Modern home renovation

Join us in this section to check the details of modern house renovation and describe the steps of modern house renovation .

بازسازی مدرن خانه: صفر تا صد مراحل و نکات مهم


List of topics

  • What is the characteristic of modern decoration?
  • What is modern home renovation?
  • Zero to hundred modern renovation of the house
  • Modern renovation of the house in the kitchen area
  • Modern renovation of the house in the bedroom area
  • Modern renovation of the house in the reception area
  • Modern renovation of the house in the toilet and bathroom
  • Modern reconstruction of the house in the facade
  • The cost of modern renovation of the house


Do you also want to make a fundamental change in your home environment?

These days, moving from one house to another is expensive and difficult. Sometimes the financial transfers of buying and selling a house also bring a lot of stress. But modern home remodeling is the best way you can think of to diversify. Modern home renovation is a practical idea that transforms your living space. Taking care of the beauty and visual appeal of the house makes you feel better about living in it. That’s why it’s important to know the basics of modern home remodeling and understand how it works to make these changes.

In the rest of this DIY article, we will examine everything you need to know about modern home renovation.

So be with us.


What is the characteristic of modern decoration?

ویژگی دکوراسیون مدرن چیست؟

Modern decoration is a style of decoration and design that emphasizes simplicity, smooth lines, and the use of modern materials and technologies to create a modern and stylish living space. In modern decoration, the emphasis on the principles of minimalism can be seen. Attention to simplicity is always a priority in modern style, and it can improve the shape and structure of spaces by reducing many elements in the interior of the spaces and using the least equipment and decorations. One of the important features of modern decoration is the use of straight and geometric lines. These lines create the least visual complexity and are regular. You can easily give a sense of order to the spaces in such spaces. Also, the use of modern materials such as leather, metal, glass and stone in decoration helps a lot to create stylish and modern beauty and visual appeal. Semi-dark or light colors create a special harmony with the internal and external components of the space, optimal lighting and the use of technology in everyday life. Paying attention to the important parameters in the design and implementation of this design will help you to create a pleasant, modern and stylish space intelligently and experience the pleasure of living in it.


What is modern home renovation?

بازسازی مدرن خانه چیست؟

Renovation is a zero to one hundred process in which we try to change the space we have according to specific principles and the needs we feel. The use of materials, destruction, design and implementation are all included in the reconstruction process. In renovating a house in a modern style, the use of modern and modern materials is one of the important features that you should pay attention to. For example, glass is used as one of the most used materials in modern house renovation. Concrete is another important material in this style. Wood and metal alone can implement modern style in the space. These materials not only add visual beauty and charm to your home, but also make the use of different parts more colorful. For example, a glass and wood partition can allow natural light to pass through. The use of Termwood provides the possibility of creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. Redesigning spaces provides you with various potentials. This aspect of modern home renovation, in addition to beauty, allows the owners to experience a more open and diverse space.

One of the important principles in renovating a house in a modern style is to remove extra items and decorations. In this style, simplicity and creating the least complexity and visual clutter is the most important parameter that is emphasized. Therefore, this renovation offers the owners a more open space by removing the extras and focusing on the aesthetics. This principle is especially important in modern residential environments. Also, in renovating the house in a modern style, careful separation between public and private spaces is considered. Although the dimensions of today’s houses do not allow such a thing, but in large spaces, attention to this option is also very colorful.

In general, renovating a house in a modern style by focusing on the use of new materials, removing extras and separating the spaces or enlarging a specific space with the intended use leads to a favorable result in modern renovating.


Zero to hundred modern renovation of the house

صفر تا صد بازسازی مدرن خانه

Renovating a house in a modern style is a comprehensive process that aims to update and revitalize the building and its interior space! In this way, you can add more facilities to the space, increase its visual appeal, act more fundamentally and design and implement pleasant spaces according to your wishes. In this section, we refer to the zero-to-hundred reconstruction of a modern house. So stay with us to know about this process.

  1. Interior Design: In the renovation process, you can revise the interior design. The modern house should be designed using simple lines, semi-dark or light colors and using modern materials such as wood, glass and metals. You can easily experience something more than a simple environment by creating the spaces you want, destroying and creating a wall or partition in the space.
  2. Open spaces: The modernity of a house requires the creation of open and attractive spaces where you can experience a special feeling. Zero to hundred modern home renovation allows you to remove extra spaces and try to experience an open environment with the least clutter of home appliances.
  3. Use of technology: The modernity of the house is mixed with the use of technology. The use of smart systems, closed-circuit cameras, smart lighting, special equipment and doors with digital locks are all attractive parts that you can consider in the renovation process for your home.
  4. Energy improvement: One of the things that many people don’t pay attention to in modern home renovation is reducing energy consumption and creating obstacles in the energy wastage of houses. You need to improve your home energy system in an environmentally friendly way as well as cost saving. It is a very good idea to use heat and sound insulation at home so that you can see the most effectiveness.
  5. Modern building materials: Using modern and advanced materials that are also ecologically sustainable can be an important part of space modifications. With the help of these modern materials, while creating a modern color and glaze in the space, you can experience a unique feeling.
  6. Simplicity and cleanliness: Modern design usually emphasizes the simplicity and cleanliness of the space. Reducing unnecessary components and simplifying the spaces in order to create a transparent and creative ecosystem is an important part of modern home renovation.
  7. Balance between spaces: Creating balance between spaces and optimal distribution of different spaces is also one of the features of modern style renovation. This section includes optimizing the distribution of rooms, creating open and private spaces along with balancing the light in all parts of the house.


Modern renovation of the house in the kitchen area

بازسازی مدرن خانه در قسمت آشپزخانه

In modern kitchen renovation, design principles go towards creating a more functional space. Stylish and more open design of the kitchen space by adding storage spaces in the cabinets is very important. One of the important principles is the use of modern materials such as steel, glass and stone with simple designs and smooth lines. Cabinets with semi-dark colors and unique designs are an important part of this renovation. The use of tiles between the cabinets with a modern and stylish design along with the modern hidden lighting of the kitchen and the use of a modern chandelier is a very attractive idea to make your living space look monotonous.


Modern renovation of the house in the bedroom area

بازسازی مدرن خانه در قسمت اتاق خواب

The principles of minimalism and focusing on smooth lines are used in the bedroom renovation in order to create a calm and stylish atmosphere. Materials such as wood with natural or semi-dark colors are used to design furniture and walls. The use of proper lighting and modern digital appliances known as modern chandeliers is also an important part of modern bedroom design principles. Choosing quality fabrics and calm colors in accordance with a specific color palette increases the visual beauty effect. Creating a special space for rest and using soft and comfortable materials for the bedroom is one of the principles of successful renovation of this part.


Modern renovation of the house in the reception area

بازسازی مدرن خانه در قسمت پذیرایی

Open and minimal design principles are used in the renovation of the reception area in order to create a social and friendly atmosphere with a modern identity. Using furniture with curved lines and practical comfortable furniture with beautiful colors is one of the important measures that will help you create a stylish and modern living room. The design of tables and accessory decorations with simple and stylish details leads to the creation of a unique atmosphere. Modern carpets and stone, ceramic or parquet floors are very pleasant in such an environment; Provided that you prioritize the harmony of color and design.


Modern renovation of the house in the toilet and bathroom

بازسازی مدرن خانه در قسمت سرویس بهداشتی و حمام

In bathroom renovation, everything depends on the dimensions! You should implement this design and renovation in such a way that you can intelligently have an attractive, calm and luxurious space with your intended use. The design of the toilet and bathroom should be completed by changing the flooring and wall covering. The use of modern and stylish faucets is useful in creating a pleasant atmosphere. In this way, you should move everything according to a desired harmony. The use of a shower cabin, a jacuzzi or a bathtub are common elements in this space, which you can add by having the right dimensions in the toilet and bathroom.


Modern reconstruction of the house in the facade

بازسازی مدرن خانه در قسمت نما

In the reconstruction of the facade, the principles of modern design are used in order to attract attention and create creativity in creating a different and beautiful house. The renovation of the facade is done only if all units agree on it. It is very desirable to use new materials such as glass and metal to create exciting and attractive structures. Paying attention to geometric lines and special designs allows you to experience a modern and stylish look. Remember that the lighting in the facade is very important. You can create an exciting identity at night with the help of lighting on the facade of the structure and enjoy it.


The cost of modern renovation of the house

هزینه بازسازی مدرن خانه

The cost of modern house renovation is affected by many factors. By knowing these factors, you can have a relative estimate in this regard and measure everything according to such principles. In this way, it becomes possible to experience a pleasant and stylish atmosphere at a reasonable cost.

  • Area and size of the building: The area and size of the building are considered as parameters involved in determining the cost of reconstruction. As the area increases, so do the costs, as more materials are required, more labor wages are required, and possibly an increase in the number of systems and equipment.
  • Wages and wages: The cost of reconstruction requires the wages and wages of various forces, including designers, engineers, specialist forces and workers. The level of expertise and experience of the people involved in the project can be influential. Also, the number of days it takes to rebuild also increases the cost.
  • Type of materials used: choosing high quality modern materials can increase the cost. For example, the use of stones, quality wood, glass with heat and sound insulation and modern lighting may increase the price.
  • Adding modern systems: Adding smart systems, air conditioning, heating and cooling, replacing infrastructure plumbing and renewable energy systems can increase the cost. But in the long run, this cost is an investment! Because you can definitely pay less fuel by reducing energy waste and it will benefit you.
  • Time of the project: The time of the project is also influential. If the project is done in less time, less labor and materials will be paid.
  • Market conditions: Fluctuations in the price of construction materials and the wage rate of labor may be influential. Changes in market conditions may increase or decrease the cost of renovations.
  • Implementation of structural changes: If the project requires major structural changes, the cost may increase due to the complexity and the need for further demolition and reconstruction.


last word

If you also love renovation and changes at home and are interested in modern style, read the details mentioned above. Knowing these details will help you to work smartly and follow the renovation process in the best possible way.

What is your advice for modern home renovation? Write your opinion.



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