Demolition Engineering Services

Demolition Engineering Services

Demolition Engineering Services

Demolition of the building, as the first stage of the construction operation, has many effects on the urban environment and is therefore very important. Demolition of the building can cause human and financial damage, as well as endanger the health of people related to the project and damage the surrounding environment. Hence, building demolition engineering is one of the important matters in construction projects.


The issue of building destruction in Tehran has not been specifically addressed and no guidelines have been prepared for it. Of course, there are scattered provisions for destruction in:


The twelfth topic of the National Building Regulations
Publication of general specifications of construction works of management organization
Regulations for the protection of construction workshops of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Iran’s current regulations on demolition




There is, but these cases mostly consider protection and safety during work and no discussion of the details of the demolition method has been stated, while in most of the advanced countries of the world, in addition to safety issues, the environmental effects of demolition are considered to ensure the comfort of citizens. It has compiled regulations.


Fortunately, the country’s engineering community is witnessing measures such as proposing the qualification of demolition for civil engineering in the engineering system organization, holding a national conference on demolition engineering in the construction industry, and the necessity of preparing building demolition criteria and instructions from the trustees of this important matter.


Considering that the big cities of Iran are middle-aged and need to be renovated and rejuvenated, therefore, the demolition of the building should be looked at in a more professional way. Those who work in this profession usually learned this work experimentally and have the ability to demolish shanty buildings and are inexperienced and unable to deal with high-rise buildings.


Preparations before the demolition operation


Before starting the work for the demolition of the building, an engineering review should be done by a competent person to determine the conditions of the floor of the walls, frames, skeleton and the possibility of unplanned damage of the building parts. Also check the neighboring buildings.

Destruction of the structure


The employer must have a permit for demolition operations.

Before the demolition operation, all water, gas, and electricity branches must be collected.

If it is necessary to establish a water and electricity branch during the demolition operation, these branches must be temporarily established and protected.

The risk of shattering and breaking the glass should be eliminated wherever it exists.

Demolition operations should start from the highest point of the building and surrounding walls and proceed downwards.

Before starting the demolition of the surrounding walls and the floor of the lower floor, the debris of each of the walls and floors of the upper floors must be removed.

Only stairs, walkways and ladders that are assigned to access the building structure should be used.

All stairs, walkways and ladders used must be regularly inspected to ensure they are kept in a safe and sound condition.

Metal or wooden channels for conveying garbage at an angle of more than 45 degrees must be completely enclosed.

When demolition operations are not in progress, the area around the discharge opening should be kept securely closed.


Some of the protective regulations of construction workshops regarding building demolition engineering


According to the twelfth topic of the national building regulations “Safety and protection of work during execution”, any action that requires the separation of materials from the building in order to remove, renovate, repair, restore and restore all or part of the building is called demolition.

Demolition operation is the first and most sensitive part of the implementation steps in many construction activities.

The twelfth topic of the national building regulations “Safety and protection of work during execution”


Article 198: Demolition operations must start from the highest part or floor and end at the lowest part or floor, except in special cases where demolition is carried out at once and the use of explosives in the foundation and remotely, observing all relevant precautions and safety regulations. And obtaining the necessary permits can be done either by pulling with a cable and overturning, or by striking with swinging weights.


Article 202: Demolition of parts of the building that cause sudden destruction and collapse of other parts of the building must be prevented.


Article 192: Before the demolition operation starts, a careful visit must be made to all parts of the building under demolition, and if there are dangerous and fallible parts, precautionary measures such as installing candles, shields, barriers, and temporary columns for Control those parts.

Prevent environmental pollution


Necessary items in building demolition


In the demolition of any type of building, the demolition contractor must be insured in the field of unforeseen accidents and accidents, and in order to prevent noise and environmental pollution, a time limit must be considered for doing the work.

Experienced workers should be employed in demolition operations and competent persons should supervise their work.

Other people, including operators of related machinery and equipment, must have sufficient experience in demolition work and perform the operation under the supervision of competent persons.

The introduction of horizontal pressures from the accumulation of materials and wastes from demolition near the walls should be prevented.


Demolition stages of dilapidated buildings


Request to cut gas, water and electricity branches
Opening faucets and electrical and mechanical equipment including: water heater, package, water cooler, gas cooler, bathroom and kitchen fans, hood, kitchen cabinets and sink, sink, dishwasher, fireplace stove, table gas, opening lamps. , unlocking sockets and chandeliers and bubble lights inside and outside the building, pulling out electrical wires

rose roofing 

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