، نماد معماری مدرن فرانسه

Georges Pompidou Art Center, France


In the 1970s, between 1969 and 1974, the Georges Pompidou Center was built. This building was built by order of the French President (Georges Pompidou) with the aim of creating a cultural complex in the center of Paris. In the design of this wonderful building, an attempt was made to create a memorable space in the center of the city. Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers are the architects of this huge building. The building is known as a symbol of modern French architecture .

Georges Pemido (founder): “I desperately want Paris to have a cultural center. Where art, music, cinema, literature and… come together .”


last word

The world around us is full of stunning and amazing designs and architecture. Take from works of art with special and amazing designs today to historical buildings and ancient spaces; From basic buildings to special and complex architectures. These buildings have spoken about a special period or a special function. Don’t just read this article! Don’t stop at seeing the best pictures of art and architecture! Travel and closely observe extraordinary buildings and works .

Share your experiences with us .



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