What is excavation? (excavation)

What is excavation? (excavation)

What is excavation? (excavation)

rose roofing: Excavation is one of the basic principles of construction, which is done in order to prepare the foundation of the building. Excavation and excavation of a building is one of the most important, complex and sensitive stages of construction. Lack of familiarity with the principles and negligence in doing it can bring many risks.



The purpose of building excavation is to remove soil materials, gravel, sand, rubble, etc., in order to create a uniform surface, slope and prepare the foundation of the building, communication ways and soil supply. The implementation of the operation is according to the existing lines and levels presented in the executive maps and based on the instructions of the monitoring device.


The important point is not to expose the excavated surfaces to atmospheric factors and rain for more than 72 hours. If, for any reason, the executive operation is not carried out after excavation, it is necessary to control the previous layers, correct and level them, as well as adjust the work surface.


Regulating the bare surface is a step that is performed simultaneously with the excavation operation. If the duration of the implementation of other steps is prolonged, the contractor is obliged to re-prepare the soil bed under the supervision of the relevant device.


What should be considered during the excavation operation is the absence of additional excavation and as a result the destruction of floor and wall materials. The importance of this is twofold in the parts where concreting takes place.


The type of soil at the project location can influence how to use and deploy the appropriate machinery and methods to complete the project. One of the operations that must be done before the excavation is the construction of a channel for pipe installation. Excavation operations for this purpose must be done according to the map and specific figures.


Excavation of the building
Excavation execution steps


Soil preparation and foundation
Preparing the street bed
embankment materials
Modification of materials
Preparation of embankment bed
Excavation execution steps


Soil preparation and foundation


What should be done first for the infrastructure and bed preparation is the execution of excavation operations based on the executive plans. Excavation operations should continue until the ground reaches sufficient resistance. If an embankment is needed to reach the desired level, first of all, plant soil should be removed to the required depth and then the embankment operation should be carried out. What is important in the implementation of excavation is not to exceed the embankment layer by more than 10 cm and to pay attention to the horizontal slope of the surface to prevent the accumulation of surface water.


Preparation of the street bed


Before carrying out the street infrastructure, earth operations should be carried out up to the level specified in the executive plans. If it is necessary to fill the soil to reach the desired level, after harvesting the vegetable soil, the soil must be filled using the soil obtained from the excavation operation or suitable borrowed soil, in layers with a maximum thickness of 15 cm.


If, due to the poor quality of the local soil, the monitoring body issues an order to excavate more than the desired level, the excavated area must be filled and prepared with suitable materials until the desired level. If the street bed passes through stone paths, in order to reach a smooth and resistant surface, the street surface should be filled and prepared with sand or suitable materials.


Earthwork materials


In the supply of building materials, the materials obtained from digging and excavating are used. The monitoring device must monitor the soil that is used for this purpose. The soil that is used for this purpose is classified into two groups: coarse-grained and fine-grained soils.


All chalky, salty, vegetable, muddy, swelling, shrinkable agricultural soils, soils with organic matter and plants are among the low-quality and unsuitable soils that should be avoided. Determining the quality of soil suitable for embankment is done by the employer’s monitoring and approval system.


Suitable soils are used for all types of embankments, including embankments at the site of structures, access roads, filling behind walls, around the foundations of buildings, technical buildings, site facilities, water and sewage pipes and cabling. In exceptional cases and in small works, the back of the walls and technical structures can be filled and modified with other suitable materials, such as thin concrete and limestone.


Modification of materials


If the soil left over from excavation and excavation does not have good resistance, it should be modified, in which case soils such as clay and approved materials are used for embankment. At first, the soil obtained from excavation should be used for embankment operations, and in case of soil shortage, loan resources can be used.


The use of clay with a high swelling percentage for the purpose of embankment under the foundation or floor of buildings is not allowed in any way. If swelling clay is used due to the lack of suitable soil, the humidity can be considered 1 to 2% higher than the optimal humidity. Lime can be used to reduce the pastiness of these soils.


In addition to controlling the plasticity of clay, adding lime will increase the efficiency of silt and clay with a moisture percentage higher than the optimum moisture content. Decreasing free soil water while dewatering lime will improve soil resistance. If the bearing capacity of the desired soil is high, using Portland cement or adding lime also helps to improve the bearing capacity of the soil. The amount and method of mixing and the way of execution of the work must be notified to the contractor by the monitoring device.

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