Modern view of the shop

How to design a modern shop facade, materials used in the construction of modern shop facades, the use of color and lighting in shop facades, the importance of signs in modern shop facades.

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List of topics

  • How to design a modern shop front
    • Modern facade of the shop based on materials
    • Modern shop facade based on color
  • The use of lighting in the modern facade of the shop
  • The role of the sign in the modern facade of the shop


Shops are places where people go to shop and meet their needs. The facade of the shop plays an important role in attracting customers because it is the first thing that attracts attention and then the goods inside it stand out. The higher the customer attraction, the higher the probability of sales, so the importance of the shop front cannot be denied. The modern facade of the shop has a new and popular design that shows the features, character and modern approach of the shop at first glance.


How to design a modern shop front

نمای مدرن مغازه جذاب و شیک

Modern style is one of the popular and popular styles that are used in the design of many stores today. The modern style gives dynamism and vitality to the urban fabric, and due to the minimal components used, its appearance is soothing. Decorative elements are rarely used in the modern view and more emphasis is placed on simplicity, hence the use of vertical, horizontal and curved lines is used in it.

In the design of the modern facade of the shop, it is necessary to pay attention to two parts, including:


Modern facade of the shop based on materials

There are different materials that can be used in the design of the storefront in a modern style. The choice of material depends on the location of the shop, weather conditions, urban context, history, etc., so it is impossible to say which of them is superior to the other. The most common materials used in the design of shop fronts in a modern style are:

  • Glass: Glass is one of the popular and lovely materials that can be used in the design of the modern facade of the shop . There are different types of glass facades such as curtain wall, frameless, spider, etc. The glass used can be opaque or transparent, and the transparent type is generally chosen so that the items inside the shop can be easily seen and attract attention.
  • Ceramics: Ceramics are a type of tile that can be used to create a modern look for shops with their beauty . Ceramic has high resistance and water and moisture absorption is low.
  • Stone: The stone facade is one of the popular modern facades in a variety of designs and colors, which creates a beautiful appearance for the shop architecture. Stone can be combined with other materials such as glass, composite, brick, wood, etc., to create an extremely stylish look.
  • Bricks: Bricks have a very high variety of colors, which create a minimal but lovely look for shops by artistically arranging them next to each other.
  • Composite: Composite is made of aluminum sheet which is designed in panels with specific dimensions. Aluminum composite sheet consists of two layers of aluminum sheet and one layer of polyethylene material. According to the thickness, the type of aluminum alloy of the layers, the type of color of the outer shell and the type of material in the middle layer, the aluminum composite sheet has a lot of variety that can be used in designing a modern and ideal style for the facade of shops.
  • Wood: Wood is one of the most beautiful materials that can be used in modern style. Natural wood is expensive, that’s why it is sometimes preferred to use its products and derivatives instead of such wood. Wooden products such as MDF, chipboard, etc. have a lower price and their appearance is similar to wood in different designs and colors that create a beautiful appearance.
  • GFRC: GFRC is a type of concrete reinforced with glass fibers, which has high tensile strength and has a variety of colors, and is used in the design of modern style shop facades.
  • Cement board: Cement board is a combination of cement and reinforcing fibers, which is used in the form of sheets of different thicknesses in the construction of modern facades.
  • Exposed concrete: Exposed concrete are prefabricated concrete panels that are placed on the final surface of the work, and then no other materials or coatings are used for the facade. The color of exposed concrete is light to dark gray or reddish brown, which is used in modern shop facades.
  • Cement: Sometimes it is preferred to use cement as a modern material in the facade of the shop. Cement can be used in its natural form and color or painted.


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Modern shop facade based on color

Colors play an important role in creating a modern style. Since simplicity is emphasized in modern style, it is recommended that colors be used in small variety or be selected from the same spectrum to create a beautiful harmony together. If there is a desire to use various colors in the modern facade of the shop, it is better to choose them in such a way that no special design is used inside it so as not to create too much crowd. Choosing the color is a matter of taste, in which the urban context, brand, type of goods and products are also taken care of in order to choose the most suitable one.

Each of the materials has its own color, which may be combined with each other to create several colors. Generally, in modern style, two materials are used next to each other or finally three materials so that the visual effect is preserved and harmony is not lost.

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نمای مدرن مغازه ویکتوریا سکرت

The use of lighting in the modern facade of the shop

Lighting is one of the most important design principles that can be used in storefronts. Facade lighting is more visible at night and attracts more attention from sunset onwards. The lighting should be in a way that does not bother the eyes and draws people’s attention to the name and inside the shop. Lighting makes the used materials better visible and creates a better effect.

اهمیت نورپردازی در نمای مدرن مغازه

The role of the sign in the modern facade of the shop

The shop sign shows the name and items inside the shop, which may also include the name of the branch, telephone number, etc. Since the head board is placed in the shop and in the modern style the emphasis is on simplicity, it is recommended to avoid cluttering it and inserting too much information. Lighting in shop signs can also be used.

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last word

The modern facade of the shop has a special place in marketing, therefore, many shopkeepers try to always be fashionable and apply the latest as the facade of the shop. By referring to the internet and decoration and design magazines, various ideas can be used to implement the modern look of the shops , and finally, help from experts and experts in this field.





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