Complementing white color in home decoration

If you want to come up with ideas for the types of white color complements in home decoration and know the best color complements, stay with us .

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List of topics

  • Getting to know the features of white color in decoration
  • Psychology of white color in interior decoration
  • Complementing white color in interior decoration
    • 1- The complement of white and pink colors
    • 2- The complement of white and green colors
    • 3- The complement of white and blue colors
    • 4- The complement of white and yellow colors
    • 5- The complement of white and red colors
    • 6- The complement of white and orange colors
    • 7- Complementary white and gray color
    • 8- The complement of white and gold color
    • 9- The complement of white and purple colors
    • 10- White and silver complement


Color harmony is extremely important in interior decoration. Have you ever had the experience of being in a house that is so eye-catching for so little money? The principle of interior decoration in such a space is based on color harmony. Knowing the colors and their complements allows you to design different spaces of the house like an expert and create an attractive harmony! This is the most important step that you can take to organize everything. In this article, we are going to examine how to choose the complement of white color in interior decoration and examine the nature of this color along with its features.

So stay with us to get more comprehensive information about white color.آشنایی با ویژگی‌های رنگ سفید در دکوراسیون


Getting to know the features of white color in decoration

White color is one of the basic colors that is used in many areas of interior decoration due to its special nature and characteristics. The many features of this color have made it known as the most used color in interior design. In this way, you can choose wisely with enough familiarity and experience the best decoration in this space.

  • Lighting and lighting
    • White color is usually known as a bright and attractive color due to high light reflection and reflection and lack of light absorption. Lighting with this color will be highly desirable and of high quality.
    • Inside the spaces, the use of white walls and ceilings contributes to a significant effect in increasing the ambient light.
  • Cleanliness and sense of cleanliness
    • Whiteness is known as a symbol of purity. This color is usually used in spaces where cleanliness is important. In general, the cleanliness of the environment is very palpable in such a space.
  • High compatibility
    • White color is known as a special color that provides the highest degree of harmony with other colors. This color model is known as the most used color.
  • Simplicity and peace
    • From the point of view of psychology, simplicity and calm is one of the main characteristics of white color. Using white as a simple and calm color is the best option for creating special spaces. In the same way, you can get along with the simplicity and calmness of this color and enjoy it.
  • Discipline
    • White color shows itself well in different environments due to the order it gives to the space. With such a space, you can make the order and beauty of the space and enjoy it.




Psychology of white color in interior decoration

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White color plays an important role in interior decoration. It is very important to know the psychological effects of this color on the mood and emotions of its inhabitants. You can easily perceive white as a symbol of purity in terms of color psychology and experience a positive feeling from it. The existence of such bright colors on the wall and floor allows you to experience a space full of light and brightness and enjoy its details. The feeling of cleanliness and purity that this color gives to the space is very desirable. Also, white color is known as an effective background. You can easily experience good feelings with this beautiful color and present everything in a stylish and beautiful structure.


Complementing white color in interior decoration

Acknowledging the complement of white color in interior decoration allows you to spice it up with your personal creativity and see the best result. In this way, you can experience the beauty of space. In the following, we will examine the compatibility of different colors that are proposed as complements in interior decoration.


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1- The complement of white and pink colors

The combination of white and pink in interior decoration can lead to the design of spaces with a unique and beautiful identity. White color is known as a main base in interior decoration, which creates a sense of cleanliness and purity. With this color, you can soften the space and create a good balance. White color is usually chosen as a main color, and happy colors like pink can be used to liven it up. With this action, you can create a fantasy and feminine space that evokes a lot of pleasure. Pink, as a warm and pleasant color, creates positive emotions, energy and life in the space. The combination of these two colors can lead to harmony and harmony in the decoration. In modern designs, pink color can be used as an emphasis point to attract attention, and various shades of pink can be used as a background, in order to balance and relax the space. This combination is especially used in rooms such as bedrooms or dining rooms to make everything look more attractive.

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2- The complement of white and green colors

The combination of white and green color in the interior decoration is a smart choice that leads to the harmony of the environment. Green color is known as a natural color that evokes a feeling of being in nature. White color is considered as a foundation to change the space in an attractive way. You can easily display a beautiful nature in such a space by combining white and green and satisfy the feeling of being close to nature. In this way, everything is available to you so that you can realize your dreams. This color combines well with any color and will reveal different details and patterns in the interior decoration. When these two colors are combined, a beautiful and balanced combination of intelligence and vitality is created. Green refers to freshness and life, and white shows a sense of balance. Obviously, the combination of green furniture with white cushions and light walls can create an open and relaxing environment. These details and elements are the main motivation to create wonder with these two colors. This combination is used in rooms such as living room or bedroom.

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3- The complement of white and blue colors

The combination of white and blue color in interior decoration is an attractive and lovely choice. You can easily enjoy the attractive harmony of white and blue in the interior decoration and experience the feeling of the sea and the beach. The harmony of these two colors together evokes a sense of calmness. The modern and stylish way of interior decoration with white and blue color is such that you can make different surprises. White is known as a base color and blue will be chosen to liven it up. In such a situation, you can display the living room, bedroom, kitchen and entrance in a calm and beautiful way. Blue alone or together with white can be easily combined with different types of decoration. This combination makes you experience a feeling of warmth and freshness and enjoy in a safe and calm environment. To determine the appropriate ratio between two colors, you can use different methods such as using blue as an accent color or using fabrics, curtains and other details with these two colors.

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4- The complement of white and yellow colors

The combination of white and yellow colors in the interior decoration can give the space a sense of passion and excitement. Yellow color creates vitality and will transform the space. The harmony of white and yellow color can cause the visual development of the space and create a feeling of beauty, caress and passion. On the other hand, yellow is known as a warm and energetic color. With a feeling of happiness and vitality, this color can prepare the space for a relaxing life. This color reflects light and creates a pleasant atmosphere. Obviously, the combination of white and yellow can make your living space look full of light. The combination of these two colors leads to harmony and beauty. Yellow color can be used as beautiful and decorative details, furniture or decorative accessories on a white surface. Creativity in this design style can transform everything.

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5- The complement of white and red colors

The combination of white and red color in interior decoration is a wonderful combination of beauty. White color as a minimalist background creates a sense of perfection, beauty and simplicity in the space. This color increases visual visibility in the space and creates ambient lighting. With the help of this color combination, you will add immeasurable excitement to the space. Using the combination of white and red is a good idea for spaces like teenagers’ bedrooms. Because the passion and excitement of red color is combined with the peace and security of white and will create a pleasant balance.

The combination of these two colors in the interior decoration can contribute to the variety and beauty of the design. By using white color as a base and red color as an accent point, you can create decorative angles and emphasize some parts. These details add a sense of harmony and balance to the environment. Using the harmony of white and red in spaces such as the dining room or living room will have a favorable result. However, in some cases, you can use this combination to add a beautiful spice to all-white spaces.

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6- The complement of white and orange colors

The combination of white and orange in interior decoration creates a dynamic and energizing atmosphere. As a clean color, white color balances the environment. Interior decoration with this color and a combination of orange is extremely attractive. White and orange color creates an extremely exciting combination. For this reason, while orange as a warm and energetic color creates a dynamic mood in the space, you can balance everything with white. This combination is ideal for rooms that need to create happiness and excitement. They usually use this color in the dining room or living room.

As an attractive and refreshing color, orange can be used in different textures, accessories, fabrics and covers. This shows how attractive the visual beauty of white and orange together is. In various decorations and details of interior decoration, the use of these two colors can create a structure that will have brilliant results with the favorable reflection of light and the association of orange color as a source of energy.

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7- Complementary white and gray color

The combination of white and gray color in interior decoration can lead to interference between different styles and emotions in the space. The white color with a clean appearance, along with the gray color with limited reflection, provides everything for a unique design. White and gray colors together create a relaxing atmosphere. In this way, everything is placed in a beautiful order. The gray color is a neutral space and is a suitable choice for use in details and background. In the meantime, getting help from a side color can be extremely attractive.

In the combination of these two colors, you can rely on aesthetic elements and use accessories in various ranges. For this reason, everything is shown in a uniform, stylish and attractive way.

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8- The complement of white and gold color

One of the most popular luxury designs is the combination of white and gold in interior decoration. With this action, you can display a chain of beauty, tenderness and splendor. White color is used as a main base in the decoration and streaks of gold color are used to create a luxurious structure. This issue makes the appearance of the space look very special. Golden color with a touch of visual appeal can make your interior decoration look more attractive. So, it is enough to act intelligently to create a surprise and create a special structure with golden color.

White and gold decoration can evoke a special feeling with an amazing contrast. In this decoration, whiteness, cleanliness and attractiveness appear simultaneously. With this structure, you can show luxury in the best possible way and enjoy it. You can implement this combination with golden metal in furniture, cushions, chandeliers, mixed panels, etc.

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9- The complement of white and purple colors

If you are looking to discover the complement of white color, you definitely know that the combination of white and purple colors in interior decoration can lead to the creation of stylish, modern and pleasant spaces. White color is known as one of the main colors in interior decoration. This color is extremely popular for modern and minimal spaces. You can easily create an attractive space by relying on white color, which receives a warm mood from purple color. This color looks very stylish and creates a luxurious and creative environment. The purple color evokes a luxurious environment that is included in a modern style. To maintain harmony in the combination of these two colors, you can use the percentage of these colors. With this trick, you can experience the best use of color. Using this color in rooms such as dining room, living room or bedroom is a very amazing choice.

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10- White and silver complement

As the last option of complementing white color in interior decoration, we should mention silver. People who are fans of cold colors in interior decoration can create an attractive feeling with the help of silver color next to white. The combination of white and silver in interior decoration can create a space with modern charm and a touch of luxury. Obviously, in such a space, everything is displayed with a stylish and beautiful feeling. Simplicity, peace and sense of security are the main parameters seen in this design.

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last word

If you are a fan of white color, definitely finding the best complement of white color in decoration will help you to do better for furnishing the interior space and interior decoration design. In this way, everything is available for design in the form of an expert.

What is your experience of white color in interior decoration? Write to us.







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