What is excavation? (excavation)

What is excavation? (excavation)

A comprehensive guide for architects

rose roofing: Architecture, defining architecture or examining its different dimensions are topics that seem difficult and impossible to deal with in one article. But in this section of the articles of the Institute of Architects, we have tried to examine the main and basic issues.

We examine the most important questions related to architecture with questions such as What is architecture?, the meaning and definition of architecture in one sentence, the meaning of architecture, types of architecture and architecture from the point of view of the world’s leading theorists and architects, while investigating and answering them to such things as who is an architect and what is his role, career path of architecture, workplace We have paid architecture and architectural rights and income.




What is architecture?
Definition of architecture
Definition of architecture from the point of view of theorists and the most famous architects
Types of architecture
Who is the architect?
The role and responsibility of the architect
Architecture job
career path (main branches)
What are the skills required for a successful architect?
Architectural design process
How is the architecture workplace?
Architecture salary and income
What is architecture?

Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and other physical structures. A broader definition often includes the design of the entire built environment from the macro level of urban planning, urban design and landscape to the micro level of detail ie construction and sometimes furniture. The term “architecture” is also used for the profession of providing architectural services.


Architectural design is primarily guided by using creative skills on mass, space, volume, texture, light, shadow, materials and program, and in order to achieve a beautiful, functional and often artistic goal, from realistic elements such as cost, construction and Technology is used. In this way, the process of architecture is distinguished from engineering design, which is based on the creative application of mathematical and scientific principles.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach in architecture, each building project must respond to its very unique context: site, climate, social issues, budget and materials.

Buildings must also be able to age well, adapt to changing conditions, and be flexible enough for different uses. They must also be made sustainable in terms of the materials used during construction and the energy resources required for operation.

Architecture is the structural realization of a particular concept or idea. This idea can be about construction, or how people use a building, or how the building fits into the physical or social landscape.

Architecture is part art and part science. As an art, it gives us a way to express creativity and allows society to observe, create and shape its environment and living space in a different and unique way. Also, as a science, it includes our functional needs and provides us with a suitable and comfortable living space and environment.

We also believe that the third and neglected part of architecture is business.An architectural business deals with concepts such as management, strategy, marketing, human resources, accounting, and financial management, which we have included in the order of studying related topics at the end of the article.


Definition of architecture

Architecture is the professional design of buildings, public space, communities and other buildings and artificial environments, considering its aesthetic effect. Architecture often involves the design or selection of furniture and interior decoration, the supervision of construction work, and the review, restoration, or renovation of existing buildings.

Architecture is a passion, a profession, a calling – as well as a science and a business. Architecture has been described as a social art as well as an artistic science. And it must have the highest design quality. Architecture, according to Marcus Vitruvius [1], the great Roman architect and historian, “is the result of stability, usefulness and pleasure”.




Definition of architecture from the point of view of theorists and the most famous architects

Because architecture is a highly subjective discipline, it means something different to every architect. It is not bad to define architecture in the language of famous and influential architects.




Architecture is the starting point for anyone who wants to lead humanity to a better future.

Le Corbusier

Architecture is a dangerous mixture of absolute power and impotence… Incoherence and accident are what keep all architects alive. They are faced with arbitrary and vague requests and parameters in different countries that they had no part in forming and are expected to provide solutions to existing problems that are insoluble for highly trained brains! By definition, architecture is a chaotic adventure. There is no specific context that creates architecture, but it is an interrelationship of many activities that are integrated in such a way that it cannot be determined.

Rome Koolhaas

In general, art as well as architecture is a reflection of the spiritual condition of man in his time.

Mathias Gorits

Architecture is a different way of seeing, thinking and questioning the world and our place in it.

Tom Mayne

Architecture is the art of making sure our buildings match the way we live: the process of society manifesting itself in the physical world.

Bring on Ingles

Architecture is one of the most powerful works that man can imagine.

Ben Van Berkle and Carolyn Bass

Architecture is the truest expression of values ​​and quotations; The way we build reflects the way we live.

Norman Foster


Architecture is a small piece in this human equation. However, for those of us in this profession, we believe that this profession has the potential to create change, enrich the human experience, break down barriers of misunderstanding, and create a beautiful backdrop for all walks of life.

Frank Gray

Types of architecture

Architecture is formed to meet the needs of an individual or group

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