The difference between laminate and parquet flooring

In this article, we have analyzed the difference between parquet and laminate .

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List of topics

  • What is parquet?
    • How to install parquet
  • What is laminate?
    • How to install laminate
  • The difference in the appearance of parquet and laminate
  • The difference between laminate flooring and parquet in terms of quality


Changing the floor covering is one of the most important changes in the interior that can completely change the mood of your home. By choosing the right flooring , you can make the interior space warmer and more intimate. Among the flooring available in the market, wooden parquet and laminate have many fans. But the problem that most people struggle with is whether parquet or laminate is better.

Therefore, it is necessary to get to know the difference between laminate and parquet flooring so that we can make the best choice. Stay with us in the rest of this article to learn more about parquet and laminate flooring and see their differences.

What is parquet?

Parquet flooring is made of different woods such as oak, pine, bamboo, maple and sparrow tongue. Parquet is thin, flat and flat wood panels that are used to cover the floor.

The existence of variety in parquet designs is due to the difference in the primary wood used in their construction. Different woods have different designs and textures, and as a result, their timbers will have different colors and textures. Also, the difference in the type of primary wood causes the final price of parquets to be different.

Because parquet is made of natural wood, it is sensitive to water and contact with water causes it to swell. Therefore, water or a wet cloth should not be used to clean the parquet.

جدیدترین پارکت چوبی 2021

The latest wooden parquet installed in the living room

How to install parquet

To install parquet, the installer must first level the work well. Then he puts foam under the work, so that the parquet is well installed and sound and heat insulated. In the next step, he puts special glue under it and then sticks the parquet sheets to the floor. Of course, if the parquets have the possibility to lock each other, the way of operation will change. Finally, he sands the parquet boards and covers the seams with varnish.نصب پارکت چوبی

Attaching grooved wooden parquet to the floor at a 90 degree angle

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Gluing and installation of wooden parquet on the ground by a specialist

What is laminate?

Laminate literally means making a material from different layers . The laminate is made of HDF material , i.e. of compressed fibers ( Hard Density Fiberboard ). Different laminate layers have different functions.

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  • Primary layer

This layer is a protective layer to protect the laminate against impact and moisture.

  • Decorative layer

This layer, which is also called the design layer, is made of melamine paper and is produced by the machine. This layer gives the texture of the wood to the HDF .

  • main layer ( HDF )

The main layer is actually the core of this product and is made of HDF material. Unfortunately, some factories make this layer from MDF , which has very low resistance.

  • bottom layer

This layer consists of a combination of resin and an insulating layer and has a sticky state that makes moisture less seep into the lower part and also prevents the laminate from folding.

Different layers of laminate parquet

The latest laminate parquet model installed in residential space

How to install laminate

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One of the advantages of using laminate is its easy installation. Installing laminate is so simple that sometimes even the home owner can do it with a little effort. However, it is better to get help from experts.

Usually, a layer of foam is used under the laminate to protect the main floor from moisture and also create sound and heat insulation. Laminates have grooves (clicks) all around and on all four sides. During installation, these grooves are locked together or clicked . These clicks, which have different types, are responsible for keeping the laminate on the floor. That’s why the type of click is very important.نصب سریع و آسان لمینت پارکت

Installing laminate parquet and locking its grooves together

مقایسه پارکت و لمینت 2021

How to install laminate parquet by a specialist and click the edges together

The difference in the appearance of parquet and laminate

In terms of appearance, wooden parquet flooring and laminate flooring are very similar, and due to the advancement of laminate appearance and performance, it has become a little difficult to visually understand their difference.

Laminate, which is made of several layers of compressed wood, is very similar to wooden parquet with a wood pattern coating. But parquet has a more lively look. Because parquet is made of natural wood, it gives a sense of warmth and naturalness to the interior. Wooden parquet has been used in homes for centuries, especially in luxurious and aristocratic homes.

But the most fundamental difference between parquet and laminate is their price, which is why parquet is considered a type of luxury flooring, and most people choose laminate, which is cheaper.

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Comparing the appearance of wooden parquet and laminate

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Parquet and laminate flooring with the same color and design

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The difference in the appearance of wooden parquet and laminate with the same design and color

The difference between laminate flooring and parquet in terms of qualityبهترین نمونه کفپوش لمینت 2021

The most important difference between parquet and laminate is the difference in their quality. In order to check the quality of parquet and laminate, we have to look at several items.

  • Water resistance

Because parquet is made of natural wood, it has a very low resistance to water and you must dry it immediately after getting wet. Also, you cannot use T to clean the parquet, and it should be cleaned only with special materials.

Due to its structure and manufacturing method, laminate is more resistant to water. But again, due to the fact that wood is used in the laminate structure, it is not completely resistant to water.

  • Resistance to sharp objects

Parquet is sensitive to sharp objects and gets damaged very quickly. But laminate has better resistance to sharp objects and is harder.

  • Durability of parquet and laminate

Because parquet is natural, it is more durable and long-lasting than laminate. If the parquet is well taken care of, it can last between 40 and 80 years. But the useful life of laminate is about 10 years.

بهترین نمونه کفپوش لمینت 2021

At the same time, due to its natural nature, parquet does not lose its design and role easily.

The best example of light colored wooden parquet

The process of preparing the newest wooden parquet

The latest example of laminate flooring with a dark color theme for the bedroom


Using the best example of laminate flooring for the bathroom

last word

In this article, we examined the difference between laminate and parquet in terms of appearance and quality. If you are looking for luxury and expensive flooring and you can take good care of it, parquet is a very good option. But if you are looking for a cheaper material and easier to maintain, laminate is more suitable for you.

Is parquet or laminate better for flooring?

Can laminate give the audience the real feel of parquet?

What is your choice between parquet and laminate?

Write us about your flooring experiences in the comment section.



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